
Sunday 17 June 2012

Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog We 3 Doxies!

Nominated by last week’s guest blogger Declan’s Dog Blog!

Poop Happens or Does It?????

Welcome to anudder installment of "In Da Life Of Puddles"...starrin' Me, Puddles


Sorry, mum says I is bein' a drama queen...whatevers.

I was ridin' along in my automobile (to da vet's office)...hmmm, dat oughta be song.
Anyways, we ain't allowed to sit in da front seat when mum is drivin' so we has to sit in da back seat.
Wells all of a sudden I was possesessed by da poop monster and jumped in mum's lap and guess what I did?

Heres, I tooks da liberty of drawing ya'll a pikture whiles I was in da waitin' room so you could see.

Poor mum didn't knows whethers to laugh, cry, or vomit.
Hers did all three except fur laugh.

We finally made it to da vet's office and mum hads to go in withs Puddles poop all overs her...bwhahahahaha...sorry but I has to laugh.
Ahem, okays, so I still hads to cares of my bidness ALL overs their floor.

Then they tooks me back to da Evil Chamber where da crazy vet tech lady attempted to takes my temperture and I was all likes "Woman, don't you knows my butt hurts????" Hers obviously didn't cares cuz her done it anyways. I not has a fever.

Vet man (not my usual vet dat knows where I lives) comes in and tests me furs intestinal parasites. Well dat cames back negative...duh, cuz I was poisoned. Then he gaves me a big ginormous shot and ya'll it HURT liked da dickens. Dat was da furstest time I has EVERS jumped outta my skin from a shot.

Well da vet man starts blabbin'to mum dat me almost dyin' could be a number of things and dat it was just real difficult to pin point. He said I could has gotten into sumptin' (doubtful), could be a virus but him didn't think it was dat cuz I didn't has a fever, OR da neighbor's could has very well thrown sumptin overs da fence poisoned me. And there is a reason they would has...they don't likes us.

Well by dis time my poop had turned to nuttin' but blood.
I pooped blood...OMD!
It was grody lemme just tells ya'll.
I thoughts mum was gonna pass out.

We was sent home withs more medications, sumptin' to coat my gut and to keeps me from dehydratin', and some charcoal stuffs, and then some suffs furs da vomitting.
Others than alls dat I feels purty good...NOT!

Soooooo, dat was my trip t da vet and so very much apologize furs talkin' bouts my poops but I just thought ya'll should knows what happened yesterday and please continue withs your hilarious comments cuz da Puddles do needs a laugh today and lawd help, mum sure could use a laugh.

Oh and mum stayed on da couch woths me and Albert last night and hers didn't gets much sleep cuz I kept kicking her her was worried so we may be running late commenting...her is exhausted.

And Albert is doing way betters than me.

And I leaves ya'll withs a foto of my better times when I wasn't poisoned.

Puddles...thanks fur all your well wishes, I greatly appreciate it.

About 3 Doxies

You can find The 3 Doxies at the link below!

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together and Happy Farther’s Day to all Daddies!

From the author Molly The Wally


  1. We just love hearing all about Puddles hilarious exploits! She never fails to get mum screeching and cackling like a witch (imagine that, he he).
    We would like to thank her mum for putting up with all of her Sh*t - literally and figuratively!
    We love you Pud!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Bridge and Elliot , what can I say to such a well put comment but ditto to Pud's mum! Hope you are also having a nice Sunny Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Oh Poor Puddle's Mummy... I hope you're all feeling better now.

    1. Hi Yogi , I'm sure Puddle's mummy appreciates your sympathy! Have great Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. OH DEAR......EMPOISONNÉ??? Le pauvre petit.....GOOD GOLLY MIZ MOLLY, I sure hope you have no enemies that would throw you a bad bone! Keep vigilant and let mum check your food first!!!! Oh dear, what a mean thing to do...if that is the case!!!! HAPPY FATHERS' DAY TO ALL YOU OUT THERE IN THE UK!!! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , I had a similar problem when I first ate pork , resulted in medication but the good bit was I got chicken and rice for ten days. Result , I ate better than my human. Happy Daddy's Day to you too.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Hi, The poor sausage and poooor mummy. Hope Puddles is feeling better ( will pop over to see :)I got the real bad poops once, like you ,I was treated like a Princess chicken n rice.
    Big Licks Mollie and Fur ball x

    1. Hi Mollie , now you have given me an ides , as I haven't had chicken n rice in ages. Just churning up some thoughts now on how to appear to have the terrible tummies without actually really having it. Off to try and dupe my human which shouldn't be too hard.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. I remember when this happened. Poor poor Puddles. I am glad she is all betters. I don't know what I'd do without my Puddles. Happy Father's Day.

    1. Hi Goose we laughed so much but on the other hand we felt for both Puddles and mum. We really dug the illustrations and can't wait to see Puddles drawing of her peeples at the Blogville Olympics.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Oh my goodness. I sure hope you are feeling much better as I post this comment. Indy has had that bloody diahrrea several times in the past (his autoimmune issues) and it is horrible for everybody! Get well soon!

    Critter Alley

    1. Hi guys at Critter Alley , that was an old post nominated by Deccy and we can confirm that Puddles made a full recovery and mum was OK too. Hope Indy is OK now. Have a happy Sunday.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Oh no! This is terrible! We hope you are feeling MUCH better today. And your poor mom, we bet she had a crappy day too!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Hi Murphy Puddles is OK and mum too , but that just cracked me up . thought of mum having a crappy day , funny! Have a good Monday now!
      Best wishes Mollu

  8. Hello Molly, I'm very happy to read that you have recovered yourself! I can believe that your mum didn't laughed so much, but for us it is a really funny story. I must confess I laughed very much. At the same time I'm sorry for you and your mum, but fortunately it's all over now!
    Nice regards

    1. Arno , all is well and we thank you for popping over. We wish you a good Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. I very well remembers that Puddles Posting. Seriously???? How could one evers forgets!

    Happy Father's Day everyone!

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle , we hope you had a great Daddy's day and wishing you a good Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Oh the poor baby! We're glad Puddles have made a full recovery and Mommy feels a whole lot better. What a stinker!

    1. Hi Furries ,a stinker indeed. We hope you had a good Daddy's day and that your Monday got off to a good start!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. LOVE this post. It makes us laugh and laugh.


    1. Hi Nora we know what you mean , torn between laughing and yet feeling sorry for mummy! Have a good Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Molly? No offense, but I don't usually respond to posts about doggy pooping because it reminds me one time of getting very sick. I feel so sorry for a dog that gets so sick, it makes me sad.


    1. Stella , don't worry Puddles is OK now and so is mum. We understand how you feel as many of us have been there too! Happy Monday to you!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Hi Molly - thanks for sharing that update about ur sweet doxie friend. Leo and I wish him a speedy recovery and a happy Sunday to all. X

    1. Hi Ali , we hope you and Leo had a good Daddy's day and that the start of the week is a good one for you both!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Puddles life is full of very "interesting" episodes!
    I love her a lot!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza , You are right , Puddles is always up to something. Have a Happy Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Hehehehe...thank you so much furs dis Molly! My mum was cacklin' thinkin' back when dis happened. She is so not surprised when anything happens to me nows.
    Thanks furs letting me be a guest n your bloggie!!!! You is awesome my furiend.


    1. Hi Puddles , I should have put a footnote to say you were OK as everybody has been asking how you are? Hey nice to know all these people care about you and your mum! Please send me your nomination for this weeks 'Share It Sunday' and it was a pleasure to highlight your plight.
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Replies
    1. I think Puddles may have a good chance for gold in the 'draw my peebles' event in the Blogville Olympics!
      Best wishes Molly

  17. Oh, gosh! How terrible. It's so frustrating when they can't figure out what it is.

    1. Hi Michelle and Toby , just to let you know Puddles was OK and back to her usual naughty self. Thanks for popping by!
      Best wishes Molly
