
Thursday 14 June 2012

Hog Blog , Clash of the Cornettos!

Molly The Wally Takes a look at the Ice Cream Wars.

Ice Cream Wars, Mr Whippy has a hissy fit.

A ‘Cold War’ had broken out between two ice cream vendors after one tried to muscle in on another ones’ patch in Blackburn. The pair came to blows when one of the men told a queue of children that his ‘99' with a flake, was tastier and cheaper than those of his rival. The flakey flake throwing duo were going at it with ‘Magnum’ force. The turf war twits then displayed a bad case of potty mouth which ended in Mr.Yummy smashing the window of the ice-cream van belonging to Mr.Whippy. It brings a whole new meaning to the saying, ‘I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream’! Can you imagine the frosty reception this daft pair got when they had to explain to Mrs. Whippy and Mrs. Yummy why they had trashed vans? Less chilling out, more freezing out in outer Siberia. Police have now launched an investigation after receiving complaints from both ice cream sellers. My sources at Molly Media have informed me that the London Metropolitan Police Force has come up against ‘Walls’ of silence as to who threw the first ‘Popsicle’! We will keep you informed of any forensic developments from the deep freeze!


  1. O.M.G. Seriously? In front of The Children? Boys will be boys, I supposed, but over a popsicle? Please keep us posted on late-breaking updates!

    1. Hi Pibble again , I will keep you posted on this momentous event but I fear due the seriousness of these chilling revelations any developments maybe put on ice!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. This is hilarious! Over ice cream!? Those dudes should have stuffed themselves with ice cream to cool off.

    1. Hi Furries , funny that getting all hot and bothered over the ice cream and you are so right they just should have eaten the stuff and mellowed! Have a nice day!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Oh dear me, I shouldn't laugh but your post made us chuckle! We always say 'I scream, you scream, we all scream' so we had a bit of a chuckle when we read your very witty post! Keep us posted - let's hope the chill thaws soon!



    1. Hi Groucho don't think the chill will thaw anytime soon , it will probably end up in up in court or via a duel cornettos at dawn! Have a great day!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. This is another reason I'm glad I am lactose intolerant.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

    1. Hi Shelle and gang , I'd forgotten we are supposed to be lactose intolerant but I do a little dairy from time to time. Hope you are having a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Muffin and I are coming over to help out with the dispute. We're gonna eat all the ice cream from both vendors. Then they'll have nothing to bi*ch about!

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle, wait for me and I'll join you. I want the flakes and you can have the ice cream. Jump on my back and I'll toss you through the window and we can open the door sneak in and have a real fun time,,,,burb!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Hi Molly,
    I forgot to tell you to check out my blog because Mommy gave you an award!

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle , that is so kind and I will pop over to get it in a mo. Thank you , I am very touched.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. YOU again, have made me laugh out loud here and I vote you BEST REPORTER on either side of the great pond that divides us!!!!

    WHAT A STORY!!!!!!!!!! Anita

    1. Hi Anita , thank you for your kind comment , so now my aim is to be best reporter in the world!!!!!Conquered between the ponds and now going for global domination. I'm gearing up for it as we speak. Hope your day is good.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Happens around here all the time! We quite often see a fight breaking out between Mr Greensleeves & Mr Match of the Day Theme Tune! Deccy x

    1. Oh Deccy , you crack me up no end. Do they amp up the speakers and fight it out? Poor locals! Hope you are have a good day?
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Hi Molly - I found out about you and had to stop by! WHAT an exciting neighborhood you live's been awhile since we've seen any ice cream trucks with their fancy music come by in rural MONTANA! Two at the same time likely would cause an uproar like you witnessed. oh my goodness. I will be back for more updates on this one....and all the other neighborhood big city stuff! very excitin'

    1. Hi Scrappy , welcome and we hope you will pop by as you never know what's going to be featured next as neither do I. Rural Montana sounds blissful. We will be reading your posts with interest.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Wow, really? Good thing that doesn't happen in our country. We have ice cream bicycles rather than trucks so any form of collision can probably be resolved by a shrug.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    1. Haopee , how are you? It's all happening over hear , must be something to do with three month of nearly endless rain , it's rotted the brain! Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. Hi Molly, I'm really surprised!!! I tought such incredible thing happened only in Italy!!!!!!
    I am waiting for other news from Grat Britain!!!!

    Ciao dall Italia

    1. Hi Cosimo , you never know what's going to happen in go 'Good Old Blighty', we are a nation of eccentrics! We take the matter of the '99 ice cream' very seriously. I liked Deccy's idea that they should had a play off of the awful tunes they play to tell the kids they have arrived.
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Oh, Fudge-sicle! wonder what happened to all the Bomb pops?


    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Hi Op Pack , that's funny , I had visions of Benny Hill as Ernie (fastest milk-man in the west)having the big fight with his arch enemy Two-Ton Ted from Teddington! Hope your day is good!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. by the way dear Molly, I have senn that you have become a follower of the blog of MY BEST FRIEND Arno, Arnino!!!!! Well done!!!!

    Ciao Cosimo

    1. Hi Cosimo and I shamefully tried to multi-task which led me to muddle you both up. Opps but no harm done. Ciao!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what a COOL story this is! BWAR HAR HAR. Okay, well, it's obvious that these peeps have had a temper tandrum, but I agree with Lily that all of the neighborhood kids and pooches should eat up that evidence right away.
    Everyone will have very sticky paws, but full tummies! BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

    1. Hi Sarge , I agree to , can't imagine how bad the insult trading got before fisty cuffs were involved. I don't know how the police kept a straight face. Hope you had a good Fursday!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Molly this is HYSTERICAL... the thingys these PEEPS will do!!!

    1. Hi guys and thank you and don't forget if you need help with Olympics just ask and I'll see if I can do!
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Molly, you are hilarious! Mum was laughing her head off reading this. You could imagine this scene right out of a comedy film!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Bridge and Elliot , I know , it's straight out of one of those old sitcoms! Someone should have opened a book and started taking bets!
      Best wishes Molly

  17. I wish they'd come smash the ice cream truck that drives through our neighborhood. SO LOUD!


    1. Hi Nora , I have posted bail for both miscreants and they are headed your way armed and dangerous ready to smash up your ice cream truck and steal his round! It will be endless playing of 'Greensleeves' from now on!
      Best wishes Molly

  18. Hi Molly
    Dog gone! I thought I had commentaried on your blog before! Sorry. Anyhow. . . I loves loves loves ICE CREAM! And FROZEN YOGURT! And FROZEN PEAS! and . .. you get my drift.
    Love Noodles

    1. Hi Noodles , it's all a social whirl is this blogging so no worries chum! Frozen peas now that's one that sound interesting but I don't do green but I get your drift as me it's frozen prawns!!!
      best wishes Molly

  19. Replies
    1. Brad you are so kind pal, have a very good furryday tomorrow.
      Best wishes Molly

  20. Wouldn't it be a good idea to seek out a film maker and get him to tell this story, Molly. You could be the Executive Producer and make sure everything got told just as it happened. Might have to start out a documentary, but who knows what that could lead to.

    Stella of Jo's World

    1. Stella of Jo's World , now you are talking , funny Saturday we have guest reporter Quentin Tourettetinno with his top ten list of ????, you have to wait to find out what ? is. Maybe I can get some tips about editing the footage of the 'Cornettos at dawn'. I am feeling a docu-drana coming on!
      Best wishes Molly

  21. Replies
    1. Me too Keisha , lets go on a raid! Hope you have a great Friday!
      Best wishes Molly

  22. I can imagine the whole episode!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza , bet you don't have such silliness in the home of ice-cream? Wishing you a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  23. Replies
    1. Hi Nola , lovely to see you and we hope you are feeling better?
      Best wishes Molly
