
Wednesday 13 June 2012

Flog It Blog It, If the price is right?

Molly The Wallys' Ming Bowl!

Ming Bowl sells at auction for £1.6M.

A Ming bowl bought for just £65 sells at auction for more than £1.6m. Frenzied bidding from China sent the 10in-diameter rice bowl smashing through its £20,000 estimate, before it eventually went under the hammer for 84 times what was expected. Golly gosh, with that news I skidded into the kitchen at full speed and went to check out my dinner bowl. Low and behold on the underneath were those magic words, ‘Made in China’. I took some professional photographs and loaded them immediately onto EBay for the starting price of £1m. Description read, rare ‘Chinese Minging Bowl’ decorated with Dogs of Poo foot prints. Lice (Chinese for rice) bowl made in the reign of The Emperor Ping Pong. Hand painted and fired in a kiln in the far off province of Wong Tong. For sale, low asking price, bid now. Sadly no Ming ker-ching for me, currently no bids! I am using my powers of positive thought but I am sadly getting brain ache! Better get back to watching the ‘Antiques Roadshow’ and have you a treasured item to sell?


  1. Hi, my names Mollie, I'm new to this blogging but I am loving it. I'm meeting lots of new furry friends. My bowls pretty much like yours, perhaps mines the real one :).Perhaps you would like to be my friend too and visit me at my blogs a bit plain Jane at the moment I'm learning and working on it.
    Wooffy hugs and waggy tails Mollie and my mum Stella x

    1. Hi Mollie , welcome and same name same bowls , spooky. I will pop over and take a gander. Have fun with your blog and if you need help there's plenty of guys who will gladly help. Why not join in on the Bogville fun and make some friends.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Don't loose your faith, Molly, you have a very beautiful bowl and perhaps you'll find someone interested in it!! Good luck!! Mine is not so nice like yours, but I'm thinking about to try to sell it too!!
    Lot of regards from Germany

    1. Hi Cosimo my tri-lingual friend , Whack it on eBay and see what it's worth , you may get some goodies in exchange? Then pretend you have lost it and when your human buys you a new one you can sell that too. Might be a nice little business? Hope all is well in Germany?
      Best wishes Molly

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My dear Molly,
      I'm a really good friend of Cosimo, he is my pupil, even if I live in Germany and he does not, but our human mums are old school mates, so we keep us in contact. Actually it was through Cosimo that I first heard of you and he told me, I must read it. And so I did. He was right!! Me and my mum love your stories!
      I think I'going to try this thing on e-bay, goodies sound very interesting to me!
      See you soon at this place

    2. Hi Arno Arnino
      I am so sorry I muddled you and Cosimo up , I don't know how I did that , must have been checking my eBay and blogging at the same time! Smack me paws for that. I did you just pop over and now you are my bi or is it tri lingual friend? Thank you for your kind comments and we are glad you are enjoying the sea!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Maybe you need to check out your water bowl! LOL!

    1. Bassetmomma , just going to do that right now , do you think it might be silver? Hope you are having a good day!
      best wishes Molly

  5. Your bowl is much nicer than ours, Molly. We have plain old stainless steel - we know we would never get rich trying to auction them:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Hi The Op Pack , arghhh but with the price of scrap metal you never know guys! Sadly still no bidders but trying the positive thoughts thingy again. What's the time in China?
      Best wishes Molly

  6. ROFL... Whodathunk that you'd have a gin-u-wine Mingaling bowl right there... Perhaps you should contact Sotheby's instead? They handle all those fancy-smancy auctions... ebay might have been big on the NASCAR plasticware that day.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby

    1. Hi gang , I will send pics of gin-u-wine Minging bowl to Sotheby's expert on ching-chong ceramics , Henry Sandon , I'm sure he will be very impressed. Thank you for the top tip!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Good golly MIZ MOLLY, at least you tried dear one! You are soooo hilarious.....

    1. Hi Anita not a quid or a bid so far!!! I think my sale has been sabotaged by that feline next door. The cat has probably hacked into my account and deleted my bids. Just sending an email to eBay to complain. Hope you are having a good day.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Sorry that you haven't gotten any bids yet. If you sell it, what will you eat your dinner in?

    1. Hi Guys , huh that's easy off the butler of course , he he! My eBay is strangely quiet so I am starring at the screen and doing the positive thinking thing again. Been trying it all day with no luck so far!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Replies
    1. Hey Nora you obviously do not understand the seriousness of my latest make a quid from a bid money making venture. My bowl is unique I'll have you know and I wouldn't believe a word that Mollie posted. Hers' is just a cheap imitation whilst mine is the real thing. It even has made in china on it pal!
      Best wishes Molly

  10. How do you come up with all this hilarious stuff?! So funny! Thanks for the laugh!

    1. Taryn how could you, this is serious stuff. Are you saying that my serious , news breaking scoops and insightful insights and musings are funny? I will have you know that Molly Media is dedicated to bringing you the news first, so you are informed and tuned-in doglets and this is a serious life dedicating profession!
      Best wishes Molly

  11. By golly Miss Molly I thinks you is on to sumptin...but I be withs Milo and Dixie...try Sotheby's cuz them crazies are into da more refined anti-Qs.

    YYou is more than welcome to do what you needs withs my postie..hehehehe.
    Was it da one when I was "poisoned"?

    1. Hi 3 Doxies , I have sent my pictures of my minging bowl but have not had a reply yet! I think it is rare they are having to do a bit of research on it. In the meantime I have hidden under the bed so no one can steal it.
      Yes 'poisoned' it is!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. I haff a question regarding yeur listed item. Iss it empty or... FULL?

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

    PS Yeu are a stitch.

    1. Little Reufus , for you I'll make sure it's full to the brim of succulent Kobi beef and that's gonna be a bargain at £1m. Thank you for your comment.
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Oh to find one of those bowls! Hope there is some idiot there on Ebay who buys your bowl for one million squid - our idiot of a mother has bought enough crap from there in her time!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Bridge and Elliot , don't worry my human has also bought enough rubbish to fill a cargo ship from eBay and still hasn't learnt. I make it my mission to destroy all the tat. Still no bids and still blaming the Saboteur cat!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. I like my drinky dish. I has wawa after I go walkies. :)

    1. Hi Keisha , I like my bowl too but if there is a quid for a bid , a doglet has gotta do what a doglet has gotta do for the bone money!
      Best wishes Molly

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  16. Hello dear Molly,

    I love your bowl, i hope you can sell it very soon :)
    Have a nice day.
    Woof, woof,


    1. Chicco my friend are you all ok? We still worry about the earthquake and all that has happened to your lovely town. If my bowl is verified by the auction houses ,I'd send the proceeds to all your poor folk in a blink of an eye. Take care friend.
      Best wishes Molly

  17. I'm afraid we have no treasures buried in the basement.

    Critter Alley

    1. Hey you critters bet you are wrong, go scout around you may be amazed what you can find. I've just found two chewed tennis ball , one squiggle without stuffing and an old sock. Just loading them onto eBay as we speak. Must be a buck there wish us luck!
      Best wishes Molly

  18. wow!
    I wonder if my food bowl would have the same value!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorenza , with all those wonderful artists you have in your country , I'd check out that bowl , you never know , it could be a long lost masterpiece of ceramic design?
      Best wishes Molly

  19. I love Antiques Roadshow! My grandma went to that show when they came to Chicago. Unfortunately, the lines were so long she didn't get to meet with the experts.

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi Pip , sorry to hear that your poor grandma never got to meet the experts! I can understand it can be quite daunting when the queues are so long. Hope you have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  20. Oh, we're relegated to stainless steel food bowls. So sad and practical. But our water bowls, strategically placed throughout the house and outdoors, are ceramic!

    1. Hi Pibbles , hah you never know they may really be silver! As for the water bowls I'd go check them out, you maybe sitting on a goldmine! Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  21. Replies
    1. Hi Lumie and Saber , nice to see you and look forward to the next episode of the life of Saber.
      Best wishes Molly

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. It's hard for me to think of why this hasn't been bid for... Of course it's worth 1 000 000!

    1. Hi gang and thank you! Unfortunately there is no accounting for taste , good or bad. The plebs just don't appreciate the age and beauty of the object. Ho-hum we live in hope. Have a great Friday!
      Best wishes Molly
