
Tuesday 12 June 2012

Bark from the park, my bottle is half full!

Molly The Wally with water bottle.

Optimists have better luck!

Optimists usually win, according to researchers recently. People who look on the bright side can hypnotise themselves to overcome challenges. Simply anticipating something good can gear up hidden circuits in the brain to drive you towards it. Good thoughts bring good outcomes. Are you a bowl half empty kind of dog or a bowl half full? Is your bowl neither as there’s never anything left in it? Do you stare at your human, whilst sitting by the snack jar just willing them to open it? Do you stare at your human praying they won’t put the last fork full of food in their mouths and give it to you instead? Well if you don’t succeed, it’s just down to the lack of positive thinking. Send out those vibes and whatever you wish for will be yours. World peace, a pigs ear treat, three walks a day or just simply intergalactic harmony, it’s only a thought away. Just off to hypnotise myself into to winning the lottery! What are you off to hypnotise yourself into to?????


  1. teeeeeheeee...another wise moment from MIZ MOLLY! You are so right my friend, and this is what makes me wake up every morning EARLY with a SPRING IN MY STEP because I know that around every corner,there is a possible adventure to find in myself and others, and even a pig's ear treat!!!!!

    1. Hi Anita , glad you are bowl half full kinda person , so am I , always living in hope that goods thing will come way , like more food , more treats , more walks and that kinda stuff. Have a lovely day!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. I want disposable thumbs... least that's what I think they're called... Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy , oh is that a reference to the dreaded pedicure!! Think positive my friend and will those nails to stop growing! Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. This reminds me of a Philosophy Final I had in college. The professor came out with a stool, placed it in the middle of his teaching table and said "Your Final Exam consists of one issue: Prove to me this stool exists".

    Now, this was my last final of my freshman year... I just wanted to be in my packed up vehicle heading home! So I promptly wrote on a piece of paper "What stool?" and turned it in.

    I received a B+ :D

    It's all on how you look at things...for me I don't want to think about how much is in the bowl... just give me what is in the bowl no matter how much!!!I ignore the obstacles and move right on!!

    Great post! :)

    1. Hi Shelle , that stool story made me laugh , it's one I use often when my human tells me to fetch the ball , and give em that what ball look and in the end they have to get it. Works all day long. Thank you for you kind comment.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Hi Molly,
    I am just in the garden looking up to sky and thinking postive thoughts.sun, sun, where is the long do I have to stay our here with my postive thought rays?

    1. At this rate anon it will be for the rest of the Summer , we need a collective effort to get this weather sorted.

  5. I like to think I am a completely full bowl kind of dog. I will use my hypnotise powers on MOM for an extra long walk today.

    1. Hi Goose , good on you and let me know if it works. Have a lovely day!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. I am trying to live in the moment. My dogs do that. My 18 year old nephew, who knows everything (don't they all at that age?) says that things just work out. He doesn't get that sometimes it takes work to make things work out, but for the most part, things do work out. Is that being positive? :-)

    1. Yes that is positive and very wise words too! I love the young ones everything is easy at that age! Your recent post and link to old one was very moving. Our thoughts were with you and to remember is good!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Hey Molly, thanks for the upbeat post. We agree... looking at the positive can really help things look better and be better. Right on!
    ernie and the pack

    1. Hi Ernie and the pack , and thank you for your comment and welcome back from your trip. Have a lovely day!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. I sniff my leash when I want to go on a walk. It almost always works!


    1. Hi Nora , you are so clever and you must be surrounded by super positive vibes , well done. Have a great day!
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Oh my vibes, slobber, drool for more food never stops. What is my Lees is mine that is my theory and I am sticking to that.
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Hi William The Scot , thinking and wanting food is an all day occurrence and with positive thought we should be able to wing some our way but a little slobber and drool does help. Nicely put my friend!
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Hmmm, I really hope Dusty doesn't get this idea in his head, or the world would be covered in fluff!

    1. Hi but fluff is a good thing , makes the world a softer nicer place! Hope your day has been good?
      Best wishes Molly

  11. I normally get what I want when I send out the vibes though sometimes, it doesn't hurt to send out some well-timed sighs as well! I've got Mommy very well trained. Heh heh.

    Love, Whisky

    1. Hi Furries , you clever , clever Whisky , I like the addition of the well-times sigh , genius and sure you got mum well trained but don't under-estimate the power of those positive vibes!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. We must be doing something right because those pushovers - erm we mean our beloved parents always give us something!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hey guys , that's the result of the positive vibrations scrambling you humans thoughts and re-arranging them to fit your own. You didn't know I have a Doctorate in Quantum Physics did you?
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Great post, Molly. We would love to see our bowls always half full od kibble so. We are going to practice being OPtimists. BOL.

    Woos - The OP Pack

    1. Hi Pawsome Pack , it's all down to mind control , remember humans are simple creatures with heads full of useless clutter , positive vibes just get the real stuff in the now and the real stuff is us , food , walks , play and sleep!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Howdy Molly, well sorry but we already have dibs on the Lotto ticket hehe. We are wishing for a never emptying food bowl, mmmmmm. As for our mum and dad, mum has a heart of marshmallow, dad has the heart of stone. Dad is a work in progress ahahahahaha. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

    1. Hi my furry friends from down under , mummy has been zapped with good vibes so you now have to set your vibes to factor 300 and aim them on dad endlessly till he succumbs and he will. It's your will against his and trust me when it comes to the good things in life who is gonna win? Lottery win , just a token gesture to our humans as we doglets have already won!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Those positive vibes have hypnotized my real mom to feeding Peanuts and Chooey table scraps. LOL. She can't help but look into their cute little faces and finally give in to the temptation of feeding her darling little doggies a piece of her meal.

    I'm a bit optimistic nowadays. ^^

    Huggies and Cheese,


    1. Hi Haopee , So glad you are a bit optimistic nowadays and to speed things along we send you positive vibes which are currently speeding their was through the stratosphere. We hope they will make sure you have a good day with you and yours.
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Hypnotise my mom is something I do everyday!
    And it works... most of the times!
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hi Lorena , you are such a clever doglet my little fashionista and being so cute I bet it does work most of the time. Have a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  17. I am off to hypnotize myself into getting more SMART BONES!!

    Barks and licks and love, Dakota

    1. Hi Caren and Cody , I am sending your human positive vibes with little tags on which will whisper the words SMART BONES when they reach your human. Together we can make it happen.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. I'm such a happy dog...but also a hungry dog and my bowl is always empty! When I want it filled up, I just carry it around in my mouth, until somebody fills it back up! I'm pretty hard to ignore :D


    1. Hi Wyatt and Co , that is a good idea with your bowl and I too have been known to do the bowl trick but my speciality is bowl bashing. All those positive thoughts winging their was round the universe has bought us much needed sun today and we hope our rain as gone to those who need it too!
      Best wishes Molly
