
Monday 11 June 2012

Hog Blog, is red the new brown?

Molly The Wally in the dining room.

Brown sauce or Ketchup? Depends where you live!

It's a question that divides families and friends, men from women and North from South: Do you prefer brown sauce, red sauce, or no sauce at all? Well, it seems that we like tomato ketchup the best with the exception of bacon butties where brown wins. My sauces at Molly Media have heard that Parliament are joining the great British sauce debate, as it’s far a weightier topic than the Euro-Zone crisis.  Call me ‘Dave’ Cameron stated that he preferred the coalition approach with a bit of both types on his plate when he’s slumming it and having a fish and chip supper. There was an uproar in the house as politicians accused him of sitting on the fence. Campaigners Mr. Lea & Perrins and Mr. Tabasco boycotted the debate and called for an inquiry as to why minority sauces were being excluded. Mr. Mustard joined in and eventually it was agreed that a new Condiment Committee would look into these serious allegations and no expense would be spared. Oh dear more expense , soon we won’t even be able to afford any , oh what a pickle! Opps that maybe another debate gherkin or onion?     


  1. We're a ketchup family. And none of that catsup either, ketchup.

    1. Hi Finn , oh your are so lucky , I can never make up my mind what to choose , decisions , decisions , why is life so complicated? Happy Monday to you!
      Best wishes Molly

  2. You make me laugh....I wish you could see me now, sitting here in the United States, just chuckling at you MIZ MOLLY!!!!!! GOOD GOLLY you are funny.

    And you....the writer behind it are brilliant.


    1. Hi Anita , I take a bow , trust me though my human is too dumb to be able to do this , it's all me! Have a lovely Monday and looking forward to our next post very much!
      Best wishes Molly

  3. Ketchup all the way Molly! But only if it's Heinz...

    Lily Belle

    1. Hi Lily Belle , looks like the polls are correct with the exception of me as I eat everything as long as it's not green or triangular! Have a Happy Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Hello Molly. I forgot to greet you a happy weekend. Thank you for visiting our blog yesterday and the day before.

    We don't know about them sauces but my dogs are a big fan of Tomato ketchup and brown fish sauce... we haven't tasted mustard yet.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    1. Hi guys, hope you are having a Happy Monday! Oh fish sauce that means you cook Oriental or Thai , making me hungry at the thought of it! You can never have too much sauce I say!
      Best wishes Molly

  5. Mum says it's Heinz Ketchup all the way but Other Mum says HP on bacon butties. Me... I don't care; it all goes down the same way! Must dash; I have some Tuna Fudge in the oven.... Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy all sauce is good , just trying to figure what goes best with Tnua Fudge , major dilemma , can't decide as too busy thinking about Tuna Fudge!
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Well, as for me, I like brown...beef broth, bacon, anything beef mmmmmm beef.

    The humans don't do sauce much.


    1. Hi Nora , too right anything beef , I even do Bovril and Marmite. All this talk of food is making me hungry. Just thinking which sauce would make my dried kibbles taste better Maybe I'll do a 'Just Call Me Dave' and try a combo!
      Best wishes Molly

  7. Ketchup and hot pepper sauce for us!

    1. Bassetmomma , arghh the hot pepper sauce is always out on the table as certain individuals would even put it on cornflakes given half a chance and believe me the hotter the better!
      Best wishes Molly

  8. Molly!!!! I am so sorry that my mum has gotten all cat poop crazy and didn't notice you are following us!!! As the alphadog, I am responsible for our mum's action... seriously we need to have a little come to canine meeting and let her know she is falling behind on the job!


    I have added you along to our google reader AND clicked up there and we are now friends!! Yay!!!!!

    It is SUCH a pleasure to meet you :)

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby

    1. Hi That is very kind, and no worries , just keeping an eye on cat world so I keep on tip top form when out being stalked by my arch enemy Hideous Beast Maudikae. Welcome! Love to you all Shelle , Milo , Dixie and Newby and everyone else.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Catsup yep thats what I like.

    1. Hi Goose , would that be Catsup on Vole? Have a good Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  10. This is a very serious topic, I agree, but I'll have to go red. It's clearly the best.

    1. Red wins by the looks of things , and yes a serious topic it is ,arrgh such culinary dilemmas are top priority in my book. Hope you are having a good Monday.
      Best wishes Molly

  11. Red here as well....Ketchup and red pepper sauce all the way!

    1. Hi Taryn it looks like it's gonna be a run away win for the reds at this rate and we dig red pepper sauce too. Hope you had a good Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  12. Very clever!!! If it were my choice, I'd go with catsup! Mom likes the spicier sauces.

    1. Hi Prudence and thank you. No, the reds are miles ahead of the browns , its looking like a landslide victory for catsup!
      Best wishes Molly

  13. Does black pepper sauce count? :) Mommy isn't really a fan of sauce, which really puzzles Daddy. Hahaha.

    1. Hi Furries black sauce would count as much under rated minority sauce. Ha sauce is sauce but the reds are winning! Hope you had a good Monday!
      Best wishes Molly

  14. Mustard and BBQ sauce (not together) are my favs!

    1. Hi Michelle we like 'my tail hurts from wagging so much! Nice a little variation on the sauce type , but I have to say it is a runaway win for the reds!
      Best wishes Molly

  15. Molly I'm siting on the fence with this one as you eat any HP brown, Heinz Tom, or Mao its keeping dad in a job :)
    Have a good week
    See Yea george xxx

    1. Hi George than I am doing my bit , as you can see by my wide array of condiments and that is only a small selection of my stash.
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what a fun post! Now, I'm sitting here in my home territory which just happens to be about 2 hours away from Pittsburgh, the home of all things Heinz. BOL Not a big ketchup fan anyway but my peeps sure use it. All the others are good for me though!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

    1. Hi Sarge 2 hours not far , we could break in the cover of darkness and make away with an array of tempting Heinz goodies. Whose driving the get away car?
      Best wishes Molly

  17. That was very good Molly. Mum loves tomato sauce with egg and chips and she likes brown on those revolting quorn things that are supposed to be bacon. We are tempted to say we hope David Cameron falls off the fence and breaks his neck and then someone can tell him he is not entitled to benefits and fit for work, ha!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. Hi Dip Bridge and Elliot , red is ahead by a country mile now with brown languishing in the doldrums , whops I was supposed to be talking about sauces not politics.
      Best wishes Molly

  18. I am a huge ketchup fan. I see that you have the same brand as us. :-)

    1. Hi Guys , it's ketchup in the lead , a landslide victory for the reds and the only redeeming factor is brown is best for bacon butties. Seems we doglets agree with the research. Yes and it has to be Heinz and opps forgot to include salad cream or mao debate!
      Best wishes Molly

  19. Hello Molly ~ Thanks for joining my site today. It is nice to meet you. I will just take whatever you are putting the sauce on. Food Gloorious Food.
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Hi William the Scot , i just knew we would be kindred souls , food glorious food indeed with any and all sauces going! Pile it on I say.
      Best wishes Molly

  20. I'm with Ketchup too (Heinz) and as for gherkins and onions...onions hands down!

    1. Hi Caren and Cody , oh I'm such a hog i couldn't choose , it put me in a right old pickle!!!! I'm currently contemplating the Heinz salad cream, mao dilemma and you've now thrown gherkin and onion into the mix. Dash a sleepless night lies ahead!
      Best wishes Molly

  21. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks for stoppin' to visit me!

    As for sauce, my Human says just enjoy whichever you are served.

    Hope y'all are havin' a wonderful, safe week.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hi Hawk ha my kinda of human , just go for it! hope you are having a good week too. See you soon.
      Best wishes Molly

  22. Mustard all the way!

    Your pal, Pip

    1. Hi Pip
      Mustard , oh no, next dilemma French or English? The condiment issue is a minefield! Hope you are having a good day!
      Best wishes Molly

  23. Yogi's Mum won't let him have human food so he's just going to have to take you at your word. I sometimes accidently drop some human food - does that make me a good Aunty or a bad one?

    Thanks for commenting on our blog and following us:D

    1. Hi D oh that makes you a good human as is only a little! Will be keeping an eye out on the antics of Yogi.
      Best wishes Molly

  24. We are ketchup cravers except the He Two Legged One who likes brien sauce with his bacon and pudding butties. Me, I'll eat either if they come with bacon and a sausage!!



    1. Hi Groucho good call there sausage, bacon, sauce, I'm hungry already. Have a good day now!
      Best wishes Molly
