
Thursday 5 July 2012

Blog From The Log, ‘The God Particle’!

Molly The Wally discovers The Higgs Boson!

The Higgs Boson is discovered a scientific breakthrough.

Many a time I have sat on my log and pondered weighty matters such as, where is Lord Lucan, what happened to Shergar and what the hecky peck is The Higgs Boson? How did we ever manage without it? Did you know it was missing? Who stole it? Where is it? Now after Interpol, Scotland yard and the FBI have failed to find it, we decided that Molly Media would hunt down ‘The God particle’. We launched the largest particle hunt in history determined to find the elusive Higgs Boson. Firstly no sign of it in the dog bowl although we thought we’d found it but it turned out to be just kibble crumbs. Next we searched the toy box but no it wasn’t hiding in my squeaky squiggle, that was just a squeak thingy. The dog basket revealed nothing more than half a pigs’ ear and a slipper. Feeling somewhat deflated went to preen myself in the mirror and Eureka there it was at the end of my nose all this time. Breaking news, Molly The Wally discovers ‘The God Particle’, and that’s a NOBEL PORK PRIZE in the bag for me. Don’t let those Swiss scientists fool you, remember I was there first.

Most importantly, how long is it going to take us to stop misspelling Higgs Boson? It should be easy, right? But for some reason, we just can't type it correctly. Here are my top ten ways to mis-spell ‘The God Particle’.

1 Higgs Buxsom
2 Hags Billion
3 Hugs Blossom
4 Hulk Bogson
5 Hills Bogdom
6 Hogs Beefsome
7 Hinge Bosun
8 Huge Bison
9 Holds Boston
10 Hanks Bottom.

As to what ‘The God Particle’ actually is, hmmm Lord knows, I’d ask him upstairs?


  1. Weee's never heard of it but then I'm only a pup!Bol.
    Huggies, Mollie x

  2. Hay Molly, yooo's wom runner up prize, not just the award :) x

  3. teeeeheee.....I have NO IDEA what this about, but Miz Molly, you deliver with style, wit and charm!!!!! I LOVE THAT PICTURE OF YOU.....your eyes scare me!

  4. Susie-Belle says do we really care? So many other things to spend gazillions on and they go looking for something like this? Pah, life according to Susie-Belle would be so much more sensible.

    Hogs roastin' that's Susie-Belles thought for the day :)

  5. OMDs Molly
    Have you thought about entering the Cat Olympics Red Dot-athon? This would be a purrfect post for that event. You certainly do have you eye on the red dot
    Hugs your BFFF

  6. I ought to put pen to paper to complain about our 4Leg design, I often find it hard to see what is right under my nose - ha ha! Mind if you can't sniff it, eat it or send a pee-mail through it they can send the 'Higgs Boson' back to whence it came so they can - God can keep it! (PS - thanks for dropping by and for thinking of me - take care) Love Barnie x

  7. Hi Molly. I asked Sheba what Higgs Bosun was and she said if i can't eat it it's not worth bothering with.


  8. Well, the Lord knows why that Higgs Boson has been so elusive - HE should:)

    Love your posts.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  9. We are without a clue as to the Higgs Boson. I'm with Sheba, if it's a snack, give us a call.

    Have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

  10. All Hail Molly the Wally... winner of the NOBEL PORK Prize... Will you get a pressie? Maybe a nice Stuffie to Gut!!!

  11. The OP pack has said it all and said it well.

  12. We like 'Huge Bison'. Sounds fun. And Hey! Congrats for getting to 'D Particle' before those CERN guys. All that hullaballoo on the front pages of all our dailies is for nothing. Why don't you write to them for your rightful recognition in this matter?

    BTW, what is this 'synchronised sleeping' thingie you mentioned earlier? Could u please let us know the details so we can get Mummy to help us enter?

    Wags, Gin, Bud n Shadow

  13. Boy, you just had my had swinging one way and then the other. I was all confused. What is the Huge Bison,Higgs Buxsom, Hags Billion, Hugs Blossom
    4 Hulk Bogson
    5 Hills Bogdom
    6 Hogs Beefsome
    7 Hinge Bosun
    9 Holds Boston
    10 Hanks Bottom
    It was all confusing until we realized it was a "God" thing. and we figured there are just some mysteries that should be allowed to be mysteries. Congrats on the Nobel Port Prize. You deserve it.


  14. HAHA! Hanks Bottom. That's what we're going to say from now on. I will correct EVERYONE about who really found it.


  15. i tried my darnedest to read about it yesterday on the web. couldn't understand it. gave up. i'm not godly enough to get it. :)

  16. Using AutoCorrect in Word or on the web has provided many interesting spellings but we think you may have the best list by far!

    Lots of love, from Dozer and Cooper in Oregon

  17. We offered to look for the God particle in the treat box but Mum said "no chance, I am on to you bug*ers!" You just can't help some people!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  18. do you think a God particle could really be dog particle and its what mom throws away off the pee pad? do you think the humans could just be confused? Stella rose

  19. We're rather puzzled by this God Particle...but we do see Nobel PORK prize...where's the pork? *licks lips*

  20. we gave you an award if you want to stop by our blog to check it out!

    urban hounds

  21. Wait? The furries say there is a pork prize??! WHERE?

  22. i think we need to look under.... 10. Hanks bottom--- woofbarkarfs!!!! ha-ha! i too wanted to look in my treat bucket and M said "touch that bucket and you'll find out what a Good Old Dog's par-t-cle really is."

  23. OMD you are a deep thinker girlfriend! You are making my brain hurt a little, but I am proud to know you.

    Loveys Sasha

  24. I think the God particle is what lies in the hearts of every dog. If humans had asked us, we could have helped them.

  25. We'll be sure to ask our dad (he's a physicist - fur REALZ, MOL!). But we think it's some seafaring dude named Higgs, purrsonally.
