
Friday 6 July 2012

Bark From The Park, More Mad Science!

Molly The Wally Asks Was it the X-points who stole my kibbles?

NASA find hidden portals in the Earth's magnetic field  called X-points.

NASA has turned science fiction into science fact by announcing the discovery of hidden portals in the Earth's magnetic field. Called X-points these portals aid in the transfer of the magnetic field from the Sun to the Earth. Are you lost? Do you care? You are not alone. Didn't we just use to call them holes in the Ozone Layer? Is this how aliens get to vanish so quickly? Is NASA preparing us for the truth that little green men really do exist? Bet Some Sci-Fi channel is already scribbling a disaster movie about a portal connecting Earth and the sun. Little green men in spaceships are hurtling towards Earth. Can Bruce Willis save the planet or is he too old. He rushes to NASA HQ in his zimmer frame ready to release a bomb aimed at disrupting the portal before we are invaded. Time is running out!!!! That’s a good job for our Olympic ushers they can just pop along to act as extras. Crickey one of the spaceships has already landed on the head of the lady with the orange sash! Chuck a Higgs Boson at them I say or should I say a Hanks Bottom!


  1. Purple is nice but that's just way too grape-y for a uniform. Ugh.

  2. We think its kind of cool, mom really likes sci-fi stuff.

    urban hounds

  3. YOU always bring a major chuckle to my heart, MIZ MOLLY!!!!! GOOD GOLLY, where in the heck do you get your information, SO FAST! I can always count on YOU to bring me the top news stories RIGHT WHEN I NEED THEM! teeeheee....Anita

  4. I'm not tellin my Humom Gran, she thinks Aliens are real!! I don't think she gets out much )
    Mollie x

  5. Hey Molly!
    Wow, you just gave me and Mom the biggest chuckle! BWAR HAR HAR. She thinks these holes are caused the Enterprise and the Millenium Falcon zooming in and out of Hollywood! I totally agree that it must be a spaceship on that poor peep's head. Thanks for the laugh!!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  6. Wouaf-wouaf, all this is too difficult for us !
    Nana & Uyanga who send to you and your humans a lot of LOVE.

  7. Thanks for visiting my bloggie and leaving a comment! You are very cute! Hope you get your kibbles back hehe.
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. Oh Molly... do you suppose those little green men... really do have CHEESE? If the portal goes to the SUN.. would the cheese MELT..???? Could we all have FONDUE coming our way soon??? Oh the PAWSibilities...

  9. Molly,

    Is it true that this Hoggs Bison has something to do with flatulence? Cooper told me my farts are part of the atmosphere and we are all going to die of methane. I have no idea where he finds these big words but I am pretty sure that my blowing air did not start the universe. I am only 7 years old after all.

    Love, Dozer and Cooper

  10. Dozer and Cooper above are well funny. We think you better hot footed down one of those portals and bring your kibbles back , with Bruce Willis in tow of course!

  11. Molly you have so much fun each day with a new adventure...I'm thinking of dropping by to spend the day with you.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  12. We did not know you were such a dog of science!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. ha ha. i think bruce willis is too old. :)

  14. Are these people on something?
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  15. Molly darlin'! Look at you as a DIVA are TOO MUCH! Thank you for coming to say hello to the belugas and the white much fun and many thanks to YOU for your kind words! Anita

  16. Molly, your adventures amaze me!

  17. So many questions that need answers. All of our inquiring minds want to know!

    Critter Alley

  18. Hilarious!! so dang cleaver!!! I found you via Anita (she is a saint). Were you at the Paris Party? I missed you if so. I'm Renae over at simple sequins. I have Schnauzer that isn't pure but dang close enough (her daddy is a Cocker Spaniel) but she is so Schnauzer thru and thru. I love the perspective you see in your eyes. It will help me know my bowzer more. hahaha

  19. Molly, you're a smarty! I never know what you're gonna tell me next :)

  20. that explains ALOT...just sayin'
