
Saturday 7 July 2012

Flog It Blog It, Let them eat cake!

Molly The Wally & The Pork Pie Wedding Cake.

My Top Ten Funny Wedding Cakes.

Fruit cake, Victoria sponge, cheesecake and profiteroles have all been piled into towers to create wedding cakes. But now there's a new contender to grace the top table, the pork pie cake. That looks like the 'cake' of my dreams, pass us the Branston pickle! Made by Wilsons The Butchers this delicious creation has my vote for the bestest cake ever. My sources at Molly Media asked the ‘Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man’, to nominate his top ten unique wedding cakes. If you were getting married which one would you choose?

At number ten......

10 The Fisherman’s Cake!

9 The Dr Who Creation!

8 The So Hideous Words Fail Me Monstrosity!

7 The Alien Invasion!

6 A Gardening (Wyatt) Wonder!

5 Sumptuously Star Wars! 

4 Nintendo Nonsense!

3 One For Johnny Depp!

2 Opps Bye Love, Forgot To Sign The Pre-Nup!

And pop pickers at number 1

1 Chicken Licking Good!

Now I am torn pie or chicken? Dash it I will get married twice, any takers? Getting my dance sequence sorted as we speak with the help of wow the guestsMolly The Wally does Dirty Dancing.

Molly The Wally Lark In The Park!


  1. We have 3 we like best. The cute mermaid mice, the garening one and the pre-Nup one is hilarious!
    Don't know about the pork pie cake - isn't the point that they are supposed to be cake?
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  2. OH I like the forgot-to-sign-the-prenup cake! I gave my hubby a cake of Fenway Park on our wedding. But it was made of chocolate cake, not chicken livers!

  3. We agree with you Molly, meat cake all the way. Mom likes the garden cupcakes.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  4. ..."Cake? cake? did somebody say cake?" - ...sorry there folks, that was just Mummy2Legs getting carried away cos she got to the keyboard before I did, we both think all these cakes look just too darn lovely for words/barks! I will take Mummy2Legs away now as she is drooling all over the table, most embarrassing! (though give me that pork pie one any day)! Love Barnie x

  5. MIAM MIAAAAAAAAM !!!!!!!!
    (Flo, Nana, Uyanga)

  6. Oh Dog! I thought the pork pie cake was weird, but after looking at all the others, I think I'll choose it!

  7. I'll have a slice of EACH. WOW.. you are all set fur Ruby and Penny's Roachin and ROLLIN Olympic Event!!!

  8. Cake!!! I love cake... but my favorite isn't for doggies... Chocolate.

    If I were to make a customized cake for my dogs, I'd be sure to pick Tuna and Carrot flavored 10-tiered ones!

    Number 2 is so funny.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  9. OMD, those are amazingly hilarious!!! In honor of our Dad's love of all things Star Wars, we have to go with #5!!!

    Very fun post, Molly.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. Pork pie cake looks pretty good, mom and dad love Branston pickle (mom tries to pretend our house in Jersey City is in the UK) but I think we would rather have it without.

    urban hounds

  11. Oh Molly dearest, YOU HAVE ME ROLLING IN THE GRASS LAUGHING!!!!!!!! These cake toppers TOP THE CAKE or TAKE THE CAKE as we say out fav is NUMBER TWO! "OOps love, forgot to sign the nuptials!"


  12. omgoodness! i can see why you would be torn! Pork or Chicken choices, but the forgot to sign the pre-nup one pretty funny!

  13. the prenup one was hilarious!

  14. Are you sure these are wedding cakes??? Well, my favorite is number 6 but it doesn't seem to be a cake...number 8 is really cute but too small...some of them are really weird!
    Licks from Rutha

  15. We like cake number 2! BOL.
    And that picture of you dirty dancing is hilarious!

  16. Chicken...duh!

    Thanks for the cool card!


  17. Molly if you find a groom let me know I'd love to be your lady-in-waiting.
    I like cake #6.
    Hugs Madi you BFFF

  18. Well my comment didn't post...

    Molly if you find a groom let me know. I'd love to be your lady-in-waiting and I like cake #6
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  19. Love the cakes! Especially the fish one haha, so extravagant!

  20. I'd marry you Molly, if I was a boy and we could have the Pork pie cake, yum yum :) Shall we pretend and kid on, so we can have the pie??? :)
    You's have got to enter my bottle competition, after all it was your idea for Mum to give me a plastic bottle!!!
    Hugs Mollie xx

  21. Gotta go with the chicken!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. were those really ALL cakes???? OMG!!!!!

    I love the garden one and the last one the best...loved the "dirty dancing" as well!

  23. Mommy lafferd at #2 and said she'd totally take #5!!

  24. My favourite is the one with the pirate ship. I have a thing for Johnny, hehe.

    Rich boy would vote for the chicken, for sure. Sasa has her eyes set on those salmon.

    Piggies are the least interested. No veggies on the cake.

    I'll be back,

  25. oh my word, too funny!
    Benny & Lily
