
Friday 27 July 2012

Blog From The Log, Olympic D-day!

Welcome to The London 2012 Olympic games.

Welcome to The London 2012 Olympic games.

It’s D –day and tonight at exactly 20.12GMT the games will open in dear old Blighty. So we take a last look at the run up to the great event and ferret out some more stories for you delectation. Apparently athletes are on the run from a moth invasion as thousands descends on the Olympic site. They came at the dead of night attracted to the lights that can be seen from miles away and leaving enough grubs for a plague of biblical proportions. Perish the thought that British athletes will parade proudly in uniforms in our opening ceremony soliciting comment that they were somewhat moth-eaten. Look on the bright side, the guys might watch the beach volleyball girls without their outfits but for us gals look on the dark side, men's weightlifting naked! We may be lucky, the moths may be partial to those awful excuses of merchandise masquerading as mascots.
Team GB was welcomed into the Olympic village by a group dancers speaking in tongues (gibberish) and hooting, whilst ringing bicycle bells and blowing whistles. Poems were read in French and performers wearing pom-poms on their heads, jumped around and span in circles to the tune of ‘I want to ride my bicycle’. Athletes looked on in uncomfortable bemusement and laughed nervously, no doubt wishing a great big hole would appear and swallow them up or Scotty would simply ‘Beam Them Up’!
As the football started a few days early North Korea fell foul after bungling organisers screened the South's flag ahead of Olympic women's football match resulting in a walk out by the team for nearly an hour. Leader Kim Jong-un promised retaliation unless we call in the ‘Flying Squad’ to find the culprit. That was a Korea ending mistake for someone.
Now the good stuff. Big Ben chimed non-stop for three minutes to help ring in the London 2012 Olympics at 8.12am today. Special permission had to be gained for the bell at the Palace of Westminster to be allowed to toll out of its regular sequence. So at 20.12GMT lets us all enjoy the start of the greatest ‘Sports Show’ on earth and good luck to all. 

And today also sees that start of the Blogville Olympics 2012.

Welcome to The Olympic Games' Opening Extravaganza by Roo. Please click on the link to view.

Welcome also to the Parade of Athletes by Posie. Please click on the link to view.

Posies' Parade of Athletes!

2012 Summer Games Review by MWM. Please click on the link to view.

Mona, Weenie & Mum Too!

Committee Chairman Speech by Frankie. Please click on the link to view.

Frankies' Speech!



  1. hi molly just wanted to come over and say i loved your blooper from roos doins, that was inspired, i would never of dared ask police if i could take there picture while they hold my dog LOL!!!! fantastic!!!!! LOL!!!!

  2. MIZ MOLLY! REPORTER EXTRAORDINAIRE!!!! Ok my dear, I must get in front of the tube and see what is happening. But then again, I can always come to YOU to find out the REAL GAMES that are happening through your eyes! THOSE EYES....oh dearest, what breed are you? You intrigue me so!!!

    BIG HUGS to you, you furry, darling friend!! Anita

  3. Oh Molly! You are soooo funny! My Word, you have me (and Mum) running to the garden to pee!
    Korea ending mistake - Ha,Ha,Ha!
    I loved your post today, it really sums up the event and the events to come no doubt!
    Look out for my Pawrents they will be there at the olympics on Sunday!!!
    Love from your furiend Frank xxxxxxxx

  4. Thanks as always, for keeping us so up-to-date and informed on the latest and greatest Olympics happenings. We're so excited that the BIG day is finally here.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  5. Molly, we hope all goes very smoothly for the Olympics in London. Mom and Dad can't wait to watch it all or as much as they can:) It should be a great time.

    And now time for all the Blogville Olympic fun to begin too. It's going to be a very busy time for all.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Have a grand time and don't get too tired....!

  7. This is soooo funny, how much is true and how much a Molly tale I wonder!
    Enjoy the next few weeks, it'll be fun :)

  8. Hi Molly, wow this looks like limitless fun for the next weeks..

    Of course, you can use the pokerpost for your 'share it sunday' :o)))

  9. MOLLY.... When I saw your Blooper in Roo's Opening EXTRAVANGZA... I peed on my chair!!!!

  10. Can'nt wait for the show to begin, pity we haven't got Clint Eastwood as Director for the opening of the Doggie Olympics........just think how great it would have been........good luck to all.

    1. Clint Eastwood I just cancelled your contract, having viewed the excellent and most entertaining efforts by Roo, Posie, Mona & Winnie and lastly Major Frankie. Three cheers for Blogville.

  11. Molly bless your little heart...we just visited today's festivities and learned that you needed bail money...geez Louise...had we known we would have sent a pound or two. Can you believe all of the wonderful photos? Mom nearly fell out when she saw there were 185 parade pawticipants!!
    Bravo Blogville
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  12. stay safe and sane during tall the olympic hooplah!

  13. Let the games begin! Oh what tough competition this year at the Olympics. Good luck with your events, if you have entered any. Let me know so I can support you. Thanks for voting for me in the nippy contest. I am not placing for a medal now, still need votes and hoping they will come. See you at the games!!!

  14. A cute dog is now inviting us to come to enjoy this Olympic, it is too interesting one. I am glad after reading this one and getting such kind of response.

  15. we can't wait for the REAL Olympic celebration to start tonight!!! Nothing against the bloggy one but we LOVE the real one and we LOVE seeing London!!!!

  16. Have a great time Molly and good luck to everyone.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  17. Yay for the Olympics (of both kinds)!
