
Thursday 26 July 2012

Flog It Blog It, What happened to Norman? Exhilarating Update of the Scintillating Update!

Molly The Wally & Norman The Gnome.

Norman The Gnome Maybe Alive!

News Flash!...........Breaking News!..............

Reports are coming in to our intrepid reporters at Molly Media that Norman maybe still alive. There have been numerous sightings of Norman! We now go over to our sleuths from around the world.........

Firstly over to Moscow........Vladimir’s proof that Normans’ living the high life on caviar and vodka!  

Jumping down under, and Bruce says Norman has been taking in a bit of Australian culture as well as putting another kangaroo steak on the Barbie!

Jayden says the scam must have paid off as Norman’s not poor in Singapore!

We have François reporting in that Norman has developed a taste for snails and fine champagne over in Paris!

Miguel over in Brazil informs us that the supposed pictures of Norman showing remorse and humility are just a sham as he has been at the Cachaca and Frango ao molho pardo, every day since he got there!

Over in Spain Manuel says Norman has been in Barcelona living up the high life and stuffing his little fat face with Tapas, washed down with lashings of Sangria!

Meanwhile Yuuka over in Japan swears Norman has been seen down the old sushi bars, tucking away at sushi washed down with a great deal of Saki!

Bobby Ewing has reported that the little man has ditched his lantern and is squatting over at Southfork, demanding burgers and beer all day long!

But over in Canada, Lance says the bears are starving as the little gnome has been pinching all the salmon and he is fast becoming a national menace!

Sanne reports from the Netherlands that little Norman has taken to hanging off windmills when a little drunk from too much Jenever!

And lastly Randy from New York has reported that the little pip-squeak has been spotted jay walking all over Times Square with a bud in one hand and a big fat bagel in the other.

Interpol has now issued an alert to all nations to keep those eyes peeled for any sign of Norman. Beware he will eat you out of house and home. Remember it was he who stole ‘The Duck’ leaving me and Pippinpumpkin to take the blame. We are onto you Norman! If you have any information or gnome where he is currently located, please call  Gnome-Land Security. Doglets be afraid, be very afraid, Norman wants your food. If you’ve seen Norman drop us a comment with the country, state and town and we will send our roving reporters to check it out. 


  1. Haaa haaaa haaaa... I'ms still laffin :) If he turns up here, will be sure to let yoo's nose Molly :)
    Have a great day....
    Mollie xxxx

  2. Mum says she can only aspire to a lifestyle like Normans - lucky &%$£@**&!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  3. Thanks for the warning, I will be sure to bark a lot of I see Norman! Hailey Bug

  4. Wow he sure is getting all over the place! I better start watching my foodables better!
    Lovies< Miss Mindy

  5. Oh Molly, I am so glad you published this piece....just YESTERDAY, I was in Excelsior, Minnesota on Lake Minnetonka and I SAW HIM! I SAW NORMAN in a little garden shop, looking every so innocent. Glassy-eyed, quiet and with a cold stare, there he was, at the entrance of this shop! HURRY ON your press office here in The Twin Cities for NORMAN IS out and about stealing peoples' lefske!!!!!

  6. He sure gets around! Has he discovered teleportation?

  7. I expect Norman's passport is full and he is laying low until his new one arrives.
    Molly you are so funny
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  8. Oh Molly, what a GREAT post! We are laughing our heads off!!! And that Norman is very naughty but I do like his style - eating and travelling, what a great life!!!



    PS I eat kangaroo every day so he better not try to steal my 'roo

  9. I'm keeping my eyes open!

  10. Hey Molly!
    Wow, that Norman is definitely a travelin' man! BOL If he likes snails in France, then he can come here and eat all the slugs in my flower beds. That'll keep him busy...and slimy!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Athlete

  11. Wow... Norman gets around more than Flat Max. Loved all the pictures of him, but I like the picture of you working on your writing the best. I'll be watching for you competing in the Olympics. Have fun.

    hugs, Max

  12. I'm thinkin that Norman FAKED his Gnomenapping and that he actually is just out havin himself a MAJOR World Wide ADVENTURE.

  13. He will be a hard guy to keep up with! Love your pic!

  14. He sure does get around. I love that top picture - priceless!

  15. That Norman is quite the world traveler. We will keep our eyes open for him - we don't want him depleting our supply of rabbits:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. That is the most traveled Gnome!! Thanks for keeping us updated! You are a great investigative reporter. Will you be getting your own TV show?

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Gostei de ver o "CRISTO REDENTOR" no Rio de Janeiro aqui em seu blog.
    É linnnndoooo... Voce conhece ao vivo?
    Um dia precisa vir ao Brasil conhecer as maravilhas, tem também as "CATARATAS DO IGUAÇÚ", mamis esteve lá mês passado e AMOU!!! Depois colocamos fotos.
    Se quiser vir conhecer o Brasil, será muuuitooo bem vinda.
    Ótima quinta e fiquem com o Papai do Céu.
    Aus 1000 e Beijos 1000 com carinho do Brasil..


  18. Wow Norman, eres un auténtico viajero, vas a recorer el mundo en 80 dias... no 80 minutos.

  19. GNOME-land security?!? Mommy's seriously cracking up over here....

  20. Ur pictures are great! I think since he was spotted in Minnesota that he is on his way down to Ioway to visit his two cousins that are lounging around in our back yard. He will be in for a big big surprize if he tries to open our refrigerator cos nine times out of ten mom has forgot to go to the grocery store! Stella Rose

  21. ha ha. love the southfork ranch. been there several times. :)

  22. What exciting travels. We'll lock our freezer, just in case...

  23. I wish I got around as much as Norman does!

    Critter Alley

  24. BOL, looks like you were thinking and working to hard
    Benny & Lily

  25. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks so much for stoppin' by for a visit. I'm so glad y'all could make it!

    Looks like your Gnome is staying "one step ahead"!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  26. We're keeping our eyes and ears peeled for Norman. We don't want him anywhere near our food!

  27. Hi Molly, I think Norman has the 7-miles boots or has he highjacked the last Concord? Hope the snail in France wasn't one from my backyard - or Norman will take an unscheduled stop in a men's room....
