
Saturday 21 July 2012

Flog It Blog It, Pay up or the gnome gets it!

Molly The Wally & Norman The Gnome.

Norman The Gnome is gnomnapped?

For two years Norman the gnome has been sitting alongside his pals Nessie the crocodile and Sergei the meerkat. Now shockingly Norman finds himself in a very sticky situation. Kidnapped and held to ransom the poor gnome is pictured being held against his will at knife point. The first Lorraine Dearing knew of his disappearance was when she discovered a scrawled ransom note on blue card demanding ‘1,000p’ for Norman’s safe return. It was accompanied by a picture of a kitchen knife being held under his throat and a threat to ‘behead’ him. The note read, ‘I know you wouldn’t want this to happen so listen to me. ‘Leave the money in your beautiful hanging baskets! If it’s not there then you don’t want to know what will happen to him?’

Mrs Dearing, 49, of Swindon, said she was ‘shocked’ by the threats. ‘I just want him back and I don’t know what to do. He is a part of my garden. It just doesn’t look the same with him gone. I don’t understand why anyone would take Norman. He was just standing by himself on a piece of grass by the living room window. There’s no way that I’m paying the ransom. They’ve also asked for the money in my hanging baskets in 1,000 pennies. If I put 1,000 pennies in them the basket would fall down, it would be too heavy for them.’
Watch out for the latest in this enthralling story! What will happen next? Will the Norman get the chop? Will he be returned unharmed to his loving owner?
Sherlock Holmes has told my reporter at Molly Media that he bets that finger prints are on the ransom demand. Call in Scotland Yard, MI5 and most certainly the SAS who should be hiding in the bushes waiting for the Gnomenappers. You'll need a police helicopter circling above and we need to hire a couple of profilers. I am sure with enough resources the Gnomenappers will be caught or next time it could be your garden ornament that gets it! Where will it end? I swear it wasn’t me! Do you have any neighbours with such garden ornamentation? 


  1. The sad truth is that ones its gone its been gnomes for ever!

  2. Living in the city as we do there are only very small gardens but a few people have lions statues and such, hopefully the gnome gets home safe. Glad you are on the case

    urban hounds

  3. Perhaps the police should enbark upon a five million pound terror alert like they did for the £10 electronic cigarette!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  4. OMD this is SOOOOOOO scary. Poor Norman. I hope that the GNOMEKNAPPERS return him... safely.

  5. I am scared for Norman the gnome, I hope he gets home safely.

    We don't have gnomes in our garden - but our garden ornaments are an antique squirrel, a meerkat and a rabbit with one ear (that's my fault because I knocked him over when I ran to bark at the poodle-doodle-oos).

    Love and licks, Winnie

  6. Oh No! Someone kidnapped Norman? Say it isn't so Molly. We're keeping our paws crossed that Norman will be found quickly and safely. Maybe to protect the crime scene, you should call in the Queen's Guards! Please let us know if you need us to send over the FBI from the States to help out.

    We're holding our breath for more news.

    Lily Belle

  7. Now that is just wrong! Hope Norman gets to come home soon!
    Lovies, miss Mindy

  8. Sleepy ?
    Me too....bed time here (22:35), good night dear Molly !

  9. OMD, gnomeapped??? Get the dairy company on the phone and get Norman's pic on the side of the carton - surely that will help find him soon.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. See?! It is an epidemic! First it is my mama's mushroom-shaped water globes stolen from our front yard (3 of thems!), now Norman has been kidnapped.... what kind of a world we lives in?! Madness, I tells you.

  11. Poor Norman!! I fink he's for the chop. Would be if he was in our garden, Dad hates em!! BOL ( So Sorry to gnome lovers!! )

    Big hugs and a pawyer for poor Norman!

    Mollie x

  12. too funny! i hope the gnome comes home!

  13. the words of the Bowey song - "Call in the Gnome Office" ...heeheehee.

  14. Molly you are absolutely the best writer of great stories. We were captivated.
    Mom says she loves gnomes especially the one in the lovely dress.
    Happy Weekend.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  15. Not that we had ANYthing to do with it, but Norman would get the chop in our garden for sure....

  16. Oh noes! Those people who tooked him are Bad.

  17. Oh no! I hope he is returned safely...

  18. Molly....
    What an enthralling story!! I am now waiting rather impatiently for its conclusion!! ;)
    Now, who would "Gnomenap" and threaten to behead such a cute-looking, jolly guy like him? ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  19. Oh no . . . how ever is this going to end???

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. That is a cute gnome and I love the first picture!!

  21. Wow! I just popped over to check that the link for my forthcoming Olympic post (Bouncing) worked OK, and I had no idea I was going to find myself in the middle of the thriller. What ever will happen next...
    Toodle pip!

  22. The suspense is KILLING me....

  23. A good story for a nice sunday, thanks!!! and best wishes for mr. gnom...

  24. Awww - poor Norman :(

  25. I do not understand the world today where a little gnome cannot be safe in his own little yard...sigh.......stellie
