
Sunday 22 July 2012

Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog White’s Wiggly Zack!

Nominated by last week’s guest blogger Barnie Bordoggy Terrier Blog!

The Giant Tube

At first he was baffled,

then it was war, tug-o-war that is....



look who won the war and took off with his victory prize in tow.....

At first he didn't quite know what to do with it LOL.

then he realized it's cardboard and the shredding began

I just love his little tooth showing (I guess not so little BOL!!!!!).

About White’s Wiggly Zack.

Zack is a Border Terrier. He is Grizzle & Tan in colour and is full of fun. He is such a happy little guy who loves everyone. He has such a zest for life and loves, loves, loves other dogs. From being a little terror of a puppy, Zack has grown into a wonderful dog. We can do anything with him, from stripping his coat to clipping his nails - he loves it all (weird but true)!

Zack has earned his Rally Novice A Obedience Title and has now become a Certified Pet Therapy Dog.

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together!

From the author Molly The Wally


  1. He looks like a great guy... And that tube looks like super fun!

  2. He sure is weird, likin his tootie nails cut !! but he's a super little chap, I mights go and have a play wiff him, cos I likes that tube, what fun!!
    Yoooo all's have a lazy Sunday, get de Pimms out cos weee's got the HOTS today :) YIPEEEEEEEE. xxxooooxxxx

  3. Grrrr.....Uyanga would love that tube !!!

  4. OMD... THAT is a MEGA Tube. We LOVE to kill those thingys..butt have NEVER seen one THAT BIG.

  5. What fun with that tube!! I gotta remember that will keep Finn someday when she's a bit bored. Happy Sunday!

  6. Wow, Zack. That is quite the big stick you have there! Cute toofer you have there. Lightning has huge vampire teeth like that too - probably why he is able to rip open all our stuffies.

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. That's one monster tube. Every so often mom will give me an empty paper towel tube but it is itty bitty compared to that one
    Hugs from your BFFF

  8. he's adorable! such a little tuffy.

  9. Wow, that was quite an undertaking! We all could have helped you with that but you did a good job!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Good going, you handsome guy! I hope you enjoyed tearing up your cardboard tube, I would have loved it too.


  11. Oh man, Giant Tube looks really fun! Good works Zack, very good works indeed.


  12. wow, that is a giant piece of fun for sure!
    Benny & Lily

  13. That's one heck of a tube! That picture of Zack running off with the tube is just so funny!

  14. Zack is such a handsome little dude!!That huge tubey thing looks like LOTS of fun - specially the shredding part...

  15. Oh Molly, MIZ MOLLY! How I have missed your daily reports and hilarious accounts of a Dog's Life. I AM BACK IN BLOGLAND after having a house guest for an entire week. It was fantastic, but I do love my routine where I get to peruse the world!

    DARLING LITTLE terror of a terrier grown up right! SEE YOU TOMORROW MIZ MOLLY! Anita

  16. Zack is a clever fella. I like his style. Thanks for introducing him to us. Hope you have a great week.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  17. Thanks for this wonderful post about my little treasure Zack who I love to bits!!!!!

  18. MIZ MOLLY!!!!!!

    Oh you kind and warm soul, you!!! I LOVE THAT "I" am on your blogging buddies page! That is the pic, that is the PICTURE that I want!

    Thank you so much for this honor! I so enjoy you.....we are GEARING UP for those Olympics! I just know you are going to give us the funniest stories ever! OH, and I had a fantastic time with my friend. THANK YOU! Anita

  19. That's a proper tube, can you play a tune on it.

  20. Well Zack looks like an awesome fella! A terrier after my own heart!!



  21. I know what you do with one of those things. You just put your mouth on one end and go "HELLLOOOO!"

  22. Zack is soooo cute, and look how smart he is! He is already a good citizen?
    That is sooooo cool!
    Molly the Wolly, I see that giant toofie of yours,,, and I know it comes in handy when you want to rip something to pieces!

  23. Aww Molly. this is quite sweet of you. And you have posted of a true cardboard champion.

    We will drop by their page and say hi.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  24. Hurray for Zack!!! I eed such a tube too :o)))

  25. Awww, we love Border Terriers, they are just up for any kind of fun! We see several on our walks. Zack is a little cutie :)
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  26. That tube looks great fun!

  27. GruffHello my friend Zacky - still can't get over the super skill and stamina he showed with that Tube! x

  28. That giant tube looks like a lot of fun!!! I love cardboard, and what could be better than cardboard shaped like a giant stick?

    your pal,
