
Tuesday 17 July 2012

Slog It Blog It, More on the Olympics, Ga Ga Land!

The London 2012 Olympic Village.

The London 2012 Olympic Village.

Athletes have begun arriving in the UK ahead of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Unbelievably the main park is still a construction site with less than two weeks to go until the opening ceremony. The latest embarrassment comes after yesterday it took the American team 4 hours to do a 45 minute journey after the coach driver got lost. However my sources at Molly Media have managed to get there and have a sneaky peak at the Olympic village and we can report that Ga Ga Land is taking shape nicely. There is a pub with free soft drinks (alcohol is banned) and helpful neon signs reminding you to cheer up and be happy. Motivational signs inside the pub say ‘Love & Laughter' and 'Live the Dream'. There is also a place where you can have all the free nosh you can eat, free massages, free hairdressers, and even free dental treatment if you want. That’s correct, as after all it is ‘Free Britain’! Victory Park in the Olympic Village will hold accommodation for the competing athletes and both winners and those who fail will get gold medals. That’s everyone a winner except us tax-payers.  There are 16,000 identical single beds which have ‘Excellence, Friendship, Respect’ printed on the duvets! There is an Olympic Village salon that will offer free beauty treatments night and day to all. It has recruited a team of manicurists who have been trained to paint the national flags of every single country on to ten fingernails in under half an hour. To be fair, Mr Mayor is doing his best to play it all down here in Ga Ga Land or wherever we call this soulless paradise behind the barricades. They better not forget to put up a sign saying ‘Real World This Way’ or we might find some athletes won’t want to leave.  No such worries in Blogville and don’t forget get your entries in for the Blogville Olympics before end of play. For events, hosts, links and emails please scroll down to Sundays post. 


  1. This Olympics is turning out to be a right embarrasment!!! I'll stick wiff Blogville, at least that is well organized! and I can have a packet of chip if I want!! :)
    Big Hugs, have a great day :)

    Mollie x

  2. Free massages????? I get them all the time, hehe.
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  3. Molly you literally crack me up!! Too Funny
    Good to see leather furniture in the Ga Ga land 'cause I hear the swimming team wear their suits 24/7
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  4. We do hope it all goes smoothly for GB. But we must say we are so glad we don't have to get our nails painted! Bad enough getting them trimmed.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  5. What next, a pub with no beer, no proper chips, duvets printed respect ,paw polishing, prehaps with ever medal there a free entry visa into the country! After all it is Free fill your paws!

  6. is that your is beautiful! mom doesn't have carpets anymore cos trudie and i think they are giant pee pads..sam of course is smarter (dad says) and knows their not! I bet the weather is so nice over there that mom could easily push me around in the stroller! Here it is a million degrees out so i have to stay in. I don't know why you can't post every easy to my blog please keep trying....stellie

  7. We have no carpet neither, and forbidden to enter in the tatami room because when Nana was a pup, she dig a hole in it...

    Love from....Uyanga for today !

  8. We heard that the US team makes quite a spectacle of themselves in the village. It makes us embarrassed.


  9. Allie: *SQUEEEEEE!* OOOH are there any nations with PINK in their flags? I could do with a new mani/pedi!!

  10. Oh Molly you look so spiffy with your corona of leaves. I wish you luck in your bloggieville olympics! Now for GB if that is true about all the free stuff move over cause I am moving in.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

    I am going to read your older post to get caught up.

  11. Looks like you are getting ready fur sure!

    The Newly Graduated,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. That must get tedious!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  13. HI amigo,
    Its me xolos from across the border in Mexico, did some say free visas, free food, free paw polish, nice carpets and sofas to lie, I coming right over speedy Xolos never misses a trick...........I'm the frisby thrower, winner on 100 gold medals!

    I stay with Molly.

  14. love the idea of painting all of the flags on fingernails! Too cool!

  15. Hewo sweet Molly. It's lovely to meet yoo
    I'm going to be pawticipating in about fifteen eventses, phew
    I'm tiwed just thinking about it. I think i will take advantage of that fwee massage yoo talked about
    See you at the games
    Smoochie kisses

  16. Noossa molly vc conseguiu entrar na sala vip, é?!
    Que chique que você é!!!
    Lammbidas do seu amigão!!!!!
    (que frio está fazendo...brrr )

  17. You look good in that last photo with all your medals!

  18. You are sure an Olympic star

    urban hounds

  19. That is so funny! I wants those. :)

  20. Molly you look like a real champ there! Best of luck in the blogville olympic games!

  21. I am wondering if I would like my toe nails painted????
    The Olympics is really happening !!! yeaaaaaaaaaaaa

  22. Flags on fingernails....hmmmm, sounds like a lot of work! Love your Olympic picture! :)

  23. Molly you should have your own TV series but you might be a little to close to the bone with some of your posts lol :)
    You must be right in the heart of it to get all this info!loving it :)
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx
