
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Slog It Blog It, What The Olympians Will Eat!

Food at the London 2012 Olympic games.

Food at the London 2012 Olympic games.

Now let us get down to the topic near to all our hearts, what are the guys n gals gonna be eating down at the Olympic Village? Leave reality at the door and enter the shiny new people’s Olympic Village where the dining room has 5,000 seats and will see 60,000 meals served daily. It is apparently the largest canteen on the planet, hmm tell that to the Chinese. The aircraft hangar, sorry dining room has food counters that are as large as a double Decker bus and the Halal counter alone could accommodate an entire fleet. In fact my sources at Molly Media calculated that you could fit 880 buses in the dining hall alone. More impressively 1300 different recipes will be rotated over an eight day period so the athletes won’t get bored of the tuck on offer. Shame that can’t be said for McDonalds, who will be serving up the same old menu day in, day out, all with chips! The athletes' dining hall is divided up by world cuisine, including a Best of Britain buffet, will that be without chips then? However we know one athlete who won’t be using the facilities unless chicken nuggets are on offer and that is my names’ sake Usain Bolt of Jamaica. Unfortunately we won’t see any of it, as dogs like children are banned along with aerosols, bikes, walkie-talkies and, bizarrely, hard suitcases. So don’t pack your Louis Vuitton trunk then! Usain Bolt you can share my chicken nuggets any day or we can hot footed down to Bianca Jackson’s house as there’s always nuggets there for supper!

It is the last day for submitting your entries to The Blogville Olympics. Please scroll down to Sunday's post for all the events, hosts, links and emails. Good luck to all the hosts and all the paw-tick-a-pants.


  1. You know you said aerosols are banned? That's not how I read it at first.... I dread to think how many "aerosols" will be found in the Olympic Park....hehe! Deccy x

  2. Looks like Google's and Facebook's canteen got some serious competition on the healthy servings category.

    Is McDonald's banned too?

    Huggies and Cheese,


  3. Hehehehe...your foto cracks me up withs da banana slicer and apple thingamajig.
    British food without da chips is a terrible thought...does McDonald's think they is a monopoly?


  4. Hay's Molly, yooos gonna need a Dawgaway when all the Olympics have finished! Wiff reportin on Our British one and being in the Blogville Olympics. Yooooo's must be soooo exausted!! :)

    Big hugs Mollie xx

  5. Molly I think you are the best roving reporter in all of the UK.
    Keep up the good work
    Hugs from your BFFF

  6. Mmmmmmm.....after that, I'm going to the kitchen to have a drink I think !;0))

  7. I want some wally-melon!


  8. Hey Molly!
    Wow, that's one ginormous eating join fur sure! I bet there'll be tons of morsels dropped on the floor, but alas we pooches aren't allowed. Too bad, some poor peep will have to clean that all up instead. Love that pix of you!!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Athlete

  9. After all your insightful info on the Olympic I look at these games in a whole new light. Wish the TV people would hire you to get the whole world the whole truth.

  10. Lookie at all that food!! Yum! Hope you get a sneak of something!

  11. Wow! 1300 recipes! Sounds like those athletes are going to be eating some fine cuisine!

  12. Elka LOVES apples and bananas!

  13. WHAT???? No MILKBONES???? What are they thinking???

  14. thanks for sharing all the 'insider tips' on the big games! i would pull out that 'deep undercover disguise' and go get some of those apples ... and maybe a nice steak while you're at it.

    all the best ... and let the games begin!


  15. The real question is, "will there be bacon?"


  16. You always sniff out the best news exclusives.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  17. Something tells me athletes will not be eating McDonalds, LOL.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  18. You are a great reporter! It reminds us of when we had the 2002 Olympics Here but it was before we were born.

    Your friends,

    Murphy and Stanley

  19. Look at all those medals you are AMAZING!

    urban hounds

  20. WOW!!! Those numbers are amazing!! Thank you for your updates!

  21. The Olympics are really starting the P*ss me off!
    The BLOGVILLE Olympics however is gunna be amazing and I cant wait to see every hosts event! Love and Licks from Frank xxxxxx

  22. I love the olympics! In fact, I'm a little obsessed with them, overall. I always try to go visit any Olympic park if I'm near one. As a result I've been bobsledding down an Olympic track twice -- so fun!!!

    Ironically the Olympic Bobsledding area is the one spot Toby was complete kicked out of. I had to sit in the parking lot in the car with him, because he wasn't allowed even on the grass there. It was very annoying.
