
Tuesday 21 August 2012

Blog From The Dog House, Begging Is A Cat Thing!

Molly The Wally and those kibbles.

When Begging is a cat thing!

Does your cat meow for titbits from the table? Do you get a leg rub as soon as you open the fridge door? According to a group of vets your feline pestering you for food, could be a sign that they are in the grip of a deadly eating obsession. It seems you may need to dish out some psychological treatment rather than a tasty morsel. Other symptoms of this condition include a bottomless appetite, food related aggression and growling and hissing. An average day in a moggies life I hear you doglets say. Our reporters at Molly Media looked into this research most doggedly. We can report that studies show that cats do suffer from food fixations leading to meow mania and feline foul play. Thus for your cats mental health make sure you give any snacks to the dogs! As I am once more being inflicted with a diet of the devil food Kibbles-Lite, any spare snacks would not go amiss. Send your munchie mutts, barkalitious treats and chew em ups over here and they will be gone within the hour. Donations to the desperate dog dinner appeal will be gratefully appreciated.

Have a laugh with a Barf…………. 

or some Kitty Poops………….

A bit of pup-peroni or some snausages......

Or some mosse poop.....

And our absolute favourite, kitty snax!

What's your favourite snacks?


  1. I loved the Kitty snack...Urgggg You've got what I have..the dreaded KIBBLE..BOL
    Have a great day Molly xx00xx

  2. Oh those kitty poops made us chuckle for a bit!!

  3. "Kitty poop", "moose poop"?! Eeeewwwww.
    Tutu definitely has a eating obsession. Mommy's hoping she'll grow out of it.....

  4. teeeheeee........YOU ARE MY DEAR! YOU are my favorite snack for a pick-me-up! YOU CRACK ME UP......

  5. Love the last one! I'm not so sure about the "poop" ones - ewwww....


  6. We don't mind kittehs... they like to keep the vermin away from momma's barn... so they are definitely not on the snacking menu! But that poop sure looks tasty!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  7. MOL MOL MOL Molly!!
    Mom says I've moved way pass begging. I am a full fledged
    DEMANDER!!!! As in give me a snack now or I'm going to eat your fingers one at a time. LOL
    My favorite snack is................anything.
    Hugs from a very hungry and psychotic cat
    Madi your BFFF

  8. The kitty poop looks... *sticks tongue out* nice enough.
    Er maybe I should tell this to mommy's cousin, they own a cat...

  9. I like the kitty snax the best, at least I can play with my food!

  10. Oh Molly, you never cease to amaze us with your funny posts! We wanna try the Moose Poop Dog Treats. They look, um..... appetizing!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. Ah, aqui no Brasil não vi nenhum lanchinho parecido com esses!!!
    Com certeza eu amo bifinhos...e os de leite são os melhores!!!
    Peço para minha mamãe e repito!!!!
    Lambidas, Molly linda!

  12. OH MY! Those are some interesting snacks! I am not too sure I would like them....

  13. Kitty Poops ? Moose Poops ? Hahahahahaha !

  14. That last snack looks pretty good. I love all snacks and yummies. But deer jerky is my favorite.

  15. Molly, you crack us up. Where do you come up with this stuff. pass us the puperoni PLEASE!!!

    Susie & Bites

  16. Wow, now we are all worried there is some cat in our genes, Molly Mom says we would definitely win any begging contest.

    Moose poop? Yummers.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  17. BOL!!! Molly, you are a hoot!! Can I say Ewwwww about the kitty poop?! I will stick to my Ginger Bear snacks!!


  18. OMD OMD the Kitty and Moose Poops Cracked me UP. I have a real thingy fur Rabbit Poops... the bunnies leave them in the yard fur me. BUTT I once ate too many and got WORMS in my BUTT. I have learned to show some restraint since THEN.

  19. NOMNOM Thanks for following us. We follows you. I EATZ anything!

  20. There's very little a Corgi won't eat! Just about everything is a favorite snack!

  21. All I get to have is my prescription food - but Mom does make it into Stinky Goodness treats for me. Those are really good.
    Oh. And any cicadas that I might be able to catch. Not that I'm allowed to have those... Ha roo!
    Play bows,

  22. Que foto linda... A comida parece bem gostosa...
    Nhami nhami... Rsrsrsr.
    Obrigada por participar de minha festa dos "1000 amiguinhos".
    Esta festa é para todos meus amigos queridos...
    Obrigada de coração.
    Ótima semana e fique com o Papai do Céu.
    Aus 1000 e BEijos 1000 com carinho,


  23. OMD I'm on a 'diet' - got only my daily food but no treats - I love all those snacks ...Have a wonderful tuesday Molly and enjoy your snacks...

  24. OMG meu deu água na boca agora Molly!!!!!
    Fiquei com vontade de atacar esses petiscos!!!!
    minha comida favorita é umas bolachas de leite que de vez em quando eu faço uma carinha muito fofa e a mamãe acaba me dando umas dessas bolachas deliciosas!
    Muitos e muitos beijos da sumida Mel!

  25. hey Molly,

    Research well done! I will take the kitty snax with a side of moose poop! My tummy is grumbling already!


  26. Riley LOVES her Pupperoni treats at night! She also likes to eat Shredded Wheat cereal squares as a treat...cheapest dog treat around and practically no calories or sugar!

    Have a great Tuesday, Molly!

    Elyse and Riley

  27. Look like you get a free kitty with the kitty snacks!
    We love our freeze dried chicken fillets best.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  28. Jajaja Ulises se tomaría el snack gatito con algo de pup-peroni, nam. Y que los gatos no sean tan tragones. Saludos.

  29. HAHA Kitty Poops..I have not seen those before!

  30. that is the exact reason I am not allowed to "free feed" Cody the way I did with my first cat, Bobo. If you put a 10 lb bag of kibble in front of Cody, he would eat it until it would be gone or until he would explode lol Cody can't have treats due to allergies, but "kitty poop??" OMG!!!
    Dakota's favorite snacks are Smart Bones or Rachael Ray's soup bones

  31. Oh My's....Kitty Poops! BOL will eat anyting dat don't eats me furst!

  32. Hehehe the kitty snacks made me and mummy giggle, i'd defiantly go for one of them ;)

    Milo :)

  33. Elka really loves it when I make turkey meatballs and she gets to have some!

  34. FaRADaY: Waaaaaaaaitaminit! *points to mouth* all treats go HERE! Sez so in my Contract...see? *paw-wave sleight of hand*
