
Monday 20 August 2012

Blog From The Dog House, Paws For Thought!

Molly The Wally Paws For Thought!

The new British craze is to give bizarre names to children.

Would you call your child Tequila, Tiger or Ferret? These bizarre names were given to British children as parents follow examples set by so called celebrities. Names for baby boys have included Awesome, Marvellous and Excellent whilst for girls names such Velvet, Purity, Promise, Loveday and Justice are popular. The records show that, while quirky baby names have commonly be given by celebrities in the past, families across England and Wales are following suit. Other names registered this year include Peace, Rogue, River, Serendipity, Diesel-Joe and Rider Zoom. But few families could match the parents in New Zealand who were ordered by a judge to change their daughter's name in 2008. They had named her Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii. She was nine years old when the court made its order. I am often called, Come Back , Get Here , Stop Barking, Sit Down and Leave It! Does that make my peeps a bit weird I ask? Our most favourites are, Justin Case, Barb Dwyer, Paige Turner and Stan Still. Spare a thought for Anna Prentice, Annette Curtain, Doug Hole, Hazel Nutt and Bill Board the next time you sign your name. What weird and wonderful names have you come across?


  1. Well... I may have an advantage in this one. My human is a teacher and has come across some doozies in her time!

    Here are just a few...

    Blinda (pronounced "Belinda"... but well, maybe she has trouble seeing?)
    Abcd (pronounced Ab-see-dee)
    Athony (not anthony, or antony...)
    And last, but not least... Jazzman.


  2. Too funny. We've noticed how we emphasize the Finn to mean different things. A softer Finnie verses a strong FINN! Have a great Monday!

  3. Not sure why parents do that to their children....growing up is hard enough, no one needs a name that invites ridicule by the other kids! sure can be entertaining :-)

  4. Hehehehehehe! We don't know any people with weird names. My lady said if she had had human kids she would have named her daughter Humour and my man says this is why they don't have human kids. The unluckiest dog name my lady came across was Gumdrop. He was a nasty little dog so clearly he didn't like it!

    Happy Monday! Love Hailey and Zaphod

  5. I heard about Talula (does the hula), she was the youngest ever person to win a court case against her parents to change her name ... I'm amaazed an 8 year old would know how to take them to court, but I suppose with a name like that, she'd have to grow up fast. It reminds me of the Johnny Cash song, 'Boy named Sue' (worth a listen if you don't know it). My humans have a 'name of the week' at work. This week's name was a Mr Icchi Fukiyo, from Japan :-)

  6. My ma feels very sorry for children who get named Apple and so fourth..... I however, think that more people should be named after foodables!! BOL!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  7. OH Gosh Molly..these are and dad are big fans of finding odd and amusing names too. Right of the top of her head early in the morning Mom cannot think of one single name.
    Some of the names tossed about for me were Clancy, after Dr. Clancy the very first vet who tended me(dad pooh pooh that 'cause he said it sound like a name for a burly policeman) Cinder because I'm gray. Mom said if she had waited a few days she would have named me Diva after learning my personality.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  8. For the chinese characters, it is written one way but is pronounced differently, and most likely have different meanings, depending on the dialect (it can even have several meanings in the same dialect, depending on the intonation). So a name that is pronounced in Mandarin dialect may sound and mean very differently when pronounced in the Cantonese dialect and even worst when translated to the English language...

  9. teeeheee...I HAVE A NEIGHBOR whose name is TED BAER.....he is called TEDDY BEAR!

    OH MOLLY, you are sooooooooo cute!!!! Anita

  10. Hahahaha :) These are great...
    But Tula Does the Hula? Idk what her parents were taking, but it's Monday and I would probably take a bit of it!

    Crazy peeps.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  11. Funny. Names say more about the parents of humans and furbabies more than the baby itself. Some are just nutso. :)

  12. We are pretty sure Monty thinks his name is "Dammit, Drop it!", but other than that we haven't run across too many odd names.


  13. Back in my elementary years, I met a student who was named ABCDE (pronounced as abseedy).

    Huggies and Cheese,


  14. MOM's niece named wanted to name her little girl Jezabel. But after some thought and MOM explaining the name she settled for Jazzland Jezabel.

  15. There certainly are some interesting names, aren't there?

  16. my mom ACTUALLY taught a boy whose LEGAL Name was Justin Case. We know somebuddy who named their son... DASH.
    And there is a SWICK family in this county who named their son BRUN..
    Brunswick is the name of a company that makes stuffs like Bowling Balls.
    I just don't know WHY peeps name their poor little babies such STUPID thingys.

  17. Wez made it over..Phew wot a busy couple of dayz :) That poor girl in NewZeland.
    We think the name craze is ridiculous...those poor kids have to live with this.
    Have a great day Molly :) xx00xx

  18. I once read an article about how a person's name might affect what they become as adults. Those strange names can only become strange people. It seems to me that not only should people have to attend a How to Be Married school, but also a How to Raise Children school. Could only help, couldn't it?

    The funniest dog name I ever heard was
    DOG (pronounced DeeOGee).

    Jo and Stella

  19. OMD...I tink me is speechless (dat don't happen too often) BWHahahahah

  20. OMG! I can't believe what names some people hang on their kids! Now sometimes I do refer to Freddie as "screw off"! lol!

  21. Those names are silly.

    I like your nose.


  22. BOL! Those names are 'aweful-ly' hilarious! Glad that hasn't caught on in the USA yet. Has it? :O

    Luv the photo! :D

    Waggin at ya,

    PeeS: Thanks for adding the POTP site link! :)

  23. What is worng with human?? I have pawsome handsome and mantastic! I do get a few names sometimes that I don't like which include, no, stop and get up here!!! BOL!!


  24. Mom really likes the name Talulah, or Talulah Belle, but let it stop there - that poor girl. We must admit we did enjoy chuckling at all the crazy names in your post and that ABCD in one of your comments:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  25. No wonder the courts made the parents change their child's name from Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii! I have to wonder if parents are off their rockers when they name their children or if they are seriously in love with the names they choose!
    I have to say that I wondered if my parents were crazy when they named me April back in the 60's but after I got so many compliments on it I decided it was a cool name after all.
    I don't understand why Gwyneth Paltrow named her little girl "Apple"....I don't think I'll ever understand!

  26. Some parents must have a pretty sadistic sense of humour. Ferret, haha.
    My boss went to school with a girl called Anette Curtain (it's true).
    Lynne x

  27. You sure hear some of the names mom hears at her job. Nutty
    Benny & Lily

  28. I think, my really name is "NO"...:o)

  29. lol too funny!!!! I actually see "River" more because of River Phoenix, I don't mind "Justice" or "Serendipity" I think those are kind of pretty......I feel sorry for kids named Sparrow, Apple, etc........

  30. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks so much for stoppin' by for a visit. I'm so glad y'all could make it!

    I'm still BOL and can't stop!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  31. The idea is to have a name that, when Googled, will bring you to one person. Like Foley Monster. But if you use the name Foley Monster I will sue.

  32. Now those are some strange names. What are people thinking? BTW, you have a great nose!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  33. My mom's name (ok my name) is Molly! That's the perfect name right?

  34. Molly....
    Well. You're either going to love me or hate me for being so different!! But I like unique and unusual names, so long as they are appealing!! Yep!! I like Velvet, Purity, and Promise. Loveday? Never heard of it. But I like that name, anyway!! Whoo. I also like Peace, River, and Serendipity!! I know, I know!! I am weird!! ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  35. You have to wonder what kind of teasing is in store for a child with an ultra-strange name.

    Critter Alley

  36. you are too cute. names can be tragic! :)

  37. hey Molly,

    I just don't see you as a "Leave It" or "Come Back." I think your humans should change them to "Enjoy It" and "Have Fun On Your Walk/Run!" BOL!

    Humans...they have so much to learn. There is a fine line between being unique and creative and just being crazy. Poor kids. Fun post, though!

    Suka aka "No!"

  38. What wrong with good old fashioned and most excellent names like Molly and Sasha??

    Loveys Sasha

  39. Uh Oh!Our heads are spinning from all those weird names!Justin Case indeed!
    And in our opinion U might want to call the judge about Leave it and Come back!
    Wags, Gin, Bud n Shadow

  40. Next time they call me stop barking, zip it, leave it, come back when I haven't even gone any where, I going to demand that they put my full name on my collar, and then see whose laughing!

  41. Mommy sez they had an "Ima Hogg" in Texas. Austin still has Hogg Auditorium named after her. Go figure. *shakes head*

    Allie calls me Brat but that doesn't count cuz she's my bossy sister.

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