
Sunday 26 August 2012

Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog Snoopys Dog Blog!

Nominated by last weeks’ guest Basset Momma!

Monday Mischief Master Class – Ever Considered it Could be a Co-incidence?

Today’s Monday Mischief Master Class is all about convincing them (the humans) that co-incidences do happen and maybe, just maybe it wasn’t actually you?!  Tee Hee!

Introducing - Monday Mischief Rule No. 19 – It Could be a Co-incidence?

 Me? You want to speak to me?

What fur that looks exactly like mine on the ‘former’ toy?

Erm, ever heard of co-incidences Mum? 

I wonder what Mischief everyone else has been up to this week?  Tee Hee!

About Me!

Hi, my name is Snoopy. I’m a Young Bearded Collie Therapy Dog who lives in California. I have what’s called a blue coat and matching blue eyes (you can see when my fur isn't covering them). I thought it would be fun to share my special moments as I grow up, did I mention I like a Little Mischief?! :) I hope you're having a fun day.


  1. Helllllo Snoopy! GOod to see ya! We are going to have to check out this book! Say hello to Molly for us, ok?

  2. OMG YOU ARE SO ADORABLE! Miz Molly, where do you get all these darling and gorgeous friends? But CUTE attracts CUTE and there you have it.

    Look at the expression on her face....HMMPH! There is NO coincidence with a four-legged friend around! But we love you all anyway.....


    A human

  3. Can't wait to check it out. We try and blame things on the cats . . . . Have a great Sunday. Love Hailey and Zaphod

  4. Very nice of you Molly to feature your furend Snoopy today. We're going to hop right over to say hello to Snoopy now.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  5. Hi Snoopy. I think it was all a MISTAKE... YOU would not do somethingy like THAT. Probably Squirrels did it.

  6. Oh hi there Snoopy! You did a great job deading that dangerous scorpion.


  7. Hi Snoopy -nice to meet you. We love your ponytail. We have a lot of those same mischievous incidents happen here too, but we would suggest you work on your not-looking-guilty expression:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. such a cutie! and completely innocent, i'm certain !

  9. Snoopy, you are very cute! We have many coincidences at our house! Happy National Dog Day to you and Molly!!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Wez loves Snoops...Who could resist that cute face.
    Have a great Sunday Molly xx00xx

  11. Hi Molly,

    Thanks for the post buddy - you're awesome!! I'm super honored to be featured by you :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  12. Ohhh, Snoopy is gorgeous, how could she do anything wrong :)
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  13. Hi Molly and Snoopy were are running a little late today...we hope you haven't already gone to bed. MOL

    Snoopy one of my mom's former co-workers had bearded collies so we know all about you and how 'sweet' you can really be...
    Hugs madi your bfff

  14. We LOVE Snoopy!!!!!!!!!!! He's our buddy!!

  15. AWwwwww......very very very cute !!!
    Hugs from Flo, leaving soon to Europe.

  16. Snoopy is adorable!
    Aaaand.... sure the evidence was there!
    Kisses and hugs

  17. Hey Snoopy and Molly! Hope you both had a great weekend!

  18. how did mom break your toy
    Benny & Lily

  19. Hi Guys,

    I just popped back over and discovered all these awesome comments from buddies both old and new - you guys rock!! Thanks so much everyone for these lovely comments :)

    Hope you're having a fun day :)

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    PS - In case of any confusion, I'm a Boy - it's Mum who puts the clip in my hair that makes me look like a Girlie - doh!! :)

  20. Thanks so much Snoopy for nominating us for Molly's Share It Sunday! We're so happy to discover her blog and we're looking forward to seeing our post here! :D
