
Saturday 25 August 2012

Slog It Blog It, It’s Nearly Back To School Time!

Molly The Wally paws for thought!

Back to school or should be say shcool?

We send our children to school expecting them to be taught the basics, to the highest level by knowledgeable teachers and staff. However even the best schools and colleges can fall victim to mammoth spelling mistakes and print accidents...........!

Schools may be out for Summer but shcools are back in for Autumn!

Whoever wrote this should maybe have used the ‘creative kids software’ they were trying to sell!

Bring your crayons, pens and books and a bit of pocket money for that knife sale!

Oh that very tricky word again! 

Congradulations too!

Not just ‘The Big Easy’ but two of them!

Different strokes for different folks! 

Snigger, snigger!

Maybe the students came from this elementary school!

Or maybe this one?

And then go to this one?

You can always exercise when you are not.....

Or attend night-School!

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow ......

And our favourite.......

Blogville will be hosting ‘Back To School Classes’ so to pop over or go to organiser Mayor Frankie and get involved.


  1. Hahaha!! School is a load of rubbish! Mum should stay at home so i can walk her all day, it would be best that way!! Funny post Molly! I love the 8th picture 'students turn us on' that one made me laugh alot!!!

    Milo :)

  2. I's fawghts My spellin waz bad !! bol.. Have a wet and windy day Molly, I'ms bored coz it's so "ORRIBLE " out. xxooxx

  3. Molly the Wally, your nose is so soft....teehee...tickle tickle!

    OH MY GOODNESS you are the best snoop dog ever. Look at all the bloopers you have scooped up here!!!! LOVE IT! should hear some of the ones I have encountered on my teaching journey!!!

  4. Hehehehehe! I think we dogs would have made some better signs! All the best for Saturday! Hailey and Zaphod

  5. Oh wow, those are some bad spelling mistakes. I hope Frankie's got someone lined up for spelling!

  6. LOL!!!!! This is way too funny! Didn't realize there were "pubic" schools. Wonder what they teach there? Hahahaha.

  7. LOL Molly, thanks for make us laughing - have a nice weekend

  8. We've got a church up near Miama, AZ that says "Chruch of Christ". It has been like that for years now. We've always wanted to stop in and ask them about it...


  9. Those are just great, Molly! The word that gets Mom going all the time is "definitely", so often misspelled as "defiantly". But we suppose one could be defiant about being definite:)

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. Molly....
    This is a hilarious Blog post!! I giggled the entire time while reading it!! ;)
    "Home is where the Heart is: Back to school knife sale"? Yikes!! :-O
    Is that last picture.... Alcoholic beverages? Nice. Real nice. ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  11. Those are funny Molly! We saw an ad on facebook the other day for Back-To-School pregnancy testing kits. What are people thinking?

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. too funny!!
    Have a fun day
    Benny & Lily

  13. Misspellings drive me crazy and I tend to notice them even when school isn't in session! The ones that got me laughing was the "Back To School" sign by the wine rack, pubic schools, and differance. Oh boy! To make spelling errors in one thing but to make them when advertising about schools is another!
    Thanks for entering your caption in my Silly Saturday Photo Caption Contest today!

  14. Oh Molly, you so do make us laugh! We love you for that.... Goode think wee doxies don t havta gooo two skool.

    Lily Belle

  15. Hi Molly,
    I like the last one the best,I want to be the be milk monitor!

  16. Molly you are too funny with this post! we'll be on the lookout for more to send you. Those illiterate humans. Bwahahaha.
    your furbuddies,
    joules & prescott

  17. Hi Molly,

    These photos are awesome! My mom was laughing so hard!

    your pal,

  18. MOL MOL
    Molly I think maybe there (their) are those adults who need a refresher course at shcool!! Absolutely hilarious. Where do you find all this? Good job
    Hugs madi

  19. Hee hee hee! These are funny. :)

  20. BaaaaaWaaaah Wee Kan DUE BEDDER Den DOZE. BaaaaWaaaaaah...

  21. Arrrrgggh it's like nails on a chalkboard for me! Misspelling is one of my HUGE pet peeves!

  22. Once again you have us laughing our heads off, Molly!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  23. BOL, thanks for the laugh! I teach, so it's even funnier to me!

  24. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks so much for stoppin' by for a visit. I'm so glad y'all could make it!

    Kids here in the mountains are already back in school. BOL...wonder what they're really learning?

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  25. Molly, I think people all around the world need more education or better lenses...I'm sorry for my mom's crappy english but I'm sure she writes in a perfect portuguese!
    Licks from Pink

  26. Shcool?! My sister would love to see that!

  27. BWAA-HA-HAAAA! Oh too good! Just exactly HOW many ways can they misspell school anyway?!? ANd not a LOLCAT in sight upon which to lay the blame. *tsk*tsk*

  28. I had a good laugh looking at those pictures!
    Happy Saturday!
    Kisses and hugs

  29. Thank Dog, we are sick of seeing the little brats in OUR park, LOL.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  30. Wear due you find all this grate stuf? ;-)

  31. HAHAHA!!! You always have the VERY best stuff. We love your posts.

    And we especially need to find that back to school liquor/wine sale. :)

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie & Newby
