
Friday 3 August 2012

Slog It Blog It, An Olympic laugh with Boris The Major!

Boris Johnson Blooper goes viral

Boris Johnson Blooper Goes Viral.

The stunt was designed to publicise Olympic events being screened in Victoria Park, East London. The public were invited to try their hand at some alternative sports. So with that Boris, Major of London like the good sport he is joined in. One moment he was zipping along like a circus clown doing a high-wire act and the next he was dangling in the sunshine. ‘Get me a ladder!’ he pleaded, hanging inelegantly some 30ft up from a harness, ‘It was going so well until now. This is great fun but it needs to go faster.’ The Mayor of London's hilarious zip line escapades went viral and we bring you the best of them.

Firstly crashing in on Roos'  Blogville opening ceremony.......

Then into the opening ceremony itself........

Next hanging around Big Ben.......

Driving off to the next venue.....

Hanging around with Usain Bolt.........

Swimming with sharks ...... no problem he’s in politics ..........

Faced with catiness...... no problem he’s in politics ..........

An alternative lift to the next venue.........

Then off to the Olympic Conkers Event..............

Dealing with those aliens........

Keeping those aliens in check...........

And Boris goes into space and beyond...................!

Have a great day at the Blogville Olympics and at London 2012 Olympics too.

Today at the BO2012 we have the marathon chewing event hosted by Murphy and Stanley.

And the digging event hosted by Puddles.

For other events please scroll through this weeks posts.


  1. We saw funny :)
    Have a great day Molly.
    Hugs Mollie x

  2. Molly
    I'm having such a gweat time weading all yoow fun blogs about the Olympics. I'd nevew have seen all these cool pictoowes ow known these factses wifout yoow on-sight repawting
    Bwilliant! Thank you

    See you awound pawlympic village
    Smoochie kisses

  3. Hahahaha...oh dis was a gem of a post! We saw him on teevee too!
    Ain't East London wheres they speak cockney?


  4. BOL gotta love Boris conquering the world and beyond:-)

  5. Hi Molly, wonderful idea for the sharing sunday, I love Bert!!! Thanks!!!

  6. That Boris has certainly madded a bit of merriment to the Olympics. He may even be upstaging the Queen.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. That was sure the best!!!!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. wow that would have been a adventure to remember! Mom says we are feeling lots of pride today cos gabby douglas lives an hour and half away from us in Des Moines, Iowa. I am thinking about going to visit her when she gets home...maybe she will take a picture of me and her
    Have a great one
    Stella Rose

  9. Bawhahahha. Good entertainment.

  10. LOL! Those are great! Hope you have a "gold"-en weekend at the Olympics. Blogville and otherwise!

  11. HeHeHeHe.....(Shhh...maybe he'll be gobbled up)

  12. Molly you continue to amuse and entertain us with your professional reporting and flair for the wild and crazy things. Mom loves ET...
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  13. too funny! love how they played off this!

  14. Hi Molly,
    Boris is just like 007 he gets around London with out using public transport, his feet do'nt even touch the ground....any chance he's going for gold!

  15. jajaja, que gracioso. Mis favoritas fueron con ET y la del gatito.

  16. "Swimming with sharks ...... no problem he’s in politics .........."

    That totally cracked me up! LOL!

  17. Very funny - we agree with the swimming with sharks bit.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  18. Molly, We are absolutely enjoying the Olympics! Both versions that is.
    We rather like that bag that says 'It took me only 3 hours....'!

    And we totally enjoyed the opening ceremony too...the Queen makes SUCH a great Bond girl, don't you think??!!And she even had her Corgis star in her debut Hollywood flick!

    Yes, we were pretty surprised that that girl was allowed to dress in red and so casually too when everyone else was looking so dapper. Lil did we know she had gate crashed!What utter lack of responsibility! How could anyone in the contingent not protest immediately and waited for the diplomats and papers to do it the next day?

    Gin, Bud n Shadow

  19. Wow, there are some nutty things going on over there!
    Benny & Lily

  20. so funny! I'm not participating in the Olympics! Are you? Really?

    thanks for your comment on my bracelet arm party!!!

    have a grand weekend!


  21. O my... The Olymbicks is great fun, but yeur blog post iss funner than any odder fing I haff watched!!! I can naught whait teu see more!

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

  22. Great job, those mascots are awful! You are defending humanity from possible alien mascot invasion

    urban hounds

  23. Hahaha :) Bwahahahaha :) That was Brilliant!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  24. You've got some Mayor there. Ours wouldn't have done anything that entertaining!!
