
Thursday 2 August 2012

Slog It Blog It, Olympic Sized Complaints.

Molly The Wally Olympic Glasses.

London 2012 Olympic Sized complaints.

Firstly we had the imposter who led the Indian team through the opening ceremony causing an outrage from Indian diplomats.

There's always one, and this time it's the sculler from the Sahara. Six months ago Hamadou Djibo Issaka was a gardener working in the Niger capital, Niamey, with a sideline in swimming. He may not have won his race, nor even come close, but he certainly won the hearts of the crowd. They roared the Niger rower across the finish line at Eton Dorney as he finished his heat in last place, 100 seconds behind the winner. The valiant performance in the men's single sculls has seen him hailed a hero.

Then meet Jennet the Jellyfish Saryyeva of Turkmenistan who finished a minute and 18 seconds behind the rest of the competitors in her 400m freestyle heat. Her time of 5min 40.29sec is two seconds outside her personal best and a national record for Equatorial Guinea.

On Tuesday we had the farcical badminton match with both Chinese and South Korean pairs trying to lose to secure an easier quarter-final draw. China's Wang Xiaoli and Yu Yang played against South Korea's Jung Kyung-eun and Kim Ha-na. The longest rally in the first game had been just four strokes. The shuttle cock was deliberately aimed at the net when the second Korean pair, the third seeds Ha Jung-eun and Kim Min-jung, then attempted to engineer defeat in their match against Indonesia's Meiliana Jauhari and Greysia Polii. This culminated in less ha ha and more loud booing from the audience, resulting in their disqualification.   

However here on the gnome-front we report that it came to light yesterday that an interloper managed to get past security and enter the Blogville Olympic Venue. Said imposter snuck in to ‘The Couch Potato’ event and tried to secure himself a place on team Lily & Muffin. Our reporters at Molly Media having obtained the evidence will be passing the proof to Major Frankie and Chief of Pawlice and Gnomeland security, Sarge.

On closer inspection we have identified the culprit as none other than Norman the Gnome who is still missing and now at large somewhere in Blogville. An exhausted Lily stated that after a mammoth task of hosting the event she did not notice Normans’ presence was illegal and she is devastated to realise that her team may have been infiltrated by the gnomposter. Lily said she thought Norman had been officially gnominated as part of her team. It would appear that drug tests will need to be carried out as clearly the little man was plastered. Norman the interloper appears to be determined to get gnominated for gold at any cost. What event will he appear in next? We have every confidence that Sarge will apprehend the miscreant, hopefully with gnome resistance, before any further disruption can be caused. 

And today over at the Blogville Olympics we have..............

The stick event by Goose!

And the pole jumping event by Bert!

And scroll to older posts to see events that have been going on in the last few days.


  1. LOL.. the gnomposter....

    oooh I haven't lucky paws with my nominee... I would instead suggest this one :
    if it is possible...

    sorry for the inconvenience...

    enjoy your thursday as we do!!!

  2. BOL! THere isn't Olympics without drama! Of all sizes!! Have a good one!

  3. Yor problems up on me bloggie Molly.. Heeeeheee, tell ya mates :)
    Huggies Mollie xx

  4. What an imp Norman is!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. Ohhhh dear, I am laughing so hard, here at 6:00am.....

  6. Thanks Molly for keeping us all up to date on all the Olympic news. That was some badminton scandle happening.

    We're so relieved to know that you picked right up on the signals we were sending you during our Couch Potato Peeling Event. We didn't know what to do when Norman showed up for the Event, so we played along with his game. If Interpol has any questions for us, we'd be more than happy to assist in the investigation. Unfortunately, Norman didn't give us any clues as to where he was heading next. Butt, I'm sure glad he's not hanging around us anymore because he is a bit of a blanket hog.

    Off to our next Event now. It's gonna be a busy day.

    Lily Belle

  7. Great write up on the games ... can't wait to hear what else you 'sniff out' ...

    Have a great day in blog-ville,

  8. HAHAHA!!!! I know this is serious, but HAHAHA!!
    Norman is definitely a wiley little guy... I cannot believe he was able to crash the Blogville Olympics!!

    I am thinking Sarge is putting together a special cell for him!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  9. OH my gosh, I am so upset that I deleted my first comment before it was grabbed by blogger.

    my sweet Molly, I am so so so sorry that I didn't get your jumping photo in the video. I dont' know what happened. I am so so soso sorry.

    Please forgive me.

    1. Bert of course you are forgiven and I am popping by to let you know in case you don't read this.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. You are are first stop on getting all the reliable people Olympic news.

  11. Molly, I stay all day in front of tv watching the Olympics but brazilian athlets have no luck...or they are not good...only 3 medals so far.
    I'rather be "working" with Norman the Gnome!!!
    Licks from Pink

  12. You look great in your new glasses.

  13. Molly has anyone ever told you, you have a nose for news!!
    We are informed because you are informed.
    hugs Madi

  14. Wowee! What bad sports in there! We couldn't believe the badminton thing! How crazy.


  15. BOL we knew something was going in with those Olympics
    Benny & Lily

  16. Stop, stop, I gnome can handle any more gnome jokes! They is highly ingnomeproppriate! Ok, I leaves the gnome jokes to you, for you is an expert!


  17. Wow! Thats all I know what to say about all those things...on the other hand my mom thinks you are so pretty molly! She liked your picture alot today!
    Just Me Stella rose

  18. Those badminton players are such a disgrace to the sport. Shameful!
    We hope Sarge apprehends that elusive Norman!

  19. Norman the naughty gnome!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  20. Oh Molly, your gnome update is just hysterical. The Momster is just about to wet her pants with silly laughter. We so appreciate your humor, good to get those laughs in.

    That badminton ploy was just pathetic. We finally saw it on video, what a disgrace to the honor of a true Olympian.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. I have no clue why it isn't showing up on your feed. Honest.. I've not changed a thing... But you are not the first person to say they have issues. Miss Nora B. Webster couldn't get my feed to work and Miss Lily Belle cannot see my pictures.
    I'm beginning to think Blogger and I are just not going to come to any agreement.

    I don't use another program to post to Blogger, using the Blogger program online. You'd think it like what I do... :( -sigh-

    I don't know what to tell you, Miss Molly.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  22. Wow...this year the Olympics seem to be having problems both in London and in Blogville. Bet it's the gnome's fault!

  23. Hi and the great post, Molly!! Watching the olympic game is very exciting. It's too bad that we've heard a negative stuff about the badminton players. Have you ever heard that Japanese olympic team escorted to leave the opening ceremony after matching for 40 memters or so by mistake? This is not their wishes so the London organizer did make a HUGE mistake but of course none of the English language media mentions about. If you hear something please let us know....

    your friend,
    Momo & Pinot

  24. Molly, I love your Olympic glasses, too cool!

  25. Fab glasses. Hope you manage the catch the gnomposter BOL

  26. Mowzers, first the Couch Potato event and now badminton too??? TSK TSK!
