
Wednesday 26 September 2012

Flog It Blog It, The Fuzz Will Be After Ewe!

Rampaging sheep in St Anton. yikes says Molly The Wally!

Sheep go on a rampage in St Anton.

The owners of an Austrian shop were left gob smacked when eighty sheep flocked into their store in the ski resort of St Anton. The ram-raiders baa-rged in and drove the owners and shoppers baa-my when they invaded the shop and caused thousands of pounds of damage. The shear audibility! Our Mint Sauces at Molly Media interviewed that manager of the Intersport shop. He thought that on seeing their reflection in a mirror they came in to investigate. The spokesman added, 'And being sheep, of course the rest of them decided to follow'. The fluffy mammals caused complete carnage as they piled into the store, clearly enjoying their freedom in the absence of a shepherd to round them up. Store manager Michael Ess, bleated to us, 'They broke some of the sunglasses and left a lot of dirt. We had quite a clean up to do. I have never experienced anything like it.' Ewe mean to say the Manager didn't tell them to ‘Flock Off'! We hope they were not fleeced as Austria is an expensive country! Maybe they were looking for a BAAAAGIN or they must have been on The Piste! Negotiations are currently under way between lawyers and the owner of the sheep over the cost of damage to stock within the shop. A bit like the frenzied scenes to last week's iPhone 5 launch, welcome to the Apple store! The sheep must have been using Apple's much maligned new iOS6 maps app. Baaa humbug, thanks for mutton!


  1. More likely a sheep spotted an iphone5 in the shop and rushed in, followed by his/her entire clan. I can't go anywhere without seeing or hearing iphone5! Molly, if you were there, would you have herded the sheep out of the shop? I have something special for you tomorrow!!!!! Remember to check my blog tomorrow.

    Cheers, mate.

  2. We would have chased those sheep out!!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. maybe it was aprotest against shearling?

  4. I've never heard of sheep going shopping before!

  5. Molly
    I wead wif a smile about this sheep shopping expewience..mommi and I have been full of teaws today because ouw welentlessly huge fwiend Mango cwossed the bwidge. He leaves a welentlessly huge hole in all ouw heawts
    Smoochie kisses

  6. HAHAHAHA! We want sheep to play with! Have a great day! Hailey and Zaphod

  7. BOL! Holey Sheep! ;D Just luv your wicked and clever sense of humor Molly :D

    Waggin at ya,

  8. Thanks Molly for giving us the REAL TRUTH about the sheep shopping escapade.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  9. OMD, how bizarre..I've never heard of sheep trampling in a shop before..perhaps they thought they were bulls...bol xx00xx

  10. Oh my! Bet they left a lot of stink in there!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  11. Jim and Wilson would have been happy to rid the store of those naughty sheep!

  12. ...and them sheep are pooping machines... I bet the shop smelled really great afterwards!


  13. The MINT SAUCES over at Molly Media are ON TOP OF IT at all times.....where on EARTH do you find these events Miz Molly?? You are TOP DOG!!! I tell you, I always laugh a good one here, in my little writing cabinet in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA!


  14. Counting all those sheep made me sleepy!

    Critter Alley

  15. The sheer nerve of those sheep.

  16. too funny - especially the 'had to follow' part. :)

  17. MOL Molly maybe they were really wolves in sheep's clothing!!
    hugs madi your bfff

  18. FANTASTIC! Grinning from ear to ear.

  19. Oh Molly,

    You are funny buddy - love the comparison to the Apple store!!

    I think they should have give me a call cos I'm a Sheep Herder, though I think I might have had my paws full with that many!! :)

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  20. It was their first shopping experience so of course they would be trampling all over the store. I just wonder what they thought of their shopping trip?

  21. Woof! Woof! Oh My! Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  22. My friend Jill is really good at herding. She would have gotten them out of there FAST!


  23. Molly are you ready fur this??? Here it comes...
    I had not "HERD" about this. BaaaaWaaaah I made a FRANKIE FUNNY just fur YOU...

  24. WOW, thats better then the dumb cows we gots. How funny!!!

    Your Furends
    Susie & bites

  25. LOL! We can just imagine the *dirt* they left behind!

  26. Quantas coisas legais Molly, acredita que eu nunca vi uma ovelha a minha mamãe já viu, mais eu nunca vi, deve ser legal correr atrás delas no campo!
    Um Infinito de Beijos!

  27. We started counting the sheep and ended up napping.
    Thanks for the story, and the nap!

    Happy Yappy Wednesday to you and yours!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  28. hey Molly,

    BOL! What a pawsome story! Funny to read about rubble-rousing sheep. I think St. Anton stores should hire some Australian Shepherds as guards from this newly formed sheep gang. :->

    I love your use of language to create such witty puns. You are a very smart pup!


  29. P.S. Errrrr....I mean "rabble-rousing." I always think quicker than I write. :->


  30. Ahhhhhh darn, everybuddy tooks my clever comments I was gonna make. I should has been here quicker.


  31. WOWZERS! I started counting and lost track....

  32. I seen lots of sheep on holiday they weren't in the shops though. I was expecting to here a funny sound coming from the boot of the car were dad had nabbed one for Sunday lunch.


  33. What if you were a sheep dog? Were would you herd them to? Maybe to McDonald's...
    Licks from Pink

  34. Darn sheep anyway.

    Did they get away with any new skis cuz I am still wanting some to try out?!

  35. Oh Molly - an unbelievable story - poor owner....but a gang is a gang - I didn´t know, what should happen when I run together with you in and through the St.Anton store....;-)
    A very special it!
    Wuff and LG Aiko
