
Thursday 27 September 2012

Flog It Blog It, Wenlock Woes!

Molly The Wally & Wenlock The London 2012 Olympic mascot.

Wenlock The London 2012 Olympic mascot is having a rough time.

News has just come in to my sources at Molly Media that the bizarre Olympic mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville have failed to win over the British public. Shares of the Toy-maker Hornby have plummeted by at least a third. It was forced to issue a profits warning on the back of poor sales of its Olympic merchandise this week. Based upon blobs of steel and featuring a single eye these less than cuddly mascots were designed to symbolise the 2012 Games. The great British public failed to warm to the strange figures and a whole of host of unsold branded souvenirs and collectibles are now gathering dust on toyshop shelves. We suggest they sell them to the BBC for use in the next series of Dr Who or Torchwood! Wow they may be destined for the POUND SHOP and I can get some more to de-stuff. No surprise, they were described as sinister, disturbing, creepy and frightening. Commentators had complained that the duo scared children and projected an image of a ‘Big Brother’ surveillance state. These malevolent looking mascots were hideous and who wants a one eyed toilet brush anyway? Wenlock and Mandeville were created by London-based creative agency Iris, which said the mascots had been designed to appeal to children. We think a fitting epitaph would be, Wenlock and Mandeville scaring children since 2012!

If you missed my epic, Defacing, Dis-figuring, De-stuffing and Disembowelling of the vile Wenlock during the London 2012 Olympic Games Click Here. And yes a Wenlock was hurt, very badly in the making of this post, hurrah!


  1. Just looking at the mascots, they were plainly unappealing. BUT, when you actually have Molly, the cutie take a pic next to one, it is a thousand-fold worse, almost hideous. BIG CONTRAST! London should have just paid Molly to be the Mascot, if you ask me.


  2. Maybe they could put them in pet shops so we dogs could destuff them!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Not surprising... They're not very endearing looking....

  4. I am sure several people responsible for Wenlock's design where fired

    urban hounds

  5. What a gentle and elegant photo of you MIZ MOLLY....but deep within lurks a SAVVY and MAKE-NO-BONES-ABOUT-IT kind 'a gal!!! I AGREE! WHO IN THE HECK thought up these beastly looking things???

    You are THE BEST! ANd BALZIBUB is sitting on my desktop, oh SO FRIGHTENING, but cute! teeheee


  6. Scaring children!! How bizarre!

  7. They are just too ugly! Only meant to be desuffed!!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. MOL Molly Wenlocks everywhere will learn that Molly is not just a pretty face she is a serious butt kicker too.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  9. Uh...Was that for real? Because that IS scary-looking. Can't imagine the "genius" it took to come up with that!

    -Nicki and Derry's mom (Fuzzy Tales)

  10. Ooops, sorry...I just need (a) caffeine and (b) glasses. I see the "visible after approval now."

    -Nicki and Derry's mom (Fuzzy Tales)

  11. Those are great for Halloween.
    Btw, I loved your Amy Winehouse story on Mollie's blog.

  12. I think the thing to do is donate all of them to the local shelter and let some pups take care of the matter in the form of destuffing and burring.

  13. Mooly, have some shipped over here, I am sure the toys shops are very willing to get rid of them. We are betting there is THOUSANDS of doggies that would be willing to give them a proper destuffing, we will take a dozen. Please keep us informed of any progress on the project.

    Your Over the Pond Furends
    Susie & El Destructdo Bites

  14. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what strange things those are! No wonder they didn't catch on. I agree with our scotsmad furiends, maybe give them to shelters so the pups and kitties there have something to play with.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  15. I never tire of admiring her beauty!

  16. I remember you chewing up one of those Molly,They can't give them away at Tesco' Have a great Thursday..sent you another mail..check ya xx0xx

  17. Those toys are creepy looking. Wonder what the person who designed them looks like. I would hate to have on my resume that I designed them. Well a dog could do better.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  18. I agree, they look much worse in comparison with your beauty! Love the pictures of your handiwork!

  19. wow, they definitely wouldn't have appealed to me as child or adult! :)

  20. Wonder who had the idea for this beast - maybe the inventor had to much beer from slug traps?

  21. They definitely had none of the charm needed for a mascot.

  22. Maybe you can pass them out to homeless pups and they can destroy them? Maybe a huge party to de-stuff?

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. I wish I could figure out how to help you on the feed.
    Tell me what to do and I will do it for you.
    Even emailing you daily, if you wish.

    You are wayyyy too funny not to have around on a daily basis

    <3 <3

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  24. Maybe they will consult you before their next creation!


  25. Well now... maybe they will end up in one of our PETSTORES and we can all have a BLAST... Ripping the Faces and Guts Off and OUT of them. I'm just sayin.

    PeeS... I am searchin like crazy fur FACE ON Pictures to send you... I will keep lookin.... and get them out as soon as I come up with SOMETHINGY that will be PERFECT fur it.

  26. When we watched the Olympics, we couldn't help but laugh at the mascot jumping around the track. We agree with the others...they should just donate the toys to animals shelters for destuffing!

  27. Ummm, well, uh - they were rather interesting - that's all we can think to say that isn't naughty:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  28. We finally got it in gear and are following you Molly! We love your bloggy!!

    The Girls

  29. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks for visitin' me!

    Hope y'all are havin' a great week!

    Y'all hurry back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. I think Molly is the cutest of them all.. such a nice pose! Like a Queen :D

    Best wishes,

    André Moreiras
    Passos Caninos

  31. I think they're cute! As you said, they came from Uranus and maybe they're so cool there...
    I don't know how's gonna be the next mascot here in Rio2016 and I hope it's something funny! Did you know that all mascots so far are male????
    Licks from Pink

  32. Adorei sua fotinho!
    Sempre charmosa *-*

    Beijos e tenha uma maravilhosa sexta-feira!!!!

  33. That is some mighty interesting news all right!
