
Monday 3 September 2012

Flog It Blog It, Molly Media Scoop!

Scary Dairy we all want ice scream.

Scary Dairy we all want ice scream.

Ice cream, ice cream, we all scream for ice cream! Now you can lick your fears with horror movie inspired ‘ice screams’ which will send a chill right through to your very bones. Horror movies may give us nightmares but some of Hollywood’s most chilling characters have now inspired a line of popsicles. These terrors on a stick, have been made in the shape of the famously frightening horror movie characters such as Freddy Krueger, Hannibal Lecter and Chucky. Will the Chucky one be called a Chucky Ice and do you need a bottle of Chianti to serve with the Hannibal Lecter variety? These terrifyingly ice cold treats come in suitably vile flavours such as red pepper and celery melon. The ice lollies were created by Russian design and advertising firm Stoyn, based in Moscow. So far we are not aware of a Putin version. If those were too scary for you can indulge in the ‘lick your idol’ range featuring Marilyn Monroe in strawberry and cream or blueberry with liquorice Darth Vader versions. We think the idea sucks as there is no vicious squirrel version! What hideous horrible version and flavour would you like to see? Have an ice day folks!


  1. ooooh! Ice cream is the best :)
    Personal fav is the blueberry & licorice. I mean the picture!

  2. OMG, we can't decide which one is the scariest! We'll have them all, please! We love ice cream!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. We think V-E-T-S would make the most hideous horrible version. And they would definitely be onion flavored. Blaarrghhh.

  4. Those are quite yucky looking! BOL! I'll take mine is a dish please.
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. I don't care what they look like..Make mine a double wiff a flake..bol xx00xx

  6. OMG that is so brilliant!!!!!! Since I do NOT indulge in neither the horror film genre or in ICE CREAM (lactose intolerant) I will pass on any suggestions. BUT THE IDEA IS FABULOUS! HI THERE MOLLY! Love your face little girl....

  7. OHHHHHHHHHHHH what a creative and unique post.
    I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  8. What a "cool" idea. My lady thinks you could make a lot of money making ice cream heart throbs in chocolate flavours. She said that is something she would want to lick.

    Have a great Monday! Love Hailey and Zaphod

  9. Mom says these flavors don't sound very appetizing. I would likely eat them if I was allowed to, but mom says I can't have ice cream, which is totally not fair. I get to have Frosty Paws, though, which is doggie ice cream. They should definitely make Frosty Paws in the shape of a squirrel or one of the evil kitties in my neighborhood. Or maybe the mean guy at the hotel where we stayed the other night who said I exceeded their weight limit.

    your pal,

  10. Verrrrrry interesting! How about a margarita with salt?

    Critter Alley

  11. Jimmy and Wilson would like to see a poop-sicle! Not scary but it would be a favorite!

  12. They should do cat and wabbit ones for doggies! I'll just lick it !! Honest! *wag wag wag*

  13. Those are some interesting ice creams.

    urban hounds

  14. Never seen anything like it, very cool! It could be a beautiful kitten, hehehe, banana flavor, since I can not eat chocolate = D by Doki

  15. We are all speechless!

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  16. Those ice creams look lovely! The blueberry licorice Darth Vader sounds a-mazing!

  17. I would try the Tomato hot Pepper.... or all? yeah. ALL.

  18. They are amazing. We don't care which we get as long as we get one!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  19. Hello dear Molly!!!
    I missed you!!!!!
    I've never seen ice-creams like that, but they are a little scary to eat, or not?
    Have a nice week.
    Woof, woof,


  20. Nossa! Que diferentes!
    Confesso que teria um certo medo na hora de provar alguns! kkkk

    Beijos e linda semana Molly!

    ✿ Mel e sua Turma ✿

  21. My favorite is Chuck's! Maybe they could create a Molly Pop Ice, but it would be sweet, of course.
    Licks from Pink Ice

  22. We like the sound of the flavors...maybe if we just closed our eyes to eat them.
    We closed our eyes during all those movies!

    Wyatt's family

    The squirrel pop would be Nutella flavor!

  23. Scaaaaary!
    I guess I prefer a simple spoon of ice cream!
    Kisses and hugs

  24. BOL! Oh these are great! bout a vanilla Casper the Ghost ;) Nommers :D

    Waggin at ya,

  25. Looks like you really investigated this Molly! We would like to volunteer for tasting if it becomes necessary!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. Uh, well... Mom cannot have ice cream... milks makes her sick. So this post makes her kinda green around the gills.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  27. Hi Molly,
    That really puts the ice on a stick, personally I would like to see our politicians frozen with a sharp stick up their butt. Flavours do'nt really count as they are ALL the same, the joy of bitting their heads off is a enough to send me lala. BOL.
