
Sunday 2 September 2012

Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog Raising Daisy!

Nominated by last weeks’ guest Snoopys Dog Blog!

Monday Mischief: Aren’t I Fancy!

Lookee what I got to do this weekend -I’m wearing one of Mommy’s bracelets! I feel SO pretty!

What’s this now? What’s this thing on my leg? Hmmm…it’s kinda pretty! I think I like it!

What do you think, Mommy? Do you like it too?

Oh yes, this is me alright. I feel like Cleopatra!

It’s true that Mommy put the bracelet on me when she saw that I liked it a lot, that wasn’t the mischievous part. But the next thing I did was – I liked it so much, I pretended to fall asleep so I could wear it longer! Heehee!

I’m getting ready to nap, Mommy. You wouldn’t want to disturb me by taking your bracelet back now!

About Me!

Daisy is our first small dog, until now we’ve only had 40+ lb. dogs. We’re finding every day to be a new adventure with her, so this blog is as much a journal for us as it is a little light reading for anyone who’s interested.

There’s very little information “out there” about Havachons, so we hope we can shed a little light on this new designer breed for anyone interested in getting one of these sweet, loving pups.
If you visit our blog and leave a comment or a “Like”, I’ll definitely return the favor! (Except for generic spammers….I delete those….)

Welcome to our Havachon world!

Also if you haven't seen Bent Objects! pop over and you will laugh out loud!

And let us support Roo and the site Power Of The Paw that gives us a chance to catch up and send healing paw to our friends who are not well. 

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow!

From the author Molly The Wally.


  1. Nice to meet you, we will come over and visit your blog! Hailey and Zaphod

  2. I love this - just a beautiful bracelet! The new Pop website is a great idea too! Have a great Sunday Molly!

  3. Oh, arent't you the CUTEST LITTLE GIRL! I so love this blog....Miz Molly, you are a gracious host, a clever journalist and trusted friend. LOVE TO ALL! Anita

  4. You sure are a looker! The pearls really go with your feminine curls and sophisticated look.Glamor girl!

  5. Daisy is a cute little dog with a lot of style! She may be starting a fashion bracelet trend fur sure! I'll visit her soon!

  6. Que linda de pulseira!
    Ficou muito charmosa viu?!

    Super beijos Molly e tenha um domingo muito divertido!!!

  7. Daisy sure sounds like a very interesting girl!

  8. Hey Molly
    We love your excerpts with the new puppies!
    Daisy looks very pretty with her pearls...I think the suit her and her Mom should give them to her permanently
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  9. Sorryies Wez late Molly..had a weal busy day :)Daisy's a real cutie and Wez luvs her bracelett x00xx Hope you had a great Sunday x

  10. We're so thrilled to see Daisy's blog post here and all the lovely comments! Thanks so much Molly - we love meeting new friends! :D

  11. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks so much for stoppin' by for a visit. I'm so glad y'all could make it!

    Hope y'all are havin' a wonderful weekend.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  12. You look so pretty and are so good to wear your bracelet

  13. Daisy is adorable!
    Happy Sunday!
    Kisses and hugs

  14. It looks super cool on you!!

    jazzi and Addi

  15. Hi Molly,
    Thanks for visiting blog ! I hope you come back soon !
    love your blog, i'm following!


  16. Daisy you Rock little buddy!! Great to see you here on Molly's blog :)

    Love ya,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
