
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Flog It Blog It, More Bizarre Inventions!

Molly The Wally Paws for thought!

Chindogu, bizarre Japanese inventions!

Literally translated, the Japanese word ‘chindogu’ means unusual tool. This is the name for the art of creating everyday gadgets that are ideal for solving particular problems. However chindogu have no real value as either they would cause many more new problems, or would be extremely embarrassing to use or both. Thus, they are often described as useless! Here we bring you our top ten chindogu inventions.

No it is not a torture device but you’d be forgiven for thinking so. Got a headache? Why not try the Kenzan head massager! It applies light pressure with 92 different bristles that you can control with the side handles. Simply massage all your worries away. I am off to buy one as wow we bet it gives you a good back rub.  

Can’t wait for your bowl of noodles to cool down? Fret not as you can now cool and eat with the Ramen Noodle Cooling Chopsticks. The fan quickly cools the noodles on its short trip to your mouth. Please though do not attach the fan to a spoon and try it on your soup!

Do you always get caught in the rain without an umbrella? Are you prone to misplacing them around the house? Well never be caught out again with the amazing umbrella tie. A must have the British weather!

Don’t get those expensive designer shoes wet either. Invest in a pair of shoe umbrellas and walk to work safe in the knowledge that you will look as smart as when you left home.

In a hurry and need to expertly apply your lipstick ladies or haven’t got a mirror handy? Problem solved just invest in this lip stencil and you can pucker up with confidence.

Need a comfy lap to place your weary head on? Why not go out and buy a lap pillow and dream sweet dreams anytime, anyplace. 

Or you could invest in this handy roach slipper with extended handle. A must for squishing the horrible little beasties in those hard to reach places. One whack and they are gone!

Tired of eating your hair whilst eating your noodles? Fed up with wearing your dinner rather than eating it? No it is not a tutu but a face protector. A must have for the not so dainty eater.

Feeling a bit wobbly on your feet or unable to walk in those high heels? Worry not, just rush out now and purchase a pair of heel stabilizers. Particularly good for when you have too much of the vino plonko!

And lastly why not try some toast art? Teddy toast for breakfast anyone? What useless invention have you come across?


  1. I am not sure I could top those. I like the Silence of the Lambs lipstick user thingy and I am totally getting my Daddy that tie with the brella. Could we use that head scratcher as a squirrel trap? Put some food in it, the innocent squirrel comes a looking and squisho splato! Could we invent a squirrel toaster?? Just skin them, put them in and instant supper all cooked and hot. Let me know if you want in.

    Loveys Sasha

    1. Sasha , great idea , I'm in , sure there will be lots of buyers.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. I like the toaster and my mom like the shoe umbrellas (what else).
    I've changed the browser for commenting, does it work now?

  3. I have to put my tea down, before reading your blog Molly, last time I laughed and it all went up my nose!!! We have the toast Have a happy Tuesday :) xx00xx

  4. Once again, you have us in stitches, Molly! Thank you for the early morning laughs!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  5. Where on earth do you find these things! Mommy might have to invest in one of those cooling chopsticks! Hahaha!

  6. Morning Molly!!
    First of all Mom and I want to tell you your soft the copper colored furs around your mouth are very kissable and rubbable. MOL Two new words

    What great inventions. We like the food fan and the shield to keep the foodables off clothes. MOL
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  7. Hmmmm heel stablizers, I wonder how much four of them would cost!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. Those sure are some doozies! LOL!

  9. I'm wondering if anyone actually buys these things! They sure are good for a chuckle though! :)

  10. OMG, I should know better not to be drinking anything when I read your posts MIZ MOLLY...I END UP LAUGHING SO HARD I SPIT or choke on my liquid!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THOSE TRAINING WHEELS for HEELS! OMG. Then the face really know how to PICK 'EM!!!! You are so pretty, Miz Molly!

  11. Those all look like some crazy gadgets!

  12. BOL!!! I almost fell off the chair, Molly!

    I 'salute' those inventors. Just saying!

  13. Okay, with my headaches, I'm willing to give that pokey headache thing a try...


  14. Very funny! We wonder how people dream up some of these things! Although, now mom wants toast!

  15. FREAKY stuff!!! I think if they sold ANY of those it would have to be for comical purposes rather than useful.

  16. BOL...My Mom definitely needs one of those face protectors....Glad you never saw her eat!

    And training wheels for high heels. Where were those 25 years ago when Mom might have used them?


  17. MOM laughed and laughed. She has a friend who actually has that toaster!

  18. Molly, you look so lovely in the picture! Those inventions are so funny but I think the last one is cute and I need one of those! Maybe it would be better with Garfield's face in it!
    Licks from Pink

  19. VERY interesting! ha ha! Thank you for sharing! I always enjoy them!

  20. Veryyyyy interesting, Molly. Mom wishes someone would invent a way to keep our paws from getting muddy when we do what we aren't supposed to do in her newly seeded lawn.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. My mom wants to know which catalog she would order the shoe stablizers, toaster, and umbrella thingy...yep there is always someone out there to buy the weird things..hehehehehehe
    stella rose

  22. They are wacky, but the ones for the ramen noodles are some pretty good ideas!!

  23. BOL!!!! How funny!!!!! Thanks for the laugh! I guess there are some people who actually buy that useless stuff!


  24. Those are hilarious!! Where do you get this stuff? The pillows did look a bit "wrong" but the training wheels, ok stabilizers for the heels might be useful - BOL!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  25. Ooooooooh Girl, you done made me spit out my beer, dat okays it's on da 'puter screen. I was all laughin' histerically and it gotted worse when I read Sasha's comment bout da Silence of da Lambs.
    Why can't those people just put there hair up in a rubberband instead of lookin' like fruitcakes..jut thought I'd ask.


  26. HAHAHAHA. . . except the last one. No one disses DISNEY and gets away with it.
    I have Mickey Mouse to imprint on my toast AND it plays the Mickey Mouse Club anthem when the toast is done.
    Love Noodles

  27. Most useless invention.... the nail trimmer!!
    A good second place would be them poo bags you can hang on our bums so that the poo drops straight in it. Lazy humans! Leave my poo alone (why are they collecting it anyway?).

  28. I'm still laughing at the lipstick one!

  29. Certainly quite bizarre! The safety gate is another useless invention, keeps us from exploring!

    urban hounds

  30. Woof! Woof! Golden LAUGHS. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  31. Those are doozies! Thanks, we needed a giggle this morning.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  32. These inventions are mostly good for conversation, I think. No buying from me!


  33. Our lady lived in Japan before we were born and loved their crazy stuff! Happy Tuesday!

  34. Hi Molly, thank you very much for your barkday wishes to me Pinot! :)
    And.... you made our dark rainy evening much brighter. These strange invensions are really funny!

    Momo & Pinot xo

  35. Well... sure those inventions are.... interesting...
    That for the lipstick.... Haaaa!
    Kisses and hugs

  36. Hi Molly,

    Very funny, not on my Xmas list, the one I would like to add,not a usless invention but of sheer toture is the ferminator......should be baned under our doggie rights to be hairy.
