
Monday 10 September 2012

Flog It Blog It, Shipshape And Bristol Fashion!

Sovereign of The Sea model!

Model of Sovereign of the Seas will cost you an arm and a leg to build.

The warship the ‘Sovereign of the Seas’ was built in 1637 and took 22 months to complete. Launched in 17th century and also known as the infamous ‘Golden Devil’, HMS Sovereign of the Seas was the largest vessel of her time. However model replica enthusiasts can build their own version which will take a mere two years and seven months to finish, longer than the real thing. A new weekly magazine is providing parts over 135 issues costing around £805 which was probably more than the original ship cost. After a cheap introductory offer of £1.99 pounds for the first issue each copy then costs £5.99. Ladies if you want to keep your man safe at home at night whilst guaranteeing he'll be both out of your hair and sober buy it now. Give him a subscription to this magazine and keep the tea and biscuits coming. Praise his skills as a carpenter and shipwright and wonder in the domestic tranquility that you have now created. As for the real ‘Sovereign of the Seas’ her career came to end in 1696 when she caught on fire. Anyone got a box of matches handy?

We have be given two awards by Sheba and we would like to say a BIG thank you and you made our Monday morning. We will post an award blog during the week, 


  1. We started to build a plane, with these magazines...spent £500, never got the remaining issues, so the plane was never built and we were £500 lighter in the pocket...We've learn't our lesson!!! Big congratulations on the awards Molly :)
    Have a great day xx000xx

  2. Congrats on the Awards. And hopefully someone will be able to construct that (expensive) ship without too much swearing.

    XXXOOO Daisy,Bella &roxy

  3. Wow you are building a model ship, we are impressed! (Don't get frustrated and burn it, give it a go first!)

    urban hounds

  4. A ship!! My man human has a whole real old racing car that he's building, but the lady one isn't allowed to set it on fire and get the money for it instead.
    It keeps him busy though and her, making lots of tea. *wag wag wag*

  5. Ohhhhhhhhh Molly you are full of wonderful ideas and exciting things to do!!
    Congrats on your lovely well deserved awards
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  6. ...I think this is not the right gift for my dad.... he is the guy who trimmed the pieces of a puzzle with a scissor :o)))
    Congratulations on the Awards!!!

  7. Oh are so funny. Tea and biscuits are coming and now to get my guy the set! But I fear that he is already so occupied with plans of his own to write poetry, so I think I am safe!!! MUCH LOVE TO YOU MOLLY GIRL!

  8. Hi Molly

    Hours and hours of fun to be had by all, they fun of sticking little bits of sticks together all for £1.99. Not to mention picking out all the hairs stuck to your abstact model of gods know what, because they never turn out like the magazine one on the front cover.Even more fun when you're chewed it to bits because you thought it was your chews all stuck together!

  9. Wow! Building a model ship can be hard... I've tried... Hehe!

  10. Congrats on your well deserved awards, my friend! I don't think I could put one of those together....Mr. Ripley would run off with the pieces!

  11. A ship?!! That's to much work for me. I say build a fire instead and raost a marshmallow instead.

  12. Congratulations! We've never seen a ship that was mailed in a magazine? Wow!


  13. Congratulations on your awards! Have a fang-tastic week!

  14. Heck, I'd have to be drunk to buy da subscription furst. But dat could be fun too.
    Sooooo, where's da marshmellows?

    PS: Girl, you not need to ask if I wanna be your model...hehehehe...of course I do, ain;t it obvious....bwhahahahaha.

  15. Congrads on the awards molly!! I wrote about your treats in your facebook page! Have a great monday.
    stella rose

  16. congrats on the awards! laughing at the ship model construction, though.

  17. Model ships are pretty neat! I have an old ship in a bottle, but I'm not sure if the ship is an actual historic one.

  18. Congrats on your awards!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. Double CONGRATULATIONS on your Awards...

    I don't think my dad could EVER put a ship together... even if THERE WERE directions. I'm just sayin.

  20. Congratulations on your cool awards
    Benny & Lily
