
Sunday 9 September 2012

Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog Bassetmomma!

Nominated by last weeks’ guest Raising Daisy!

Whoopin' It Up In The Sun

Yesterday the hounds enjoyed lots of time outside soaking up the rays.  However we all know Freddie Spaghetti can't sit still for too long and he finally goes on the attack and tries to entice Gobble Guts Gloria to play!

"Come on Gloria! I'll even keep my eyes closed!"

"Look, I can fit your whole head in my mouth!" "hehe!"

"You'll never find me down here!"

"Body slam!"

"And finally my vampire move!"

Yes, everyone was enjoying the sun yesterday including one of the city workers who was whoopin' it up in the park in front of our house by opening up the fire hydrant.

Meanwhile, we had to pay for the water to water our lawn last night!  I felt like running over there with buckets!

About Me!

Bassetmomma is from Ontario, Canada!

This is me with my late basset hound Barney. He taught me to love all things basset. Below are Fred and Gloria, our newest bassets. Basset Momma is about random thoughts and daily muse in the life of a basset hound Momma and Homeward Bound is simply about food and recipes.

Freddie has not been well recently so why not pop over and wish them all well.

And don’t forget Roo’s Power Of The Paw web site where we can stop over and wish our furry friends who are under the weather well.

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow!

From the author Molly The Wally.


  1. They look great fun..Will pop over and say Hi :) Have a great sunny Sunday Mollie xx00xx

  2. Thanks for sharing Bassettmomma with us and putting them in the spotlight! They are really cool and have a great blog. In fact, we gotta go say hi.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  3. OMG how funny are these two LOW TO THE GROUND HOUNDS!!!!

    I must dash over to visit the dogs that are not feeling well; it is always nice to visit those who are under the weather!


  4. We love reading Bassettmomma's blog about Freddie and Gloria who are full of characters and my mom always pops over to their Homeward Bound for some recipes.

    Paws and fingers crossed that Freddie is feeling better soon.

    ~ Eva

  5. I love Fred and Gloria! Have a great Sunday!

  6. Muy bonitos y juguetones, Freddie y Gloria!

  7. I KNOW Freddie and Gloria. THEY are grrrrreat!!!

  8. Oh, how nice ... like the last pic of Freddie&Gloria!!!

  9. MOL Molly...beautiful bouncing Bassets always make us smile. We love the captions. We feel Bassetmoms water worries...too. Last month our water bill was nearly 100.00 USD and we don't even water our established grass. Fees were mostly taxes, sewage fees and waste water charges. We try to combat the cost by watching our in house water use.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  10. Hi Molly,

    You are our first student!! But ya better watch out for Weenie. We're gonna have a ride on the bus as a test to see how everybody acts and knowing my brother he'll try to kiss all the girls.

    We been catching up on blog reading today and we went back and read a bunch if your posts. Girl, youm crack us up. Love your blog.

    You said we are signing up. Who all is comng?


  11. Looks like you two know how to have fun (in the sun or otherwise)!

    Critter Alley

  12. Wow, look at all those braveries! I is very impressed with you Bassets.


  13. Oi Molly!
    que domingo bom que foi esse em?
    muito lindos o Freddie e a Gloria!!!
    os dois são lindos!!
    tenha um domingo bom e super divertido!!!!

  14. I love Bassetmomma, thanks for sharing!

  15. Yes, we have our paws crossed for poor Freddie! Good that he came to visit your blog. He is sweet and so is Gloria.

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Ah Miss Molly,
    We are so glad ato get back to reading your blog.
    Love the basset pictures. aint they cute


  17. They are so cute! Will be stopping (again) to say hello!

  18. We love your wrestling pictures. You guys are hysterical.
    Benny & Lily

  19. Hi Molly. I've just awarded you two blog awards you can pick them up here


  20. Guess what? My Mom had the HUGE pleasure of meeting Basset Momma in PAWSON TODAY! Yep she sure did! She met her at the Lions game and she is as sweet and adorable in person as you would expect her to be! It made Mom's day to FINALLY meet her!

  21. Those two sure know how to have fun!
    Happy Sunday!
    Kisses and hugs

  22. Oh what fun playtime... and great pics!

  23. Freddie and Gloria are such cuties and their Momma always takes such great photos of them. Gotta love those bassets! :D

  24. Thanks for the guest post and to Raising Daisy for nominating it. We really are truly honored. Thanks Molly for helping look after the pick for next Sunday. It's been pretty hectic around here and now that I'm back on-line and Freddie is getting better, I am just trying to catch up! :)
