
Saturday 8 September 2012

Lark In the Park, Beware Of The Bark!

Molly The Wally does Blair Witch!

Scary trees eat their way through your hood!

Next time you are lumbering up for a walk in the forest beware of the trees whose voracious appetites are so big they literally swallow up anything in their path. We know you’re stumped but we kid you not. Road signs, iron railings or headstones none of these are any match for the scary swallowing trees. So despite great danger we went to investigate these evil engulfing trunks. We find they give a whole new meaning to ‘junk in the trunk’!

Wood you believe it?


Barking mad if you ask me!

Such criminal activity amounts to nothing less than high treesin. Fir goodness sake at least that’s one way to get rid of those tree huggers! I dare not go anywhere now without my well oiled chainsaw. Be careful guys when you next leave pee-mail. Tree bien Saturday Folks!


  1. Hehe...yes,I have seen some of such trees and you are right, doggies ought to beware. You are mentioned in our latest entry. It is all in jest, you'll know when you see it.


  2. frightener ..... brrrr..........

  3. Those are some scary trees Molly! Best to check pee mail quick. Tarry around and you might never get to leaf! :O

    Waggin at ya,

  4. So scary. And trees house squirrels that are so bad. Hope today is less scary. Hailey and Zaphod

  5. OH MY! We sure gotta be careful out there!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  6. BOL - we have a mesquite tree that ate a horse shoe, but nothing as impressive as that!


  7. Woah! I've never seen anything like that!


  8. Jumpin Catfish...thank goodness I don't have to leave the house to take walks through the forest....I'm a 'fraidy cat for sure.
    Love your post
    Hugs your BFFF

  9. OMD! We are about too goofier a walk this morning Andy the woods and we hope we don't see anything like that! Scary!!!!!

  10. Aii... que assustador!!!!
    Eu nunca tinha visto nada parecido com isso por aqui!
    Cuidado quando andar pela rua amigo Molly!!! rsrsrs

    Beijos e lindo final de semana!

  11. We never knew a tree could do that! We will be more careful when we are around them!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. YOU....................are genius, MIZ MOLLY! TREE BIEN....teeeheee.......good golly...Anita

  13. OMG..That tree had practically eaten that graves stone..Have a great Saturday Mollie...don't forget the Pawty xx00xx

  14. Thanks Molly, From now I will take a mobile tree with me...or I use dads leg...

  15. I saw the first Blair Witch Project movie in the theatre when it came out. It was pretty freaky!

  16. Where are these signs, gates, etc? I'd love to see them in person but I don't think Daisy would appreciate them at all! Too scary!

  17. You look so freaky but that movie's really scary! I thought trees were goods and now I can see how bad they are.
    Licks from Pink

  18. you are so great with words! Loved it! I have a thing about giant trees and their trunks (probably from the Wizard Of Oz) so I just loved these photos

  19. OHHHH Wow, we will be on the watch, some here but they only work at night!!!

    Youre Furends
    Susie & Bites

  20. We never knew that trees could be that hungry! Thanks for the warning, Molly!

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  21. Don't let the trees grab you Molly!

  22. Oh my gosh we are never peeing near a tree again. Thank you

  23. Hi Molly,

    Thanks for stopping by our blog to wish Bella a Happy Gotcha Day.

    We had a tree that tried to eat the fence, but we had the tree cut down and now it looks like the fence is eating part of the tree!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  24. Holy smokies- that is very scary

  25. I am actually kind of scared Molly, stay away from those trees please. You never know, they might suck you in and all we would see is your butt sticking out forever.

    Loveys Sasha

  26. Mommy says nature will do what it wants. You cannot contain it!


  27. I guess those trees don't get enough treats!
    Kisses and hugs

  28. Now if there's one thing I love, it's the tree-related pun! Excuse me while I make like a tree...and get outta here!

    By the way, I added some joining-type things to YMiBaYSFB. See the thing is, no-one ever wanted to join before....

  29. Oooooh, scary!!!!! Thanks for the heads-up, Molly! It will probably take a lot of treats to lure Wrigs out on the trail again now that he's seen this post!

    Sue T and Wrigs

  30. MOWZERS! That's kinda skeery lookin' (but we did MOL at high TREESin! HA!)

  31. Hi Molly, I'm never going down to the woods again, you know the line that says, if you go down to the woods today,you're sure of a big surprise... now I know what that means! Trees that eat anything and everything that goes near it..WONDER IF THEY LIKE POST MEN!
