
Monday 24 September 2012

Fog Blog, I Can See Clearly Now Says Mystic Molly!

Molly The Wally does Mystic Molly.

Libra September 24th to October 23rd.

It is the equinox, when the days and nights are of equal length. Around this time of year, many of us experience a powerful urge to rebalance arrangements and adjust our attitudes to situations that bother us. Now is a good time to look at trials and tribulations of human ownership and to develop a long term strategy that allows you to remain top dog in your household.

This sign is represented by the scales and therefore dogs who own a Libra human should remember that these creatures are lovers of beauty and elegance, YOU. They will always make you feel better for having been with them. They are very social human beings. Therefore take your human out and about with you wherever you go and you will always meet new people. New people always mean lots of praise and if you play your cards right lots of treats. Their cast of mind is usually artistic rather than intellectual so a spot of mud painting on the soft furnishing will be appreciated as would a good howling sing song. In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other persons’ points of view.  Therefore make sure you put your opinion forward on any matter dear to your heart quite forcibly.  State your case regarding issues such as food rationing, space management of the bed and ownership of the best chair with firm persuasion. Remember they are the sign of the scales so you can expect they will be fair if they are managed correctly. A major health threat to your human is overindulgence with food so always make sure you eat what you can when you can to help them avoid gluttony.


Finer things in life (so put in your order for foie gras and kobi beef now), sharing (which means you can take but you don’t have to give), gentleness (so be as naughty as you like as you will never get scolded) and conviviality (you will always have a full house and visitors mean treats).


Punishment (so be happy in the knowledge you can do no wrong), injustice (so play on the fact that if wronged your human will stand by you) and fashion (so you won’t have to put up with new outfits every season which means more money for toys and treats).

Remember your human is for life not just for Christmas.


  1. It sounds as though they would be much easier to train than my bipeds are!

  2. I thought Christmas was everyday ;)

    Luv the outfit and shifty eyes Molly :)

    Waggin at ya,

  3. We like the line about the over indulgence hurting our humans health, good advice

    urban hounds


    This has to be one of my favorite photos of you, MIZZZTIC MOLLY! Good, sound advice, Madame Mystic. YOU HAVE US WRAPPED AROUND YOUR PAWS and we love ya for it!

    HEY! I EMAILED YOU A LETTER but I got a message saying, UNDELIVERABLE!!!!!! Resend me your address!!! Anita

  5. Oh double doo-doo we don't have any lovely Libras in our family. I'll have to see if any of my furiends were born under that sign.
    hugs Madi your BFFF

  6. Our Mommy is a Libran! We aren't so sure about her being overindulgent with food, though. But we like her "sharing" and "gentleness" bits!

  7. I don't know a Libra... I think I should make one a friend!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  8. Hi Molly,
    What star sign is your human, mine doesn't like sharing any thing, and is always telling me off...I think my name is bad dog.....can I swap my owner...any one out there fancies doing owner swap?

  9. Mystic Molly...BOL! Very good lessons to learn here. Wish humans knew how to treat dogs like royality instead of throw-aways.

  10. Oh Molly, I think I should go study about what my humans are now!

  11. What a great blog post and that picture of you is elegant. I mean. you do look very beautiful with that adornment on your head.

    Thanks for coming to our Emmy party MOlly.....

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

  12. I thought I wrote a comment, but it's not here. Love this blog post. Very informative and love your outfit too. That's a beautiful photo.

    Thanks so much for coming to our Emmy party.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  13. libra is my rising sign - and i always try to see both sides of everything.

  14. Now you have made me wonder about my MOM. She is not a Libra but a Gemini.

  15. Wow! You really can read my mind! I have to remind myself that people are a commitment, especially when they've been bad and I want to take them back to the pound. BOL!
    -Mister (signed in on my mom's account)

  16. My dad is a Libra too! My mom is a Scorpio, but she's not as extreme as the horoscope says Scorpios are!

  17. Spot on. Mooly, Thats our Dad, his birthday is a coming.

    Your Furends
    Susie & Bites

  18. Molly my mom says you have the most beautiful ears...she was looking at your ears so much she forgot to read your post....(she has a hard time doing more than one thing at a time....)
    stella rose

  19. We don't live with a libra . . . .but our Grammie is one! Happy Day, Hailey and Zaphod

  20. Amei Molly, muito legal esse post!
    e Pode ficar tranquila, eu amo minha mamãe humana todo dia e não só no natal!kkkk
    Milhões e + o infinito de Beijos!

  21. WOW Molly.... you must have just POLISHED your Chrystal!!!

  22. LOL! Molly what do you see iin our futures?

  23. You look as though you expect this here equinox to creep up on you Molly!

  24. I will has to remember hoomans aren't just fur Christmas...must write dat in my notebook.


  25. Master is one of these...must be why he likes me cause I'm so beautiful and elegant.


  26. We just love that photo..My humoms Gemini, so if one won't play, the other will...bol xx00xx

  27. Hey Molly!
    Wow, that's really fun info! My peeps are both Leo's, but I like that the Libra's give lots of treats. You look lovely in your green head scarf!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  28. I look forward to hearing what having a capricorn human entails...

  29. Wow Mystic Molly! You are so wise!


  30. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks for visitin' me! Whew! Thank heaven I don't own a's bad enough owning a Virgo!

    Hope y'all are havin' a great day and a safe week!

    Y'all hurry back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  31. Great advice! We'll be sure to take HER on lots of walks.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  32. But Molly, we have a Taurus/Gemini (cusp situation) at our house. What do we do?

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  33. Oh you look just like Mystic meg.... do you have super powers?!


  34. I cannot wait until it iz...Dark ALL the timez so I haz good excuse to sleep!!


  35. I like your suspicious eyes...or mystic eyes! I don't like Christmas because my humans let us alone at home!!! But I forgive them...
    Licks from Pink

  36. My Mom is a Libra (born on the cusp of Scorpio and Libra) so she is a more "evil" Libra. BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  37. Us humans are well....human and very hard to figure out that's for sure. You have shed lots of light on the subject Molly. Loving the bow! :)

  38. Molly you are I are siblings of a different breed. We both try to help dogs understand the strange beings known as humans. You do a great job.

  39. Wow!
    Happy Monday!
    Kisses and hugs

  40. hmmmm - I think my Dad might be a Libra - so maybe now would be a great time to up my efforts to take over the sofa? :)

    Wags to all,

    Have fun Mystic Molly,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  41. Maybe it is time to kick my assistant to the curb. Out with the old, in with the new! Bawhahahahahaha!

    Your pal, Pip

  42. Dear Molly,

    I do think I feel balanced. This has to do with Nature and the sun?


  43. Molly, Wrigs wants to know where he can go to trade in his Cancer human for a Libra. It pains me to pass along this query.

    Susan T and Wrigs
