
Sunday 23 September 2012

‘Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog Bicontinental Dachshund!

Nominated by last week’s guest blogger Reuben!

The Red Horn of Uri

The Red Horn of Uri (Uri Rothorn) is one of the best-looking mountains in Central Switzerland.

Its summit towers over 8,000' above Lake Lucerne.

Due to my mouse hunting schedule in Idaho, I was unable to join Dad on this adventure. Fortunately, Dad's hike was punctuated by four fabulous doggy encounters with Terry, Max, Biwa, and Fluff.

Here's Terry, doing his own thing.

Here's Max, who spends summers at the Biwaldalp Hut.

Here's Biwa, Max's fur-brother. 

And here's Fluff, a gorgeous little ball of fur and fluffy love.

Now guess which one of these great dogs made it to the top of Uri Rothorn on the same day as Dad! Can you guess which one?

About Me!

Click Here Tootsie!

Welcome to my Doggie Blog!

My name is Tootsie, and I'm a miniature dachshund. I'm an American by birth and a naturalized Swiss citizen. 

I divide my time between the American West and Southern Switzerland.

I'm also a rescue dog and I'm forever grateful to all the special people in my life.

So short, so long...I'm a mighty trooper, a mighty traveler, a mighty hiker. I'm the little engine that could.

I'm small, but I have a big heart. 

I don't have opposable thumbs, so mom and dad help me with my blog. Of course, I tell them what to write!

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together.

From the author Molly The Wally.

And don’t forget Roo’s Power Of The Paw web site where we can stop over and wish our furry friends who are under the weather well.


  1. WELL, pleased to meet you! Cheers to Miz Molly for being so gracious to give up her blog space each Sunday so we can meet up with other DOGS IN BLOGland!!!

  2. I would say Max or Fluff!!

    Jazzi and Addi

  3. You are a cutie, will pop over to your pad to play :) My Humoms have to help me with my blog too..bol xx

  4. Those puppys sure are the cutest!!!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. I would have gone with Max or Terry but the question leads me to believe it might be Fluffy - surprising everyone!

  6. Thank you for your kind words about Tamir. We will miss our very special ManCat but know he lives on in our hearts.
    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

  7. Very impressive mountains!!! And an excellent guest post by Tootsie!

    your pal,

  8. Como são lindos!!!
    Adorei conhecê-los!

    Beijos doces e lindo domingo pra você Molly!!!

  9. Hi Tootsie... It's ME (Your Furend.. Frankie Furter)... it is fun to see you on Molly's Blog.

  10. MIZ MOLLY!

    You came to visit us....and that SQUIRREL! Oh now, be good, leave her be; she is a new mummy and has a baby to care for....!!!

    Have a great day you two...Anita

  11. We LOVE Tootsie... she gets to go on the most fantabulous adventures.. :)

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  12. Molly thank you for sharing all these beautiful pictures and your new furiends blog site we'll hop over to say howdy.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  13. We are so honored and delighted to be here. Thank you so much for wagging the word around!

    Keep on wagging,
    Tootsie and her humans.

  14. Well you are adorable and it's great hearing about your adventures.Beautiful mountains!
    Happy Sunday:D

  15. Awww, we love Tootsie. Always great pictures and thanks for sharing her.

  16. Teeeheee......I TOO AM A BALZAC, ZOLA AND VOLTAIRE WOMAN!!! Oh, take me now!!! Come with me Miz Molly! Now LOOK, don't touch that mummy squirrel! teehee...OH! You would love our variety of squirrel out here, and maybe you have them out in your part of the globe, but we have WHITE squirrels! I just saw the same one again this morning. We call her, SNOW WHITE.....and we have black ones too!!!!

    See ya tomorrow dear friend!

  17. WOOF! Loved seeing all the furry friends. Dog friends are super special!

    Hey like snow?

  18. i bet mouse hunting is pretty fun too, Tootsie! Looks like you missed a great hike though! our hiking days are soon going to include snow ~ summer is very short. Hi Molly ~ i haven't been given any computer time - may have to go on strike to get the peeps attention. it's a little annoying actually that i just don;t have my own pup top or somethin'

  19. We love Tootsie's pictures. Almost like being there....without having to climb.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  20. Dear Molly,

    Thanks again for featuring my guest post!

    You asked me for a nomination, we go!

    I would like to nominate Bouncing Bertie's blog post on re-enacting Hamish's finest hour.


  21. Molly
    Nós adoramos as suas visitinhas!!!!
    E o seu blog é lindo! Cada imagem!!!
    Ah, a mamãe pediu para ser sua amiga no facebook, viu? É Ana Sanches!
    Beijinho e boa semana

    Scully e mamis

  22. wow, now thats an adventure
    Benny & Lily

  23. So many beautiful Dog friends!!


  24. Wonderful scenery enhanced by lovely dogs!

  25. I didn't know Tootsie was a rescue dog. She's definitely one of the lucky one, though... to get to travel with her mom and dad often.

    Huggies and Cheese,
