
Tuesday 16 October 2012

Dog House Blog, Scary Dairy!

Scary Dairy at Milton Keynes.

Milton Keynes gets a Halloween makeover.

Vandals have given the world renowned concrete cows of Milton Keynes an early Halloween makeover and we think it's actually an improvement. They recently had a close encownter with a paint brush and the skeleton cows now look spookingly scary. We herd through the bovine that The Thames Valley Police are treating the incident as criminal damage. That’s just grazy talk if you ask me. It is estimated that repainting the herd will cost around £2000. “Public art is an integral part of the city and park landscape and as custodians of the cows we take damage of this nature very seriously,” said David Foster, chief executive of The Parks Trust. “The cows are a part of Milton Keynes, they are a piece of public art and they should be valued by all. We will restore the cows to the artist’s, Liz Leyh, original vision,” he told our reporter from Molly Media. The three concrete cows and three calves were made in 1978 as a leaving present from the Milton Keynes Development Corporation. Butter not laugh but the cows have had quite a past and have been stolen and held to ransom. They have had pyjamas painted on them and been covered in BSE graffiti. Also they have been placed in compromising positions and even been rebuilt after they were beheaded. The Trust has decided to leave the repainting until after Halloween as they have been inundated with hundreds of responses on Facebook saying they like the new design. If this was in a gallery it would be a modern wonder and worth loads of money but because it has been done illegally it's vandalism? World renowned statues, let's chew the cud over that one! Nah I don't think so, although maybe they are now!

Angel Update, still missing go to the link for the latest and thank you all for trying to help. 24 Paws Of Llove! 

Don't forget the Spooky Gallery , you know what to do!


  1. What strange looking cows they look cool like that if not a bit scary but after all there halloween cows

    From Milo & Jet

  2. Spooky skeletons!!! Have a good one Molly!

  3. You are sure digging up a lot of spooky stuff, skeleton cows!

    urban hounds

  4. GOOD MORNING YOU GENIUS YOU! Oh Molly, you are the queen of PUNS and I just adore you. How are you little Miz Molly? Are you being a good girl and staying in top form?

    Gosh you are so darn cute...

  5. Maybe the powers that be should embrace the new paint jobs and solicit artists to repaint them for the upcoming holidays, then for Valentine's day, then Easter, then......

  6. OMD's! That is quite amusing I say!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. While maybe we don't appreciate art enough, we are just pups after all, we think people are spending too much money on the cows. That is our thought. We like the current painting. Maybe the town should consider it a living art project. Have a good day. Hailey and Zaphod

  8. Thanks for your fabulous stories - wish we would have Halloween the whole year :o)

  9. Very strange looking cows indeed!

    Nothing this interesting happens in our neck of the woods. LOL.

  10. I always love moo moo cows but not this time; they are too scary : (

  11. Zombees! I hide unner table. :)

  12. You live some where VERY scary, my friend....

  13. Hummmm where would you milk one of these cows? And what would it look like? Now that is frightening.

  14. We kind of thought it was an improvement from the original paint job... ;D


  15. LOL, Have a great sunny day Molly xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  16. Whoo those cows are spooky grandma and grandpa have cows that look like oreo panda bears...i guess it depends on whether i look at them before mom feeds me.....i love my spooky looks!! Have a great day Molly!!
    Stella Rose

  17. I am so sorry that Angel has not returned home. I pray that she will... SOON.

    OMD Close N COW Tur fur SURE. Love that pun!!

  18. We love the cows painted like that. As far as world renowned, we are with you on that part.

    Spooky She Devil Susie & Mitey Bites the Vampire Scottie

  19. i think they should leave them that way - at least for a while! very cool and creative and well done, too!

  20. Hmmmm, was this REALLY a prank???

    We are still hoping for some good news about Angel.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. My human finds dairy already scary now that just takes the cake.

  22. Woof! Woof! What? Really??? Golden Thoughts to Angel. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  23. Skeleton cows! Very artistic, we like them.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  24. Hi Molly we are so late getting to your blog I believe it is nearly bed time for you. Any way we loved today's post..Mom has something very similar scheduled for Friday it is another post on Cows.

    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  25. We kind of like the skeleton cows and thought they were very seasonal!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. Oh I definitely like the new look!

    Critter Alley

  27. Boy - those cows have been through A LOT!!! Humans are strange aren't they??? Especially the ones who think its good to behead those cows!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  28. I think they are really cool. Mommy would totally like them for our front yard graveyard. Paws crossed for Angel

  29. Molly, I'm awfully glad the cows we run into on our hikes don't look like these! I'm sure Wrigs would bravely growl and bark, but I think I'd scream and run. ;-)

    Susan and Wrigs
