
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Dog House Blog, Sleeping With The Enemy!

Molly The Wally has a duvet day.

Reveal your personality by how you sleep.

Do you sleep like in the foetal position or are you more of a yearner, a freefaller or a log? The position you choose while sleeping reveals a startling amount about your personality, according to body language experts. Apparently the foetal is most favoured by worriers and is by far the most common. The next most common position is the log which is a straight body with arms and legs by the side. This apparently indicates stubbornness. Then we have the yearner with arms stretched out in front which means they are their own worst enemies, always expecting to achieve great results. Freefallers lie face down, arms outstretched and these sleepers feel they have little control over their own lives. Nellie will now give us a little demonstration. 

Nellie & Molly The Wally!

Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I could do it with my eyes closed. My sleeping arrangements during the day involve my basket. However when it is full of cartons, wrappers, chewed up slippers, post and currently hideous blue bandage, I do tend to gravitate towards the comfort of the bed upstairs. The bed has long been a battle ground with space management being an issue that remains unresolved. I often have to resort to the butt budge or the paw push, to reclaim much needed territory. My need to stretch out and change position frequently is something that my humans finds quite annoying. Therefore I would be classified as stubborn worrier with great expectations and no life control. Sounds about right. The burying of tennis balls, chewed up raw-hides and half eaten Jumbones is not appreciated either. What does one good turn do for you? Gives you all the duvet! Do you have a nightmare of a time at night time?


  1. Bridget is a sprawler, Dip is a curler and Elliot stretches out till he is 2 feet long :)
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  2. Roxy sleeps curled up. Bella and I just stretch out on our sides or on our backs. SHE has the arms outstretched.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. I sleep stretch out. My humans are always complaining about the free space for them in MY bed .....


  4. Hhmm.. We sleep in all positions, and keep changing. Does that say we're fickle?

    Togo, Tagar & Gamby

  5. Molly on top of being gorgeous and funny you are also a very very deep thinker.
    First of all I love your looks just about the right size for me.

    Well it just so happens when I do one good turn I can look like an entirely different diva. When I'm napping on my tummy I'm all gray then with one flip
    I turn into a white diva nearly disappearing.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  6. I sleep in all kinds of ways! But it is at the top of the bed between the hoomans pillows! Thats so I can be sure they are still breathing!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. Oh God, I think I am my own worst enemy..BOL Have a great misty, damp day Molly xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  8. What does curled up in a ball so all your weight is concentrated in one spot on your Lady's legs and is very painful for her, but she can't move you mean?

  9. Oh my gosh Molly, what a GREAT post! Muffin and I are ALL over the bed at night. We are constantly doing the paw push and the butt budge with our humans. they just don't seem to understand that we need our own personal space and don't like to be crowded out! I'll have to show them you post.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  10. Both my guys are bed hogs stretching out as much as possible, leaving little room for the humans....

  11. Never thought about how the dogs sleep but it fits!

  12. I have two positions, on my side with my legs out straight, or on my back with my belly showing. Floyd curls up into a doughnut shape.

  13. Oh MIZ MOLLY!!!!!!! You have beautifully outlined what seemed a mystery to me, until now! I am definitely a log, but more like a STARFISH....I take up the whole bed and I simply cannot sleep in the fetal is too CONFINING!

    Your demonstrations of are great value here, giving us a great visual to measure by! YOU ARE A HOOT and I so missed you yesterday; I had to run off to teach. Have a great day, in spite of the rain! Anita

  14. I sleep stretched, I like it 'airy' everywhere ;o)

  15. Superbe !!!
    BIZZZ Laure

  16. Sam is a sprawler, as evident by the fact that Aaron and I sleep on the outer 6 inches of our mattress most nights...


  17. Nope I sleep like a puppy. MOM lets me have what ever postion I want and as much room as I want. Then she gets in and fits around me. She's a good MOM.

  18. BOL we never knew foetal and log could have such meaning
    Benny & Lily

  19. i kind of combine a bunch of those. :)

  20. Most of the time we all like to sleep all stretched out on our sides, but Ciara is definitely the log belly up:) Phantom likes to curl in a donut shape when it is cold, even tucking his snooter under his tail. But none of us ever get the chance to be annoying in the humans' bed - that is another of those silly no-sibe zones.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. We have multi-talented sleepers in the Lapdog House!

  22. Hmmmm...Now what does it mean to sleep sideways, all curled up in a ball???

  23. Freddie usually just spralls out on his back and Gloria stretches out on her side. This of course leaves no room on our bed for us humans! I was so amazed to read that you can sleep with your eyes closed! heheh!

  24. Depends on my mood....I sleep in many weird positions....

  25. Dear Molly,

    I sleep often on my back with my legs in the air. The people call this "Snoopy". What does it mean to sleep like this?


  26. Wrigs sleeps in many different positions, but when he is one the bed with the humans he usually goes for the position that takes up the maximum amount of space: stretched out on his side with legs extended. He likes to keep the humans sleeping on the edge--keeps us sharp. :-) Hope your ouchie is getting better and that you have recovered from the evil sicky icky, Molly.

    Susan and Wrigs

  27. Hey Molly!
    Wow, this post has me laughing like crazy! BWAR HAR HAR to that demo. In really cold weather I curl up tight, hot weather and I stretch all out. Usually I'm on my back with my teeth hanging out, my head one direction and my butt in the other. I think that just means I'm strange. BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  28. Me and Bites are like you, assume them all and use the butt shove, just a bunch of crazy Scotties.

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  29. I sleep in all different kinds of positions, some of which look uncomfortable to my humans :)

  30. I'm a "foetal" and my husband is a LOG!!! lol

  31. steve and I are logs... and jesse too, one of his favorite sleeping positions was on his back... until he decided to become a "bed hog" and sleep away as we clung to the edges in desperation not to fall off. hehe- fun fun post I love it.

  32. I usually sleep on my side with my leg in the air, I don't think that fits any of Nellie's poses bol

  33. I can sleep any time, any place, any where!

  34. Nellie the Ellie is totally cracking us up! We've never slept in the log position! haha

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  35. Blueberry sleeps in all sorts of positions too - but thankfully she is NOT a bed hog! :)

  36. FaRADaY: I'm the Burrower. I sleep behind mommy's knees.
    Allie sleeps up on top of dad's chest, cuz it's DANGEROUS to sleep lower (he has restless leg & kicks out a lot - MOL!)

    Maxie prowls the house at night, on guard duty.

  37. That was a good demonstration by Nellie. Me and my brother sleep everywhere during the day but at night we sleep on the bed with our peeps. So far we have been successful in moving them around the bed to accommodate our needs to switch positions. They trained quickly and we are glad!

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  38. I sleep curled up unless the humans want to sit down and then i will stretch out.


  39. I sleep like a toy truck. :) I think my hoomins sleep the yearner way.

  40. Molly....
    I love, love, love that picture of you!! Looking comfy!! ;-D
    Well. I am stubborn!! However. I do not sleep in the log position!! Nope!! I am a cross between the foetal and the yearner. But, I embrace myself while sleeping. So!! I am worried about my worst enemy.... Me!! Go figure!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;-}
    Rose, on the other.... Uh.... Paw? She constantly changes sleeping positions!! ;op
    I enjoyed this Blog post!! ;)
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  41. Haha, so clever! I just read about the sleeping positions a few days ago but your cutie elephant is more beautiful indeed.

    How do I know what position I take when I'm sound asleep? : )

  42. When I first came here I had issues. If anyone touched me while I slept I'd wake up and attack the hand. I don't do that anymore.

  43. So you sleep on a bright pink satin comforter, do you? I wouldn't expect you to sleep on anything less luxurious! Happy Wednesday to you!

  44. Didn't really see a sleeping option for the quietly confident, well adjusted? Does that mean no-one is? Rather worrying really :D

  45. My mum and I sleep in foetal position togheter and she can't chance position or I wake up and I do meows! I love your photo, you look so sexy and lovely sleeping!
    Licks from Pink
