
Monday 22 October 2012

Dogton Abbey Blog, Life’s A Bitch When You Are Rich Introduction!

Molly The Wally Dogton Abbey Introduction.

Downton Abbey now Molly The Wally does Dogton Abbey.

The video edition, please scroll down for original post.

The story so far.............

Deep in the rolling English countryside sits the stately home of The Earl Grrrtham, Dogton Abbey.
The house is filled with more creepy Crawleys than your average cellar and the people who serve them. Being somewhat low on bones The Earl married Clawa the American hairess and together they preside over the Grrrtham dynasty and gothic pile Dogton. Is Clawa grabby over the Abbey we hear you ask? Does she have a rubbish accent and wears lots of hats? Then we have the youngest puppy Lady Dribble. However all is not well as Lady Dribble is in love with the chauffeur Barkson. Upstairs the family is in turmoil and downstairs the butler Mr.Bites tries to keep Barkson away from her ladyship. An unlikely friend of the two love pups is found in none other than the cook Mrs.Petmore! Does she let them play out their ardour in the larder or let Lady D meet her feller in the wine cellar? 

Molly The Wally Dogton Abbey Introduction.

Will Countess Clawa break a finger nail? Can Mr.Bites achieve a world record in the number of limps he can get into one episode? Will Mrs.Petmore burn the toast and have an ‘Aga’ saga? Get ready for the next scintillating, dazzling, and glittering episode of rich folk doing nothing. Millions of Dogton Abbey fans will be seeking closure on the nation's most important unanswered question, will they or won't they elope? Does Lady Dribble run off to marry Barkson? Has some one filled up the gas tank in the Bentley? Has Earl Grrtham been cleaning his shotgun? Be patient and keep your eyes peeled in case you miss something sensationally scandalous. 

Molly The Wally Dogton Abbey Introduction.

We have been given the following awards for which we are thankful. From Pibble and Sheba The Super Sweet Blogging Award! Much appreciated and we have put them both on our awards page.


  1. Dogton Abbey, youz so funny Molly :) Lovely award and big congratulations..Have a great Monday..xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. That was much more interesting than the one on telly, we can really relate to yours!
    Congrats on your award Molly.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  3. Oh you've left us on the edges of our seats (on the couch). How exciting.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. Very cute I am very excited to watch the third season of Downton Abbey

    urban hounds

  5. Oh interesting, tell me moooooore :o)

  6. Woof! I'm looking forward to the next episode of Dogton Abbey!

  7. BOL......I'm practicly peeing the rug about this!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. You're such a clever girl Molly, you deserve that award!

  9. Oh what an imagination you have!

  10. Molly Molly Molly
    Excellent post and oh did you make Mom's day. She is a Dogton Abbey fanny.
    She even has a book all about the TVees show
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  11. PS congrats on your sweet award.

  12. Congrats on your sweet award, it's so beautiful.

    I'm so addicted and can't wait for the new episode of Dogton Abbey.

  13. That is the kind of show we want to watch. Have a great day. Hailey and Zaphod

  14. Nice awards :) congrats, pal!

  15. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what an intriguing saga! Just like those soap stories on the tele. I'm wagging at the humor with these fancy, dramatic characters. Can't wait to see what happens next! Rich folk doing nothing...oh BWAR HAR HAR!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  16. AWESOME! I love your posts! You are so creative, my friend!

  17. Congrad's on the award!!! Very interesting story!!!
    Stella Rose

  18. Oh Molly... we want to hear MORE about the Doings at Dogton Manor.
    PeeS... you look LOVELY in PEARLS I must say... Smashing actually.

  19. We just love it Molly when you pull out your good pearls!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  20. Mowzers, that deserves a Pawlitzer fur sure! MOL! We hasta admit, we hasn't seen the *cough* original, so we're thinking it'd be funnier if we knew who all the players were. It's on our bucket list - if ONLY we could get the humans so make laps for us on the sofa so's we can WATCH TV!

  21. Some how I missed out on the first episodes. Now I will have to spend my day catching up.

  22. What a story! Congratulations on your award
    Benny & Lily

  23. Congratulations on your award! That is quite the story my friend! :)

  24. Concats on the awards!

    Our human has seen a very little bit of one or two of the original episodes; probably your version is more entertaining (just as a guess). :-)

  25. LOL, those cupcakes sure look yummy!

  26. Hi Molly,

    That's absolutely spiffing old bean...can't wait to read the next episode of life with the 'Clotted Creams' (Rich N Thick)! BOL life is a bitch when you are rich!

  27. you have been hanging around Mollie too long lol!!! You are certifiable!

  28. Hi Molly, that's one terrific story you are working on. Thank you for stopping by my blog and posting. And thank you for helping with the Houston Pittie Pack though money is tight right now. The dog blogging community never ceases to amaze me. The chip-in account is through PayPal. If you follow the link on my blog and hit the "Chip-in" button it will then take you to a PayPal payment page. You can log into your PayPal account from that page to make the donation. Thanks so much!

  29. Loving your spin on Downton Abbey! Mrs Petmore, Mr Bites, Barkson - oh, my, the scandals! We're looking forward to the next installment!

  30. BOL, mummy loves Downton but I think Dogton sounds much better :-)

  31. Congrats! ...and you made me laugh!

  32. That is quite a soap opera! We are on pins and needles to see how it wraps up!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  33. Que bela imaginação!!! Adorei!
    Beijos e tenha uma linda e divertida semana! ;)

  34. Can't wait for the next episode. I love Lady Dribble. If she has an evil twin can she be called Double Dribble?

  35. Oh Molly, the twists and turns of life at Dogton Abbey are so complicated! We're glad Mrs. Petmore has taken pity on Barkson and Lady Dribble! We'll be waiting for the next installment with bated breath! Congratulations on your yummy looking blogging award. Wrigs and I are going to wander off and find a snack now...

    Susan and Wrigs

  36. Oh Molly, we thinks Lady D and Barkson make such an adorable couple. We can hardly wait to hear more about this romance.

    Congrats on your award!

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  37. Dogton Abbey seems to have more drama than I can imagine!!

    I can't wait to see what happens :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  38. My hoomin says she wants to watch ur show and the hoomin one. She says your show looks even better!
