
Sunday 21 October 2012

Share It Sunday’, Guest Blog Loveable Lily!

Nominated by last week’s guest Dachshund Nola!

Peas in a Pod

Lily and her 'soul sister' friend Freeda are like two peas in a pod!

They have been that way ever since the day they met. That was the day we brought Lily home over 8 years ago. Freeda was our neighbor and she is our God~doggie. Oh yeah, you heard me right! Our God~doggie.  She is the reason why we fell in the love with the Dachshund breed.

If Freeda wasn't 12 and Lily 8 years old, I'd say they were conjoined twins!

Always are joined at the hip.

No matter what they are doing, they are always side by side. 

Never apart.

They even share their ice cream together.

Everyone knows you can't Trick-or-Treat alone!

Chilling Together.

Notice where Freeda's paw is? Yup... Right on top of Lily.

Computer chair crashing together.

Fireplace lounging together.

Bedroom Sunnin' together.

After pool fun together.

Wearing silly hat's together.

Opening prezzies together.

One bed, two friends, together...

It is truly amazing to see the two of them together. Lily and Freeda have a bond like no other!

I think after the sun goes down at night, they secretly sit around the camp fire, hold paws and sing kumbaya.

Freeda is a BIG part of our family and we love her like one of our own!

Yup! Two peas in a pod.....

About Me!

Hi friends, I'm Lily Belle and my sister's name is Muffin. We live in beautiful upstate NY. We own 3 hoomans ~ Mommy, Daddy and Grandpa. We have an awesome life!! There is never a dull moment around here. Hope you enjoy our Blog.

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together.

From the author Molly The Wally.

And don’t forget Roo’s Power Of The Paw web site where we can stop over and wish our furry friends who are under the weather well.


  1. Thanks for sharing the story of this fabuouls "twins" with me. Have a wonderful sunday :o)

  2. Oh dear, this is so heart-warming! Animals feel the emotion of love too. YES THEY DO. And when the time comes that the bond is interrupted, they feel grief. BUT! We shall not speak of such things here, we shall rejoice to see how adorable these two are and how much they can teach us about loyalty. GOOD GOLLY MIZ MOLLY, YOU ARE MAKING ME TEAR UP, HERE!

  3. Aw, that is so sweet! We love Lily!

  4. Hey Molly!
    Wow, what a fun idea! I love guest bloggies since we see so many furiends. Lily and Freeda are adorable together. Love that ear-flap-over-the-eyes pix! BOL Great fun.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  5. Lly and Freeda are "2 peas in a pod"-- We love it. Great idea of a guest blog. Its fun to meet other bloggin buddies. We agree with Sarge the ear flap over the eyes - awesome.. They are cuddlers. Thanks Molly for sharing

  6. They are just adorable together! I need a twin!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. I love the 'two peas in s pod". They are so cute!

  8. I know Lily and Freeda and their Twinship. This was a wonderful post about them.

  9. Misfire
    Absolutely and adorable post. Toto the mighty mini doxie was our first family pet and he paved the way for all the other pets.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  10. So cute, they really are 2 peas on a pod!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. oh molly, i hope you did not take me wrong, we just weren't prepared for that and it overwhelmed us. I was honored by your connection to my pain with losing jesse. You should feel very proud that the "Little dog with a really a little dog with a BIG HEART!!" that inspired over 60 others to send their condolences to us. Whatever happens to us in the future... know that "Molly's Blog" will continue to be a part of our lives as it always has been. Perhaps I should have waited a little bit before announcing Jesse's journey, perhaps I should have asked for a quiet morning period before receiving comments. But one things is for sure... I could not ask for a more wonderful "Little Dog with a Blog" to have been a friend to Jesse and me.

  12. What a cute story about those two! Just wonderful :) Thanks for sharin them Molly!

    Waggin at ya,

    PeeS: Glad our furiends Mollie and Alfie stuck their heads up to let us know their okey dokey. Puters go a bit nuts sometimes. Maybe they are a bit human? ;)

  13. they are so wonderful, we are planning the next go around with a pooch to have two so they can be like these two are, that would be fun. and since by then we'll most likely be at the ranch by that time we can fit two...berners. ha! adorable posting thanks

  14. Oh you are so cute :) Love the little outfits..Gotta be real quick in case my computer goes bang. xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  15. so cute!! Love the butt pillow
    Benny & Lily

  16. It's fantastic having a best friend!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  17. We are so honored to be your guest blogger today Molly. Thank you very much for having us!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  18. What sweeties! My husbands family had doxies and I always thought they were such great snugglers

    urban hounds

  19. Hi I've just awarded you the Super Sweet Blogging Award you can collect it here


  20. Oh, my goodness - they're just adorable!

    We gave you an award - stop by to pick it up!

  21. I loved this blog. These two pups really touched me for some reason. I love seeing pups who are so loyal to one another

  22. Lily and Freeda are adorable together! Thanks for sharing all these great photos!

    Susan and Wrigs

  23. Awww, I loved this post the first time around and still it has heartwarmings the second!


  24. Aww, it's so sweet to see how devoted they are to each other.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x
