
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Mollys’ Barking Bakes, Pumpkin Howl-A-Ween Bites!

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 1

Introducing Mollys’ Barking Bakes. Today we give you Pumpkin Howl-A-Ween Bites!

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 2

You will need the following for your Halloween treat ........


2 1/2 cups wholemeal or whole wheat flour
1/2 cup pumpkin puree un-spiced
1/2 cup peanut butter crunchy is best
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
Optional extras bacon, chicken or whatever goodies take your fancy like eye of newt, wing of bat or tongue of squirrel.
1/2 cup water as needed

For the trick versions just add some Scotch Bonnet Chillies. No, only joking!

Make sure your paws are clean. Find a large mixing bowl and measuring cup. You will need a big mixing spoon too.

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 3

 Measure out the ingredients carefully.

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 4

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 5

Mix all your ingredients except the water. Stir, stir and stir and repeat after me.....

Double, double toil and trouble,
Hairy stubble and tummy rumble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake,
Eye of newt, and toe of rat,
Wool of bat, and tongue of cat,
Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble

Double, double toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 6

Add the water sparingly and the amount will depend on the amount of oil in your peanut butter. You may need the entire 1/2 cup or not. Try not to make a mess.

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 7

 The dough should turn out sticky but not dry. If it’s too sticky you need a little more flour.

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 8

Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface. Use a rolling pin or anything handy like a spare foot to flatten out the cookie dough and then use cookie cutters to make shapes. Cut the treats without cutting yourself and placed them on a greased cookie sheet.

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 9

Next place the treats in a preheated 350 degree oven Gas mark 5. Bake for about 20 minutes or depending on thickness. Guard the oven at all times and don’t let anyone try and gain access to these wonderful morsels. Go get cleaned up in the bathroom while you wait for the cookies to cool down.

Bandage any ouchies you may have incurred during cooking. 

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 10

Remember they are all YOURS but maybe you could share a few out. 

Molly The Wallys' Barking Bakes for Halloween 11

Happy Halloween and Happy Trick Or Treat Everybody!


  1. I AM LAUGHING OUT LOUD AGAIN......Miz Molly, YOU MADE A MESS! But anything delicious usually requires a mess in the kitchen! Pray tell, what extra ingredient do you prefer in your batch....tongue of squirrel or eye of newt?I think tongue of squirrel is is a bit chewy! MMWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

    You are just the cutest little girl ever. I LOVE YA MOLLY THE WALLY!!!

  2. Happy Howl-O-Ween! Hope your treats are super yummy!

  3. Great photos, Molly!
    It isn't often I'm in fits of laughter reading a recipe. The results look good!

  4. YUMMY! Thanks for sharring!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. Hope you have lots of treats instead of tricks.

    Happy Halloween!

  6. Molly, they look scrummy..I love the flour on your nose..BOL you have a great Halloween, I see your not short of treats :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  7. Molly.
    One thing for sure girlfriend not only are you Boo-tiful you are a Chef and a sweetheart..which makes you a complete package,
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  8. BOL BOL!! I hope your wounds were worth the baked goodies and that you are well enough to go trick or treating today! Enjoy it!

  9. They sound delish, Molly. Thanks for the recipe. We are off to see if we can find some lizards' legs now.

    Thanks again for our Spooky pics.

    Happy Halloween.

    BOOS and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. Hi Molly! Wow you sure go all out for Halloween! I love it!!

    I saw your comment on my blog about share it Sunday, what a really nice idea. I'm not sure what you prefer in terms of posts, I have a funny one

    or I have a serious one

    I will leave it up to you as to what you choose as you know your readers better than I do.

    Thank you so much for sharing my blog on Sunday!

    Happy Halloween!!

  11. My gosh Molly, now you a world class chef, such hidin talent, what else is under that sheepish smile. Cookies sure look & sound good. Happy How-O-Weenie to you.

    Yoru Spooky Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  12. Happy Halloween Molly!

    You look nice in that apron.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  13. Yummyy!!!!!!! Happy Howl-a-Weenie!!!


  14. Cool post! Yummy treats! Love your post! Happy Halloween, my friend!

  15. Que receita divina hein?!
    Com certeza vou testar por aqui!

    Beijos e lindo dia!

  16. Hi Molly!
    Happy Howl-O-Ween! I'm not sure if todays post is a trick or a treat but you sure look like you enjoyed cooking and that you made some yummy pumpkin foodables! Mum made punpkin pie and these candy apples with gummy worms but I'm not a good cook so i just sat and sampled it all BOL!
    Have a great night, I hope that you have a spooky night with lots of scares and spooks but most of all treats!
    Love and Licks from Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17. Very funny and delicious post! Happy Halloween!

  18. Thanks for this great recipe!!! It's such a fabulous post!!! Have a wonderful Halloween and I hope you don't need the red bucket if you eat all the cookies ;o)

  19. Molly....Purrr-fect directions! Now, how can I get da Momma to help me make 'em? Me's too short to get up on da table by meself!



  20. Wow Molly! What you didn't endure to make those treats to post for us! You made a bloody mess! They do sound yummy though. I don't know about the eye of a newt or the squirrel tongue, but anything with bacon in it has got to be good! :)

  21. Gees I'm so skeered.....but I knows it's all in fun...HAPPY HALLOWEEN...a wet one here!

  22. Those sound yummy, Molly! Wrigs wants me to go get the ingredients so we can test your recipe right away! Happy Halloween!

    Susan and Wrigs

  23. Mmmm! those sound great, Molly! Even with the chilis -- but then, I'm from Texas. Ha woo!
    Have a safe Halloween!

  24. Oh Molly, that picture of you and the bandage on your nose is PRICELESS! You made us giggle and laugh today.

    Happy Halloweenie!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  25. Love those treats so much!!! You're A very good cook, Molly!!
    I like so much your photos!!
    Woof, woof,


  26. Dear Molly,

    I LOVe pumpkin. Can I just have the pumpkin?

    Do you like pumpkin? Did you like your treats? I do tricks for treats all the time, so I think today is going to be awesome.


  27. Hey Molly!
    Wow, you are like that Julia Childs person! What a super recipe and the toil and trouble rhyme made my tail wag like crazy. Howloween is so much fun and your post is scary, fun and yummy all at the same time. Amazing! Sure hope those ouchies are better now BOL BOL BOL. Happy howloween to you, my fun furiend.
    Grr and a Spooky Woof,
    Sarge, Trick-or-Treater

  28. Yumm Yumm. Happy Halloween.

  29. That sounds scrumptious.

    The Girl Of The House made a pumpkin and sweet potato pie this afternoon but I'm not having any.

    Enjoy your treats.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  30. That was the best cooking programme we have ever seen. Have you ever thought about a career on the telly?

  31. Fun post Molly - I like the way you cleaned up in the shower. Have a great Halloween night. Betty

  32. Haha... I think you should host your own cooking show Molly! Happy Halloween!

  33. While we don't think we'd eat them (where's the tuna?), we enjoyed this so much, we'd sit and watch you bake any day! Happy Treat-Filled Halloweeen! Purrs...

  34. Oh.... MOlly... great ...great ...great post. We're gonna try those cookies without the ouchies.

    Have a wonderful Halloween.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  35. BOL, love all the photos, very cool!
    That was a wonderful recipe, you are obviously a better cook than our Mum, ha!
    Happy Halloween dear friend.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  36. BOL! Those look NOMMERS Molly! Laughin my tail crooked with your shower stains and hologram glasses Too GREAT! Gotta say you really know how to wear an apron my furiend :)

    Happy Howl-o-ween to ya!

    Waggin at ya,

  37. you are soooooooo funny! Not only do these look delicious but you are sooooooooooo scary! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

  38. BOL! Molly, you should have your own cooking show!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  39. Yummy!
    BOL, Happy Halloween
    Benny & Lily

  40. Oh molly you are soooo funny and also always sooooo nice with me!!!
    I wish you too a very happy Halloween and......take care of you!!!


  41. molly just made these this afternoon...yummie-yum, taking them to work tonight, thanks needed something fun- printed your blog post for those who want the scoop from the pooch recipe - nice!

  42. Those look really good, I just have to figure out what to use instead of flour for Maggie's allergies, maybe oatmeal? The spare foot was hilarious!

  43. There are few things in life better than treats. Very few.


  44. Did you enjoy the cookies? Happy Halloween!

  45. BOL. Those are great cookies and I appreciate you putting safety first in the kitchen.

  46. oh Molly! I was all excited to try baking these treats until I saw what happened! YIKES. So scary.

    Your post made me HOWL !

    Just pawesome! You rule the day:)

  47. molly, you have such self-control. sadie and katie could never do that.

  48. We just love your apron! You are too funny, Molly! Happy Halloween!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  49. Wow Molly,

    That looked like a lot of effort, I hope you're ok after your injuries! I loved the random foot on the table!!

    I hope you enjoyed them ALL!!

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  50. OMG! You're soooo cute! Such great shots!

    You know how to have fun, girl...

  51. Molly, you are such a good chef/witch/cookies' model! I ♥ your lovely face, your eyes are so sweet! Excelent recipee.
    Licks from Pink

  52. Looks like yummy treats to hand out to all your furfriends. Then again, it looks like you were hogging the plate yourself :) Thanks for stopping by our blog.

  53. Hi Molly,

    Just how cute are you, forget Saturday kitchen I'd like to see you make more yummy treats, prehaps you could have your own show, come cook with me. Hope you'll do a Christmas special!
