
Thursday 1 November 2012

Slog It Blog It, Mobile Mayhem!

Molly The Wallys' mobile phone!

Unusual Insurance Claims On Lost Mobile Phone By The British Public.

Recent research into unusual insurance claims made by mobile phone owners has revealed that the great British public have some of the most bizarre and outlandish accidents that could befall a nation. One farmer claims to have damaged his iPhone during calving, accidentally inserting it into the rear of a cow whilst attempting to use it as a torch. A woman, admitted she was a bit absent minded and  baked her Nokia 6303i into a Victoria Sponge which she had made for her daughters’ birthday. A rogue seagull was blamed for snatching a womans’ Samsung Galaxy whilst walking on Barry Island beach in Wales. The best has to be the couple who lost their handset while re-enacting a scene from Titanic. It dropped overboard a cruise ship as they attempted to take a photo of themselves. Then there was the woman who reported breaking her HTC Desire X phone after throwing it at her cheating boyfriend, missing and hitting a wall instead. Bet you he ducked! A man who worked in pyrotechnics claimed his iPhone 3GS was fired 3,000ft into the air after being left behind during a display of fireworks in Plymouth. It is now sending texts to ‘The Enterprise’. One for us animal lovers, a man claimed his HTC One X was snatched by monkeys at Longleat Safari Park when he tried to film them. One person who attempted to avoid paying for a £60 concert ticket to see Blur in Hyde Park, broke his iPhone after climbing a tree and dropping it. Lastly a construction worker reported his phone had been subjected to serious water damage after it fell from his jeans’ pocket into the lavatory. And the most common, phone owners claiming to have broken their handsets while walking along texting and crashing into something or tripping over the dog. Have you ever lost or damaged your phone doing something stupid? 

Hold on to your hats folks it's Dogton Abbey tomorrow! If you missed the introduction click on the picture on the right.


  1. I tried to steal my peep's phone once... I didn't get far though...

  2. Ewwwwww! The rear of a cow! These are some bizarre claims for sure Molly! Love the glasses dear. :)

  3. That's funny Molly! I can actually see some of that happening. So far no damages done to any of our hooman's phones.

    My Mommy and Daddy DON'T talk and drive either!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  4. Well Miz Molly, journalist and investigator extraordinaire....I have done the LAST ONE many times!!!!! THE BRITS aren't the only ones with stories to tell of the silly mishaps!! HOW DID YOUR BOO HOUR GO LAST NIGHT?

  5. The bottom of a calf..I've herd (pun) it all now..BOL Have a great Thursday Molly, it's chucking it down :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. I haven't lost mine yet - I almost wish I could as it's very old fashioned and about the size of a house brick - technology passed me by a long time ago. The new ones look so dinky and pocket sized. I do drop my phone a lot - it's indestructable. Betty

  7. MOL
    Molly those folks might need a Smart Phone since they are lacking in the smarts department Hugs madi your BFFF

  8. It is dumb the things people will admit to doing! How do you lose your phone inside a cow?

    Happy Thurday - Lee and Phod

  9. Those are all crazy!! Mummy is always dropping her phone but she's just clumsy BOL
    Looking forward to Dogton tomorrow :-)

  10. Thanks for making my mom happy today, now she knows she isn't the only one with a "phonecident" :o)

  11. Just proves our theroy that there is lots of stupid peeps out there. Never had again dumb, other then Mom losing hers!!!

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  12. Thanks for coming to the Tabby Cat
    Club Halloween party. Hope you had a fun time.
    Guess anything of value can at one time or other involve the insurance stuff.

  13. These are really crazy but I believe each one of them! People are NUTS!

    Well, Da Momma must of thought her cell phone was dirty because it ended up in the washing machine one day. We gave it a nice funeral!

  14. Maybe it's time everyone put their phones away and paid more attention. Who can say how many squirrels and bunnies have been overlooked as a result of distracted people on mobile phones? Have a great day, Molly!

    Susan and Wrigs

  15. Darn monkey snatchers. You gotta watch out for those!

  16. Yep... we don't have phones... so we're all for the beans putting them away and petting us...

    Hope you had a wonderful Halloween.. We sure enjoyed the pictures.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  17. Some people! Thanks for the smile, my friend!

  18. Whenever I need a good laugh, you're there Molly! Thanks for the laugh and it always makes my day so much better.

  19. No, fortunately my humans never lost their phones even if these episodes you've written are just bizarre ahah crazy peolpe!!
    Woof, woof,


  20. A cows butt?!!! And they are suppose to be the "superior" beings.

  21. so far, so good. but i've come close to it dropping out of my shorts pocket into the horse water tub as i cross through the fence to go to the barn. :)

  22. I'm not much of a phone user. Mine stays in my handbag most of the time, just in case of unless someone nabs my purse, my phone is pretty safe :-)

  23. It takes all kinds of people, huh?
    Hope you had a nice Halloween!

  24. Ohhhhh. Mommy once dropped her less than week old Motorola into the toilet bowl. Then she dropped her less than month old Nokia into Whisky's water bowl. Such watery deaths! Now she holds on tight to her Samsung and a mental alert goes off every time she goes near water. Hahaha.

  25. Our daughter couldn't find one and eventually tracked it down to being in a straw bed with her horse! The horse hand't made any calls on it so that's okay.

  26. There are some very strange people around - but at least we can laugh at them!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  27. I had my phone in the pocket of my jacket and my husband picked up my jacket and hung it UPSIDE DOWN...Dakota was about 2 at the time...the phone fell......Dakota chewed all the way through the phone to the battery. Thank God I caught up before he got to the battery. It was the first and LAST phone that I didn't have insurance for.....$300 later...I had to get a new phone

  28. Miz Molly the FEARLESS! Thank you my dear for coming to see my post. Did you like the little girl with the big horse? Anyone that can tame a beast is to be applauded. Now to tame the beast within that often tells us we cannot do something! PEACE! Anita

  29. Oh we've decided to blackmail mom into giving us treats to keep us from sharing HER stupid cell phone story! *evil laff*

  30. Wow, a lot of people had weird methods of losing or ruining their phones! Us dogs would NOT do those things. We'd just eat it.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  31. We have never damaged our mobiles but our human brother had his phone robbed and this is even worse. People are addicted to their mobile phones!
    Licks from Pink

  32. that is downright nutty
    Benny & Lily

  33. kkkkkkkkkkkkk Ri muito aqui!
    Quantas histórias bizarras! O do parto da vaca foi demais!

    Beijos e tudo de bom *-*

  34. I am feeling kind of bad for the cow with the phone up his butt. Thank dogness nothing like that has happened here.

    Loveys Sasha

  35. Snatched by a monkey? The monkey was just borrowing it to send a text message.

    Our mama hasn't lost or destroyed her phone yet but not for our lack of trying. We love to jump in her lap or distract her when she is texting or talking. The new kitten keeps trying to throw it off the table.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
