
Friday 9 November 2012

Blog From The Dog House, What’s A Gal To Wear!

Molly The Wally What’s A Gal To Wear!

 Decisions, decisions, What’s A Gal To Wear!

Are you an extreme fashion planner? Men are constantly moaning that women spend far too long getting ready for that big night out. However a new study states that it is not a matter of minutes or hours that women spent preparing but days.  Apparently women start preparing their big night outfits as early as 1.35pm on a Wednesday afternoon. The incredible amount of forethought, deliberation and consideration women put into which outfit, the shoes and the accessories is not stuff of legend. We say finding the right shoes has to be the greatest feet imaginable. The precision and planning typically requires over ten text messages, three emails, five phone calls, eight posts on Facebook and three tweets. Do social media users wear Tweet jackets? Nearly two hours is spent online researching outfits, venues and even the weather it has been revealed. On the night itself, women start getting ready at 5.50pm and will dedicate at least two hours to preen and perfect their look. It's no wonder it's a lengthy process, with the average woman trying on at least three different outfits. You’d never catch us fretting over what to wear, roadkill or poop? Decisions, decisions, decisions, oh the dilemma to stink in pink or to wear pooh in blue! Are you an extreme fashion planner?

If you missed episode 2 of Dogton Abbey click here Lady Dribble Has A Passion For Fashion!


  1. Boy am I glad I'm a four legged one and not a two legged woman! I would rather spend all that time doing zoomies, eating treats and sniffing around than thinking about clothes and stuff!



  2. We can tell you our mum is not one of those women, BOL!
    There are more important things to agonise over.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  3. We don't think Mommy has ever taken longer than 5 mins to get dressed. LOL. Bet it has something to do with having so many of us four legged around.

  4. Mom just chucks her jeans and a baggy top, then we are out the door. You sure have some nice accessories Molly :) Have a great Friday. x00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Mummy takes a while to get ready, but that's cos she has to sort her hair out and that can take aaaages - I find it pretty boring.
    Personally I just spritz some of my favourite cologhe - eau de fox poo and I'm ready to go BOL

  6. Lady Dribble,

    You are the fashionista of DOGBLOGLAND and I trust your resources. I too am notorious for planning at least two days in advance what I am going to wear to go to school! IT IS IMPORTANT YOU KNOW! I fancy you in that MYSTIC MAVEN OUTFIT that you sport...oh please, PLEASE wear it again?


  7. Well our mom loves clothes but no way does she spend that long getting dressed, she can get dressed in 15 min. Mom also gets Vogue magazine and according to that style tome the most stylish women can get dressed quickly (not that mom is stylish) because they have a sort of uniform look.

    urban hounds

  8. Morning Molly...
    A little black dress, pearls and black pumps and a pretty colorful head bow for a splash of color are always stylish.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  9. Even on a big night our Lady doesn't spend more than 30-60 minutes. She looks good all the time to us and we still think that is too long!

  10. I am definitely not one of those primpers....and it probably shows!

  11. I'm the part time shopping-guide of my mom (constantly stumbling between fired and hired)and we aren't fashion planner, because no matter how much she buys, she has nothing to wear... that's one of the greatest miracles of the world ;o)

  12. Nope I do not fret over such things. And my MOM must be way abnormal. She might start thinking about what to wear after she strps out of the shower and right before she steps out the door. I like my MOM's way best. It means more me time.

  13. My mom's hands are always full because of me. She spends less than 5 minutes on herself but 10 minutes on brushing my beautiful coat.

  14. Just give me a warm blanket and I'll be hap-pee as a cheeto!

  15. BOL! My Mom takes less time than my Dad does!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  16. We are not high maintance here. The teen takes forever but the adults are quick to head out without frills. For the dogs, they roll on a dead doodle-bug and call themselves ready. BOL!

  17. i am so not. i get ready faster than my husband.

  18. Wells fur me da only thing I be concerned withs is my hair. I has to has everyone in da exact right place...then I goes nekkid.
    Mum could care less too but her does wear clothes.


  19. You Wimmen... you spend so much time plannin.. we GUYS just go Nekkid and that's that.

  20. We bet anything you would look beautiful in any choice you made, Molly. We are so glad we don't have to wear clothes. Poor Momster, she says there is NOTHING in the stores for her generation - they are the forgotten ones.

    Have a fun weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  21. This is why I like to just go int he nude! BOL!

  22. Woof! Woof! CHOICES CHOICES n DECISIONS!!! For sure you'll find a lovely outfit to wear. Happy Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  23. Accessories make the gal, we're certain, but we'd get lost in playing with all the fun, sparkly things you have there. Happy weekend! Purrs...

  24. I think it's easier for us guy pups. Really.
    Play bows,

  25. I decide about 15 minutes before! LOL!

  26. I used to be....back when I was trying to get laid :)

  27. SHE never spends that much time.....could explain a lot!

    We just wear basic black.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  28. I can understand these types of problems because I watch my mom get dressed in the mornings. But I think the solution is to have fewer options. I told mom this but she did not agree.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  29. For super special events, I have been known to plan out my outfit weeks in advance. But for the most part I don't plan too much :-P

  30. Quando tenho que ir a um evento especial, eu sou uma dessas mulheres! kkkkkkk

    Beijos Molly e lindo final de semana!

  31. I've got 2 girls in the house, the guys ALWAYS end up waiting for them

  32. I don't plan my outfits that well, but do admit to changing any number of times before I finally settle. :-)

  33. Molly-
    I'm just a simple country dog, so I can't really say. But, I do like a girl with some bling on...even if it's just a sparkly collar!


  34. We usually take several million minutes trying to pick the right sweater before mom takes us out on our walk
    Benny & Lily

  35. Stink in pink indeed - you are one funny little pooch :D
    I'm with you on this, no fussing or bothering. I'm the last minute, throw something on kinda gal. My long suffering mother wishes it weren't so.
