
Saturday 10 November 2012

Dog House Blog, You Hum it, I Will Sing It!

Molly The Wally listening to music!

Mozart or Motorhead Which Would You Prefer?

Bach is better than Black Sabbath, Strauss is superior to Slayer, and Mozart is a must over Motorhead? Well at least when it comes to keeping dogs calm. Studded collars and a Bach worse than its’ bite. might suggest otherwise but new research shows dogs prefer classical music to heavy metal. Researchers from Colorado State University found that shelter dogs were less likely to bark and more likely to sleep when played classical music. That is mutts for Mozart then. What's Mozart doing right now you ask? Decomposing! Heavy metal on the other paw was found to have the opposite effect. Such music induced nervous shaking and barking, stopping the canines from getting any sleep. Well so does turning on a vacuum cleaner, you should see the effect that has around here? Music selections were played for 45 minutes with behavioural observations recorded every 5 minutes. Each music selection was followed by a period of silence, resulting in thousands of behavioural recordings. Compared to the control condition of no music, classical music was linked to a more relaxed and restful behaviour whilst heavy metal was linked to throwing tempo tantrums and agitation. Can you Handel it?  See you Bach for more! What do you like to listen to? 


  1. Great entry!
    You do look Like my bonny: sure you are related...

    xo BlueShell

  2. That makes a lot of sense Molly, music can be very soothing. We are wondering what effect Mozart would have on us kitties (as opposed to mama's Metallica and Judas Priest collection). Of course we cats are already so laid back Mozart might make us comatose. MOL!

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  3. Good report little pal Hamish though enjoys a bit of Soap Music! - see my blog today...(the programme of which drives my mum up the wall!)

  4. They play the radio in the kennel areas at the dogs home I help at - I think they like easy listening type stuff at this one. I don't hear any dogs crooning along though, but perhaps they're shy when people are about.

  5. Mom keeps the classical music station on 24/7 here but we're not sure that it makes us any more calm! We're Terriers!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  6. OH MIZ MOLLY, the QUEEN OF PUNS!I prefer quiet and peaceful music. It can be classical, contemporary or WORLD music. But one might say, "Leave all that loud music to the dogs!" but studies show otherwise, and that YOU CANINES ARE WITH SOME OF US HUMANS who just want a little PEACE!!!!

    You are the cutest dog in the world. You and George and Tess!

  7. Ah! Knew it! Our humans always leave classic fm on when they leave us alone! And during fireworks too! We even heard that in france there's a guy that plays classical music to his vinyard lol but that's pushing it no? Well if you're interested in the powers of classical music, there is this great documentary from national geographic called "sex drugs and plants" (don't worry it's only about plants reproduction and the drugs they produce lol) and it's really interesting!
    Lots of love from Indigo and Malach

  8. I totally agree that "dogs prefer classical music to heavy metal".Eva sleeps soundly when Rosie is playing her classical music but she barks her head off whenever our neighbour is drumming.

  9. That's really not surprising! With their extra sharp hearing, heavy metal is probably painful! I know it is for my mere human ears.

  10. More than his music I like the book about Mozart's correspondence with his cousin ;o) Actually I like most kind of music, except Justin Beaver :o) Have a rocking Saturday ;o)

  11. Funny Molly! We like all types of music here.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  12. Our Lady had tried to leave us classical music and we pooped everywhere, maybe cause we were so calm. Have a great day. Lee and Phod

  13. BOL! Mom lost it at 'Mozart decomposing' Still laughing hahahahhahahhaha!

    Have a great day my furiend :D

    Waggin at ya,

  14. There is a cd called through a dogs ear that they play at doggie day cares and such that is supposed to calm down dogs. They play it at our groomers its mostly classical

    urban hounds

  15. We like Classical AND the Oldies channels.

  16. Well around here it's GREAT Rock & Roll stuff, and when Mom gets going so do we, Have a great weekend Molly.

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  17. I like just about anything. But it might not be fair for me to judge since MOM rarely listens to classical music. Well Classic rock, does that count?

  18. You are too funny Molly! We can listen to anything, but I suppose Finn likes those nature CDs best!

  19. Molly, you have the most interesting and fun blog. We love to visit. Thanks for stopping by and wishing our D well.We know all the good thoughts and paws crossed are helping him.

  20. My peeps always leave their fave radio station on when they leave me home alone. It's just present day rock.
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  21. i just love all of your pun-age! :)

  22. We hear classical music when our pawrents play the piano. Butt when mom listens to the radio she says she gets stuck in the 70's.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. We believe it. Heavy metal makes mom get nervous and start barking too! We prefer Jimmy Buffett in my house, which is perhaps somewhere in between.

    your pal,

  24. I have definite favorites when it comes to music! I like Brazilian jazz (especially old Sergio Mendes stuff) and I love traditional bagpipe music. My mom has even played bagpipe music for me at the vet's before dental procedures, to help soothe me -- one time, my anesthesiology student thought I'd already had my initial sedative. Ha wooooo!
    Zim likes talk radio.

  25. Mom read that article too. We kinda go with whatever mom and dad are listening to which is anything from classical to indie.

    Wally & Sammy

  26. *Decomposing*. Hmm. We think he's probably pretty much done with that. BOL.

  27. You are just the cutest dog on the block!!! MIZ MOLLY, you came on over today! BLESS YOU! Observe the world Miz Molly, sniff, taste, see, hear and feel the LIFE and keep creating the fab posts you do!!! HUGS, Anita

  28. Mum's friend always puts the radio on for her budgie when she goes out and he loves it! We never let our Mum go out, BOL.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  29. Great post, Molly :)
    Have a great day!

  30. Molly thank you very much for not asking our humans to sing it then you would hum mom cannot carry a tune in a bucket.
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  31. Howdy Molly, oh you are funny. We love heaps of different music here. Doesn't matter what style, if mum and dad like it, they play it. It does upset us though if mum tries to sing. Then we quiver and shake. Dad on the other hand (according to him) can sing with the best of them. That of course, is only his opinion! Thanks for the laughs. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  32. Bella's more your television dog. She'll sit for hours...except when she jumps up to get the animals on the screen.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  33. Owwww...the PUNS, the PUNS! (We like classical best too)

  34. Black Sabbath, Slayer and Motorhead are making the punk dogs more nervous? Say it isn't so! Thought this could explain a lot...:)

  35. Lol, well this completely makes sense to me!

  36. Mummy and daddy always listen to Planet Rock...perhaps that why the neighbours say I howl when I'm home alone...

  37. Easy, Justin Beaver, is not music, that's torture. Daddy loves all the rock, I like classic. Wez so late tonight Molly, have a great tomorrow ( Sunday ) and we hope the weather has a sun in it :)xxooxx

  38. I always like to have classic music as background! It's good both for human babies and fur babies :-)

  39. Mommy loves all kinds of music including classical. I find that I calm down the most and enjoy Simon and Garfunkel(its true). They just make me happy and I fall asleep.

    Loveys Sasha

  40. Hello hello !
    These days, mum listens everyday to Cesaria Evora, on Yutube....these humans are strange !

    Have a wonderful Sun day, Molly !

    Nana & Uyanga

  41. Let's be honest here, there are some that are into music and some that aren't.. ME.. I AM IN .... no matter what it is. !
    :-) LUV'S Freya Rose Blossom X

  42. I usually listens to pop & rock songs, not much classical or anything :)

  43. Elka doesn't seem to prefer music. I've held up the earphones to hear when Bach was playing, and she didn't comment either way.

  44. I'm a Cat DJ and I play all kinds of rocknroll, from punk to oldies to country..

  45. We ♥ Metallica! Well, my brother Barum is almost deaf (he's 13!) so we can hear all kinds of music and he still sleeps...or barks...
    Licks from Pink

  46. Oh, Molly! We feel sorry for dogs who have to listen to heavy metal! Our absolute favorite is silence or nature sounds, next comes classical music. Wrigs says you wouldn't even want to be near his human (me) when heavy metal is playing because it makes me shake and bark too! He would probably retreat out his doggy door to the farthest point away from the noise.

    Susan and Wrigs
