
Monday 19 November 2012

Dog House Blog, Vogue, Strike A Pose!

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All!

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 1!

You all remember this..........the dreaded pawd-icure! Well some of you have asked how come I am such a good model? Does it come naturally? Do I enjoy it? Well today I am going to show you the whole sorry truth behind my modelling career. If you are of a nervous disposition read no further it is a harrowing tale. Firstly I strongly deny and refute the notion that my patience has something to do with these............

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 2!

To think so would be a pack of lies or in this case a pack of Mis-Fits Motley Mixes prawn and beef treats.

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 2!

Take this one my Southern Belle ensemble. Well you heard of the saying, stuck on you, well it literally is stuck on me. 

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 4!

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 3!

And then we have the girly pink look. A stickler for perfection? Sticky is the operative word. 

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 6!

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 4!

Oh and this where you were supposed to bung the ingredients in the bowl. Less bung more bungee rope tying me to the chair.

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 8!

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 5!

What about my homage to Johnny Depp, Captain Peg Head? They say it is important to have a staple diet but I am sure they didn’t mean this........

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 10!

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 6!

Mystic Molly had me tied up in knots literally......

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 12!

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 13!

I robustly reject the notion that my patience has something to do with these............ I have never ever tasted Mis-Fits Motley Mixes prawn and beef treats, NEVER, EVER (drool, drool)!

This is not an Advert for Mis-Fits Motley Mixes, Not At All 7!

Modelling is a dangerous pastime with little or NO reward folks! Did I mention that I have never tasted Mis-Fits Motley Mixes prawn and beef treats?

Have a good day all!


  1. You're the one model who gets to eat! We admire your work big time!

  2. We think the lady doth protest to much *BOL*
    Wally & Sammy

  3. Awesome post, Molly! You look good as a girly-dog :D

  4. I guess modeling is a tough job! (snicker)
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. Molly, you are so funny.. I will do anything for one of those, so don't tell porkies :) Have a great Monday, being tied down, no doubt..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. The horrors that you endure as a model is just.....well, horrible!! I'm sure they just show you the prawn and beef treats and maybe give you a whiff as they wouldn't want it to go to your lovely model shape Molly!

  7. Molly, we're laughing so hard over here that we can hardly type! You're such a GREAT model to put up with all of that. Butt seriously, duct tape? Of course you didn't get any treats during your photoshoot, don't you know that the camera adds 10 pounds.....

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  8. I think you are a beautiful model - but please don't throw with phones like some other models do ;o) Can you borrow me this fabulous torture-thing from the first pic ? My Dad needs a manicure I think ;o)

    Molly the trials and tribulations of being a supermodel!! OH my dogs you need a contract negotiation too treats aren't nearly enough payment for what you go through.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF and fellow poser!!

  10. You do a great job, despite the awful working conditions!

  11. Wow that's a LOT of work, but the pictures are priceless! We especially love the Johnny Depp and Mystic photos - just great! :D

  12. OMG...OMD...I JUST PEED ALL OVERS MYSELF!!!!!!!! I hopes you has insurance.

    I has had them Mis-Fits. Deccy sent them to me from da UK and holy squirrel snots they is delish!!!!!!


  13. I had no idea that modeling was such an unglamorus job. You have maybe helped save a few want to be models from the horrors.

  14. You certainly are a hard worker, my friend....and I do believe you have never tasted them....really....

  15. Oh you do work so hard, Molly, with no reward in sight. PLEASE, oh PLEASE don't give my Momma ideas, ok?


  17. I must get some of those mis fits immediately! YUM YUM YUM


  18. HAHAHAHAHA molly this is the funniest review we've ever read! Well done, you brightened up our days!
    Lots of love, Indigo and Malach

  19. I agree with Goose...I never knew modeling was so unglamorous but at least you know that in the end you will get lots of praise from your Blogville friends for putting up with the not-so-lovely parts of your job.

  20. Somehow, we are not going for it!!!, and thanks for the morning giggles!

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  21. You make the pawfect glamour model, you need those treats to keep your strength up between photo shoots.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  22. BOL!!! Loved it! Dakota would NEVER sit like that...even with treats! (even if they were treats that he didn't eat, like you lol)

  23. Oh, Molly, we don't believe a word of this! Unglamourous? Never with you! Purrs...

  24. You sure have to put up with a lot. It is a crime that you have never tasted Mis-Fits Motley Mixes prawn and beef treats!

  25. We get the 'bad dog' voice and treats to pose. Plus SHE takes about 1000 photos...and then uses the first one....sheesh!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  26. Love the Southern Belle are a riot!

  27. Lol! So that's the secret to getting great photos of your dog...

  28. Gosh Molly you need to get some kind of contract lined up if you are going to keep up this modelling - you could be asking for some goodies in your dressing room before you will consider starting work so no photo shoots until you get the goodies see? Good luck with your negotiations.

  29. All models get paid, so you should get paid in dog currency - treats!

    Thanks for the behind the scenes tour. You gave our lady some horrible ideas! We are not sure you could pay us enough! Lee and Phod

  30. Prawn & Beef Misfits yummy just what the Doctor ordered or should that be Model.


  31. We are not so sure we can buy all of what we read today:), but we do love your Southern Belle pose so very much - whatever it took, it was well worth it.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  32. You are such a fun model, Molly! I love all your looks!

  33. BOL! Your secrets are out! Thanks for the inside scoop!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  34. Wow Molly! I never realized modeling was so dangerous! What a brave pup you must be. You do take some pretty great pictures, so maybe it is worth it?

  35. You are definitely a cover girl!

    Critter Alley

  36. Oh Molly you are such a good girl with the poses and the pictures are hilarous.

  37. You kill me Molly, love your modeling career.

    I would like to nominate Misty Shores Chesapeakes for Share It Sunday.

    Have a wonderful day.

  38. Looks like a RUFF job Molly


  39. Sweet Molly I had no idea the pain you had to go through for modeling. You are amazing, I can't even imagine it. Do you think other models go through this?? I hope you got payed well and I hope one day you get to taste those treats.

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Loveys Sasha

  40. Hey Molly,

    I'd demand a packet each time for all you endure buddy!!

    Mum says she can't use treats for me as I get OVER excited - well maybe if she used them more often I wouldn't get TOO excited?! Doh!!

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  41. Oh dear Molly - what you have to go through to look good. It certainly is a hard life being a model - and no treats, you say, well, we'll just have to have a really serious talk to your Mom. A model such as yourself should be earning fortunes!

  42. Molly, sounds like you deserve a holiday from all that torture bol

  43. You're one of the greatest versatile models, so elegant and so patient! You deserve all the treats as you work so hard.

  44. hahaha.. Molly those crazy headbands looks so cute .I hope your mum did not really stress you out with all these colorful outfits. Ofcourse after that you deserve the best treats.!!!

  45. Hi Molly,

    What a model you are, all those outfits, I'm surprised you aren't on the next SUPER MODEL show.....I think the Paris CAT WALK should be very worried!

    PS You can always ware Misfits packets in pink and show up lady gaga!

  46. Wow, Molly! What a harrowing tale! I think you deserve a big raise--at least a case of Mis-Fits Motley Mixes! You are quite a trooper to endure all of that for the sake of your career.

    Susan and Wrigs
