
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Flog It Blog It, Christmas For The Rich!

Molly The Wally Does A Spot Modelling!

What to get the person who has everything this Christmas!

It should be the thought that counts when it comes to buying Christmas gifts but that may not always be the case. What do you buy someone who has everything? Well now the problem is solved with a new website where you can be the first to purchase luxury items before they reach the main stream market. It aims to showcase the most desirable items within the world of technology, fashion & beauty, home & leisure, and so much more. However it all comes at a price with VIP membership to the site setting you back £50 before you have even started shelling out a few thousand pounds on gifts. How about a £4,500 gold plated Faberge inspired vodka set where the vodka is filtered twelve times and was once enjoyed by 19th Century St Petersburg aristocracy? If the vodka itself is filtered twelve times who were the other 11 people it was filtered through we ask? Or a  Z.Boat by Zaha Hadid at a mere £300,000. Then there is a bottle of Azature 267 carat black diamond nail polish only costing a mere £160,000 (one for Puddles). Why not splash out on an Elliot Rhodes Megalodon Shark Tooth Belt Buckle a steal at £1,950? I just asked my peeps if she wants a bottle of that nail varnish for Xmas. She said "Darling, nothing would please me more!" So I'm getting her nothing instead. Those will be on the wish list of the residents of Dogton Abbey then! We are starting our own website for the rich and stupid called How is your Christmas shopping going?

We got this great award from our hilarious friend (he is not hilarious his blog is so check it out) Easy.
As always we say a big warm thank you and we will pop it on our awards page pronto Easy!

Keep your eyes peeled as things are getting crabby down at the Abbey in Episode 4 of Dogton Abbey. Missed any click on the picture on the right or visit the Dogton Family Album page. 


  1. Good morning Molly,
    my mom must hide your post, because if her daughter sees it, she probably would like to get this nail polish diamond thing, and it would be no good for family peace!
    But thank you for the information!
    Nice regards

  2. That is some mighty fancy nail polish. I would worry about a chip. lol

  3. Hey Molly! We just wanted you to know that we have not forgotten you. And we can prove it because we've sent out the Christmas card with the name Molly on the receiver's address.

    I recall reading about this absurd Apple application called I am Rich which cost $1000. And what does it do? Nothing. You just get a glowing gem to show off to your friends that's proof that you bought it.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  4. Hey cool award!!! Pink nail polish for me please, hehe.
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. Hmmm... If I had that kind of money I think I would buy another Friesian!


  6. We want some of that stuff too! Have a great day. Lee and Phod

  7. Well, I have to confess that I haven't started the Christmas shopping yet! BUT do I really have to?

  8. LOL at the Vodka filtering! :-D

    Well, our human won't be shopping there....Her budget allows for second hand shops and not much else. LOL.

    Concats on the award, Molly. :-)

  9. Me too :) Congratulations on the award :) Have a great Tuesday Molly xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. That polish would make for a great pawdicure,Molly. And congrats on your award - you ARE a star in our eyes.

    And you know you weren't late at all for Phantom's special day, it is today, Tuesday, MOm just posted it very early:) Thanks for the wishes.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  11. Congratulations!!! I like the nail polish , but for this price I will color my nails with the good old mother earth like always :o) But I'm interested about the vodka, think my dad would need a good drink is we are back from christmas shopping ;o) (and the bank-guy too)

  12. Hmmmmmm....Well, just give me a bone and I'll be the happiest pup in the world!

  13. No nail polish for me thanks.

  14. WOWZERS! That is really something!

  15. Morning Molly
    thanks for the Tuesday tummy tickler.
    Shopping Mom has made one purchase for so far. She normally buys stocking stuffers for my sis and her hubby first...yep they still have stockings at 41!!
    Hugs your BFFF Madi
    PS we had NO idea folks might not know what collards are. They are in the cabbage family. Mom likes all greens but collards are her fav to cook because the leaves are smooth (unlike kale) and easy to clean.

  16. Excellent award! Can't wait to read episode four! I love them!

  17. Well done with the award. Looking forward to next episode at the Abbey, I want to know what's in that cellar apart from vintage wine....

  18. Oh, we just dream of luxury items! Congrats on the award! :)

  19. All that money would be better spent giving to animal charities instead of spoilt people who have too much of everything.
    Congrats on your award Molly.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  20. wow that is sommme polish...your award is just beautiful! Happy thanksgviving
    stella rose

  21. We think the 'rich and wannabe rich and might be more appropriate.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  22. All I want for Christmas is a self-starting wand toy.
    ; ) Katie

    congratz on that cool award!

  23. That pawlish would look stunning on you Molly! Can't wait for the next episode!

  24. Hmmmm is that nail polish black? I love it...didn't catch the price though. Ahhhh to be rich!
    Congrats on your award!

  25. After reading this, I don't think I'll ever drink vodka again. :)

    Congratulations on the award.

  26. Hope you're having a great week Molly! Thanks for making mine a bit brighter!

  27. What a nice award and the PAWlish is purrrrfect. Happy day!

  28. Now I needs to know before I purchase that nail polish does it chip? I would not want to be flaking off carats.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  29. Hope your "Wesaw you" works out for you, know it would go over very well here, lots of ding dongs on the lose here!

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  30. That nail polish would look beautiful on me! This is going on my Christmas list. Thanks, Molly!

    Love ya lots,

  31. Thanks for those gift ideas. Now, any idea how to have that kind of money?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  32. Oh dear, we hope Allie doesn't hear about the black gold pawlish. You know her and her mani/pedis...!

  33. I don't know how we manage without those things!!!

  34. Hi Molly You should put this in your Dogto Abbey story, rich folk doing nothing except clotted creams spending dosh on stupid items! How rich and think have you got to be to buy the paw polish! I'm off to get my mummys black one, mix a little sand into it and rap it up for Christmas and call it rough Diamonds, As for the Vodka daddys getting for Christmas, distilled 4 times, tap water will do, get it.........


  35. Congratulations on your award! You deserve it!

  36. OMD, I soooooo needs dat polish, it would suit me perfectly! Does it require a top coat?

    I thoughted I was gonna falls right out of my chair when you called it Wesaw My dad says most Americans be likes dat...hehehe.

    I still want da gold toilet too.


  37. Imagine using that nail polish and then having it chip. Oh my word, all those ladies, literally crying because they broke a nail.
    I definitely think you should start your website - seems people will fall for just about anything.

  38. Congrats on your fabulous award, it is well deserved! Happy Turkey day.
