
Monday 10 December 2012

Dog Blog, Our Christmas Present to James Bond in his 50th Anniversary Year.

Molly The Wally Does James Bond!

Necking it! Drinking on the job has never been easier.

Drinking on the job has never been easier with the all new neck tie which doubles up as a flask. Hardworking professionals need not slack off and can now happily swig away while working. Despite looking like a standard striped tie, wearers of the FlaskTie can fill a hidden flask with up to half a pint of whatever takes their fancy. Find yourself parched during a lengthy meeting? Simply take the back part of the tie and sip from the well disguised nozzle. Look smart and formal at the same time whilst fooling your employers.  This ingenious necktie was created by Shawn Baxter, who also designed the PillowTie. Office workers can blow it up and use it as a comfy pillow. Probably you’ll need it after consuming the contents of the FlaskTie. Baxdo, the company responsible for creating the tie, sells the tie using the slogan, ‘The FlaskTie is a fashion statement of thirst quenching proportions.’ The ties are available online and cost £24.99 each. It is thirsty work being a spy so we though 007 would appreciate one for these for Christmas. He can now have a Martini moment anytime, anyplace, shaken and not stirred. Happy Christmas Mr.Bond!


  1. I wonder how many of those will Have a great Monday Molly, wrap up warm :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. I would happily don a tie like that ;P BTW, Mom's sayin HBO words again - says all the Bleepin good stuff is only made for Men. Last I saw of her, she was headed for the craftin room mumblin somethin about an inflatable/boga bag purse. Shakin my head.

    Waggin at ya,

  3. teheeeeee.....this could give a new meaning to the term, "TIE ONE ON!" Oh Miz Molly, you are CLEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BIG HUGS! It snowed like mad yesterday and now I have feet of snow to trudge through to get to my teaching assignment today! Anita

  4. I'm not sure whether it's a cool design or not but I'm wondering how many people like to carry a bottle of water on their neck. Have a wonderful Monday, Molly!

  5. LOL that is great and just in time for Christmas gift giving!

  6. Now that's some clever thinking! You just have to be sure to have breath mints handy so no one catches on!

  7. MOL Molly wonder if they make those ties in girly colors?
    I'd order two one for my water and one for my fancy feast.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

    PS My peeps saw Skyfall a few weeks ago. They said it was one of the best Bond movies of recent years.

  8. Lol! Molly you sure do love Mr. Bond! That tie looks pretty cool haha.

  9. BOL...I'm glad he likes his drinks shaked - not stirred, otherwise it could be problematic with this tie. Have a wonderful start in a new week ;o)

  10. Hi Molly,

    I'm getting daddy one for Christmas, as he says most the meeting he attends is thirty work and he does'nt have tme for a quick nip! Do these come as dog collars than I can fill it with mummy favortie tripple and she can have a quick nip while taking me walkies. On a another note, your Book was B.O.L I purchased it as a Xmas pressent but I read it first....and the booker prize goes to...........

  11. Now this is a great gift for the man who has everything! :)

  12. Molly, you report the most mundane yet useful items. Necessity breeds innovation. LOL.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    We watched Skyfall too! We loved it SOOOO much.

  13. That would be a the perfect gift for Mr. Bond. I am sure he would be well pleased with it.



  15. I might need one when I am on the back forty chasing squirrels, long way to the water bowl and sometimes you just can't stop!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  16. That is the funniest thing ever!

  17. suddenly business casual doesn't look so appealing! :)

  18. Happy Monday - hope you had a woofy good weekend!

  19. But if the tie leaks it could be rather embarrassing!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. Too funny! What will be thought up next?

  21. Our Dad would like a tie like that for Christmas!
    Good thinking.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  22. Tie one on - BOL - great comment above:)

    That would also be a great way for us to rehydrate on our long walks in the hot summer - if only we could figure out how not to have it drag on the ground.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  23. Gosh i wonder if I could improvise with a scarf? what a useful thing ties are - my husband uses his to stick his chewing gum to the back so he doesn't lose it!

  24. Love this! Put a massive smile on my face ( as well as my dogs :-)

  25. Who woulda THOUGHT? We gotta find someone to give that to! MOL!

  26. Hmmm, my mom might need to start wearing ties! BOL

  27. HOLY COW.... PUDDLES is gonna want a DOZEN of those ties.. in different colors.

  28. Well those are some clever ties, but you may need to give some breath mints along with them

    urban hounds

  29. Now that's something Puddles would like--that necktie that you can drink out of! Will it hold beer? ;)

    We got the card from you in the mail today, thank you so much for your well wishes for Riley! The card was beautiful, also. Riley's Grandpa said "Riley, you got a card from London!" He also thought it was from "Wally the Molly," but hey, he's old and can't see too good....! :)

    Elyse and Riley

  30. I am certainly behind any product that encourages drinking and driving. Where do I sign up?

  31. A tie! Who would have thought of that! :)

  32. Me thinks me needs a couple of those ties!

    Your pal, Pip

  33. hahahahaha
    Faria muito sucesso essa gravata aqui no Brasil! kkkk

    Beijos Molly e linda semana!!!!

  34. Molly, I don't know how we've lived without this! ;-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  35. Handy, wonder if they make a ladies scarf that does that? Still shoppin' for mom!


  36. Wow! I agree with Murray, my mom needs to start wearing ties too!!

  37. *BOL* once again Molly we have to ask...where do you find this stuff!!
    Wally & Sammy

  38. My peep says she needs this... Especially to get through the last two weeks of term!

  39. That is a pawesome idea! I think mummy needs one to get through boring meetings! Perhaps they could make a scarf version though so she doesn't have to wear a tie

  40. Oh my goodness! A flask tie! Brilliant and funny at the same time! Are you going to wear one soon, Molly?
    Thank you for the well wishes for Daisy! She is recuperating slowly and thanks you for your kind words!

  41. Hey Molly,

    That's such an awesome pressie for the awesome 007 - I wonder if he'll have is tipple shaken or stirred?! :)

    Big wags,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
