
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Flog It Blog It, Mantastic Meggings!

Molly The Wally & The Meggings!

Men in tights, now meggings are taking fashion world by storm!

Mens’ tights, so long the preserve of ballet dancers and jockeys, are now taking Manhattan by storm and could soon be seen on the high streets in Britains’ shops. Meggings, the male leggings is now all the rage with celebrities such as Justin Bieber, Russell Brand and Lenny Kravitz and fashion stores such a Uniglo and Nordstrom are making a roaring trade selling tights for men. The sad news is they are coming over to shops in the UK. Yikes next thing you know there will be fashion trend to wear underpants over the top of them and a red cape. Holy Cow Batman you were a trend setter years ago! Were they not called Long Johns somewhere back in the mists of time?  Will you be buying a pair? Would you dare? What next, a codpiece to go with the meggings and maybe a jesters' hat and some Ugly Ugg boots? So now alongside ‘The FlaskTie’ you have another stunning gift suggestion for the man in your life. Emperors’ New Clothes? I would not be seen dead walking on to the park with someone wearing those, it would frighten the life out of the squirrels. We dedicate this post to Mazzie over at Mazzie Takes Manhattan! Keep your eyes peeled Mazzie and when you see someone wearing meggings bite their ankles. 


  1. I think they are bloody I saw them on telly yesterday. What will they come up with next?
    Freezing cold, wrap up warm..Did you pop over yesterday? I only turned the comments xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. Our dad wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything like that! YIKES!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. OK, I had to google this one. I had never heard of meggings. Definitely only a big city thing. No suburban man would ever be caught in those! Holy Moly, they would be ridiculed to death by their friends! Even the gorgeous male models in the photos couldn't pull it off. I'd say the only place they would work would be at the gym.

  4. Some fashion trends shouldn't be . . . Happy Tuesday!

  5. OK, those are just ridiculous. I'm sorry that men are stuck in a pants-and-shirt world, but men in tights are just ridiculous.


  7. Yuck. Skinny, young men could pull of wearing them but bigger men? ICK...rolls would show... AND Batman always wore his underpants OVER his leggings. Strange how that trend didn't take over the world. HAHAHAHA

  8. Oh Molly
    some hoomans awe widicooloos, they should look in the miwwow befowe they go out, hehehe, we of couwse would look good in anything. thank you fow looking at the pictoowes of Mommi's exhibit
    Daddi will NOT be weawing Meggings anytime soon, hehhe
    smoochie kisses

  9. Haha haven't seen these yet! No wonder that guy can't get a taxi!

  10. Ewwwww! Please, not while I'm having breakfast! LOL!

  11. Oh umm... I think I'm going to just look away...


  12. What The ............... Gotta be the ugliest thing I's ever seeened! Yuck...Ick....Who would ever want to wear those????? I's speechless....or barkless I should say!

  13. Not so sure i'd want to see men wearing those BOL!!
    So funny!!!

    Milo :)

  14. Well is just not right, not right at all!

  15. definitely need a long shirt to go with those! or shorts over the top!

  16. I'm just a shaking my head Molly..just a shaking my head!
    Stella Rose
    P.S. thank you for your comment you left on my page yesterday.

  17. MAN that is disgusting! Holy C&$@ Batman!

    Your Pals In Disgust
    Susie & Bites

  18. Oh dear Lord........those are just WRONG!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  19. Those tights are nutty.
    Benny & Lily
    Pee S. speaking of nutty, mom thinks she put a regular stamp on your Christmas card by accident. We'll see if you get it or where it goes

  20. Molly
    Meggings are ridiculous!! Don't like them on men or women!
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  21. Honestly!! What's d world coming to! Meggings indeed!

    Yikes!! Gin, Bud. N shadow
    P.s.We think ur gift for Mr.Bond is just pawsome :)

  22. Hi Molly dad would be shot be my mum if he went out in those, why not finish the whole look by adding a string vest and a BMW Badge for he whole new street look. I think the desingers to to see a strink!

  23. My eyes. My eyes. That should be a fashion don'

  24. Hey Molly - We Beaglebratz thinkz our peepz can b sooooo weird sumtimez. Many of us woofiez an’kittiez can git around in the cold just fine WITHOUT anything like that or any other clothez or if we due wear stuff – it ain’t a regular habit.
    By the way, we saw your comment on our post 4 tueday 'boutz them toyz we iz sittin'by - thoze r MOM'z toyz an'may-b it iz the evil eye she usez on us butt we don't due more then sniff'em sumtimez. Mom'z evil eye iz EVIL! (Butt no physical harm comez tue them toyz or us)
    Shiloh'n The Diva Shasta

  25. Molly We gotta be totally honest here... WE would rather see ol' Sure Shot's BUTT CRACK than see him in somethingy like THAT.

  26. Well, we are no Fashion Diva's here but we think we have pretty good taste in clothing and we are a definate NO to the Meggings......
    We are with browndogs....OUr eyes our eyes.......

  27. Dear Molly,

    There is something wrong with the word "meggings"... People are strange.

    Are you being GOOD?


  28. bawhahahaha you know what? mom bought such a beast for my dad, it's blue-black striped ... but he never wore it.... not for a pot of gold - I agree with him ;o)

  29. Not seen on the streets here yet and hope they never will be!

  30. Oh My Pug ... that is just NOT right!

  31. Oh my Dog - what next!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  32. Hay Babe take a walk on the wild side, no room to go shop lifting in these!

  33. I've not read your blog so I am a new comer, all I can say more minging that meggings, Robert Nureyev you're nothing to worry about!

  34. They haven't come here yet ... or at least they haven't come to the third floor of the condo and that's all we can see...

    Good report though and we'll be on the lookout for those pants... MOL>>>

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  35. They do look suspiciously similar to long johns, Molly! Haven't seen anyone wearing these in our neck of the woods yet (thankfully). Of course, we're not exactly on the cutting edge of fashion here in Arizona.

    Susan and Wrigs

  36. Call it fashion and anything goes!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  37. I thought that was an over grown elf ~ I did, I did.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  38. That picture looks like it should have "Don't Wear This" written underneath it.

    Critter Alley

  39. Please no more meggings. Gotta hide my eyes. MOL!

  40. We think that looks down right weird. Just sayin' . . .

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  41. No! I is not approvin this!

  42. They'd be ok in really cold weather - with trousers over the top of them.

  43. Help mama, I is scared of that evil clown man!!!

  44. Goodness, get us a flask tie, cuz we need a drink if we are going to have to look at that!!


  45. sTitch says yes to male leggings, allow me to tell you a story;

    On the 28th of October 2012 two young city workers wore ill fitting female leggings to a fancy dress party in north London. These two individuals alongside another mutual friend have now tasked themselves with designing, manufacturing and selling male leggings to the fashion conscious male.

    Head to to find out more.
