Monday, 10 August 2015

Pupdate on Moanday Monday & The Hellbow Club!

Hi everybody. Just a quick pupdate to let you know we are all OK. Unfortunately she who must be obeyed ignored has suffered a serious shoulder and elbow injury after grabbing some random dog that tried to attack some other random dog. Needless to say both owners were on their mobile phones. This has left her in constant pain and so we are avoiding the computer till it heals but it does look like it is not getting better. Joy of joy she has joined the 'Hellbow Club'. So we miss you all and hope to be back soon.......

In the meantime she has me doing this.......

and it is driving me to this.......

Miss you guys and we send you our very best wishes.


  1. Brilliant to see and hear from you again young Molly. Even better your helping out. Mum, hope it heals sooner rather than later. Lots of luvs XXX

  2. Lots of luvs from me and the cat too. X

  3. Hiya Molly, great to hear from you, butts sorry to hear poor Mum has a hurt me! Hope she gets better soon
    Take care and don't break too many ornaments wiv your dusting
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. That is a very rough deal!! How dare the human get injured when you have serious blogging to do, Molly!!

    Seriously, The Staff sends a big ouch to your human and we all hope she gets better soon!! xxx

  5. oh dear - we are sorry to hear this. You would think the peeps of ours would be more careful

  6. Oh no, poor mum. It was lovely hearing from you again, though! Keep cuddling your mum, Molly!

  7. Sorry to hear your mom hurt her hellbow. We showed your pictures to our Grandma and she says u can come by our house and help dust anytime u want.

  8. Oh Molly - you did a good job .....a great compliment - you clean all things included the bottles. The best to the one who walked with the mobil.....and a shoulder always needs a long healing process....I know.
    Wuff and LG

  9. That's ruff 'bout yur "She" peepole. Sendin good thots that she will start feelin better, mostly so's yu don't have to do all that wurk, probly with no extra treats.

  10. Ailing shoulder or not, you always MANAGE to make me laugh to the point of choking on my tea. Good golly MIZ MOLLY, she is making you into a HOUSEMAID! But your paw is keeping that chandy shiny, that mantle meticulously clean, the paintings perfectly proper, but watch that BOOZE! Don't let her drive you to drink!

    GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!!!! Healing and love to she who must be ADMIRED for her wit and charm.

  11. ooooh that's painful... now you have a hellbow-hell too... I hope it is better soon and the pains go away... I think I will join you with doing "this"... Cheers..
    easy rider

  12. we miss you lots and lots, both of you and hope the Hellbow is better soon....

  13. I got a smile when I saw you popped up this morning! Hellbow oh dear ~ I think have entered the club with a hellknee. Take care and I miss you.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. Good to see you Molly! Hope Mom feels better soon!

  15. Oh Molly..we sure hope poor Mum is better soon..can;t have two Hell-bows in blogville ;) plus looks like you may need home help...loves Fozziemum xxx

  16. So wonderful to see you, Molly, but so sorry to hear about the Hellbow Club. We hope you can soon tell us that it IS getting better. Meanwhile if you need some help with that duster, just send us a text and we will fly right over.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  17. I've missed you so much, Molly! So sorry to hear about your mum. I hope she heals up super soon so that you can take a break from cleaning the house and can come back to blogging on a regular basis.

  18. We are so glad to hear from you Molly! Terribly sorry to hear of your poor mums injury though. Healing thoughts to her!
    Post when able and everyone won't worry as much!

  19. I see that it's enough to drive you to drink.

  20. Hi Molly,
    Great to hear from you, and so sorry about your Mum's shoulder. A pain for sure, however heroic the injury. Hope it starts to get better soon.
    Anyway, looks like you are helping out with the domestic chores, so well done!
    Toodle pip!

  21. It would be a better story if the injury was caused by a squirrel, but nevertheless, glad you are alright and how you are back soon.

  22. I was wondering where in the heck you were!! We miss you!!! Please heal soon so you can come back! xoxo

  23. Hands off mom's bourbon! Hey so glad you are back, sorry to hear about the elbow, and how it happened. You're not related to Easy's mom are you? Funny how we left a comment wondering where you were with everyone else! Sure missed the laughs. Love Dolly

  24. Molly, it is so nice to see you. Looks as if you are being kept very, very busy! We are so sorry your mom is not doing well. We send her lots of purrs and prayers and hope she will heal soon. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and our mom

  25. We hope the Mum is all better soon! Hey, we've been missing you!

  26. How wonderful to see you Molly!!! Do we need to send along a rescue squad....or maybe a handsome prince?? You are looking a bit like Cindy Ella!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  27. We miss you too!!! So sorry to hear about the shoulder!!!! Ouch!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  28. We were so tickled to see a post from you Molly! we have missed you! sorry about your mums shoulder, hope it starts getting better!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  29. We always knew mobiles were dangerous. Hope your mum's shoulder is better before you end up with 'cleaning hellbow'. BOL!

  30. We hope the Hellbow heals soon as we miss you! Sorry you are now slave labour! Take care of yourself!

  31. I am sorry to read that your Mommy has booboos. I am more sorry to read that you are reduced to being a common maid. Try to hang in there.

    Ziggy Out!!

  32. We are glad you are taking care of things. Our mom had shoulder troubles and says physical therapy really helps her so maybe your mom might try it??

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  33. Oh Molly!! Have a nice martini, and take a break. THEY just get more fragile as they age...SHEESH!!

    -Ruby and Otto

  34. Dat sounds painful - hope she feels better soon.

  35. :( Lots of rest for you! Really nice of Molly to be helping out. :)

  36. Hey Molly. Was just thinking about you the other day. Thanks for the pupdate and hope that peep feels better soon. Nice of you to help her out ;) Hopefully you are sharing some of those beverages with her!

  37. Sure hope your peep feels better soon !
    My mom-person say´s she thought it was just human parents that was occupied with their phones :)

  38. So happy to see you all are doing okay! Hope your Mama heals soon too!!


  39. Oh Sweet Molly and momma we have missed you to the moon and back...we hope your momma feels better real soon.....stella rose

  40. Oh, Molly!!!! How we miss you! We're so happy to see a post - but zowie, we're sorry to hear about your mom. And Great Dane in the morning --- she's got YOU doing all the housework?!? That's just plain crazy. No wonder you're reaching for the booze! Take good care of your mom, but PLEASE don't work too hard!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher (and Cammie, too!!!)

  41. So sorry to hear this. Get well soon.

  42. Hi Molly, sorry to hear your mum has an injury. Really hope she feels better. Good to see you, too.

  43. Your poor Mom. She was so valiant to try and break up the dogs and we're so sorry she got hurt in the process. Here's hoping this finds her feeling better.

    Abby the Lab

  44. That doesn't sound good --- hope your mum has been to the Drs about it, Physio, or more serious? Anyhoos, wishing your mum all the best there, keep checking in with us all we miss you ....♥william

  45. We have been so worried as about what happened my sweet friend. We wish your mom a speedy recovery and send prayers and healing vibes her way. Try not to overwork by cleaning the house and stay out of the spirits - snorts XOXO - Bacon

  46. Glad to hear you are all alive but sorry about the hellbow! Stupid humans and their stupid phones!

  47. Your Mum is a hero! We hope her hellbone recovers fast so that you'll be spared from more domestic labour.

    T&C xx

  48. I was just thinking of you!! Hope SHE feels better soon!!

  49. Molly! We've been wondering about you and your mom. Poor thing... hope your mom feels better soon!!!!
    Momo & Pinot xoxo

  50. So glad that you have been helping your Mom Molly! Hope she continues to mend!
    Marty, Mom and the Gang

  51. I must have missed this post in my reader, I just popped in to see where you are these days to find you slaving away with housework! poor Molly, poor owners too - hope their wounds are healing and it doesn't stop them doing the all important walkies with you. I think Molly you must cut down on the housework just give all those dusty shelves a sweep with your tail and lick all bowls clean and you can't go wrong. x

  52. You were missed! Hope your Hellbow gets better soon!

  53. WE hope your she who shall remain nameless is feeling better
    Hugs madi your bfff

  54. Oh no! Horrors of Horrors! How is your Momma doing? We get so sick of people chit chatting or getting on their cell phones instead of watching their dogs! They better pay for your Momma's medical bills! We go places all the time where people just tune out or think dogs can work it out themselves. I hope they will be mindful of their actions going forward. I understand about the slave work they have you doing, not really fair, she really should have made those people pay for maid service. I hope your Momma is on the mend soon, sending healing prayers her way.

  55. Oh Molly, take good care of your poor injured Mom… and keep that house spotless!!! We hope that she is feeling much better soon, we've often sat out with the hellbow club for a time… 100% rest is the only thing that will cure it. Also cold laser beams help, if you can find one in your neck-of-the-woods!

  56. You take care of mom.
    and have a good weekend and here's a big Noodle hug....

    Noodle and crew

  57. Hope your mummy is doing ok, and hope your inquiry heals up soon xxx

  58. So sorry about your mom. Looks like your a big help to her but dusting would drive us to drink too.

  59. Oh no! Feel better soon!

    Monty and Harlow

  60. How did I miss this post??! So sorry you are injured. Sending all the healing vibes we can!

  61. Oh and I mist the post too. Fortunately I found it. Be well soon.

  62. Ohno! We haven't visited in a while and we are so sorry to hear your mom is injured. Work hard and take good care of her Molly! And then you can have a little nip!

    Kiki and Nala

  63. Hello Molly, we hope your human is doing well!
    Momo & Pinot xo

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  65. Just stopped by to say hi and we miss you guys! Hope you're doing okay!!

  66. Hi there! We are just stopping in to say hello and give our best wishes to your mom. Sure hope things are improving. Miss you!!

  67. Molly we really do miss you! Hope you are doing ok!
    Marty, Mom and the Gang

  68. Hi Molly, just wanted to come by and say we really miss you! :'( We hope that "she who must be ignored" has recovered ok from her shoulder injury!! Sending lots of purrs xoxoxox

  69. Hi Molly we juts popped by to say hello and hoping you are doing well and that Mum is healing okay..we miss you and have you in our thoughts..Loves Fozziemum xxx

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  71. Molly, we are so happy that you are helping around the house. You are the best for helping your mom out. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
