Thursday 13 September 2012

Hog Blog, Say Cheese!

Introducing the worlds most expensive cheeseboard!

Introducing the worlds most expensive cheeseboard!

Inspired by Sam & Pippen’s post ‘The shocking truth about cheese’, Here! we thought we would sniff out something cheesy for them to try. Curd your enthusiasm folks, how about the worlds’ most expensive cheeseboard? This can be yours for the eye watering price of £840 smackeroonies. No whey I hear you say! The recession busting platter was unveiled last week at the Frome Cheese and Agricultural show over in Somerset. The cheeses include a gold flaked truffle infused cheddar and a made to order Siberian donkey cheese. However the real cost of this curdling culinary extravaganza is £2,000 once the price of the board it is served on and all the accompaniments including jellies and preserves is added. Enough to drive you Em-mental! That breaks down to a mere £50 a mouthful. That really grates!  Let’s hope it is only the price that is hard to swallow Sam & Pippen!

And here is what you get.....

Pule, made-to-order Serbian cheese made from 25 litres of donkey milk £795/kg,
Wyke Farms Vintage Cheddar, with gold leaf and white French truffles £252/kg,
Reblochon, soft cheese made from raw cows milk £19,
Golden Cross Goats Cheese, rolled in ash £31.20/kg,
Banon Goats Cheese, prepared using fruit brandy £7.95,
Brie containing truffles, £52/kg,
Abbaye de Belloc, unpasteurised sheep's milk cheese made by Benedictine monks £44/kg,
Bosworth Goats Cheese, infused with rosemary £8.95,
A solid silver cheese tray worth almost £600,
A handcrafted wooden cheese board costing £120,
A solid silver cheese knife and scoop £445, 
Artisan Swedish crispbread £10,
And a cuddly toy ( just Kidding)!

Have a gauda time today folks, we think we have milked this for all it is worth but if you have know what to do!


  1. I like cheddar. It's what I get when we do training.

  2. Wow! We can live without donkey's milk cheese...we don't even know what a donkey is. Are you sure it's siberian?

    I think we'll just stick to our No Frills low-fat plastic cheese.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. I love cheese.... but I think Mom use to buy something cheaper .... you know....

  4. Now we (mom particularly) love cheese so that picture has momma drooling. Yummers

    urban hounds

  5. YUM. Who doesn't love a nice chunk of cheese!!

  6. Wow! We love cheese here, but I think we are okay with just plain cheddar.


  7. My mouth is watering, but my purse is empty at the moment!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  8. Think I'll stick with cheap and cheerful from Tescos!

  9. Our lady loves cheese, but isn't allowed to eat much of it. She says she can't imagine spending that type of money on it. We think that would be amazing! It is probably really good cheese.

    Have a good day.
    Hailey and Zaphod

  10. Molly your talents are endless but I imagine you are an expert at sniffing out good cheese. Mom is an odd bird..if something smells funky it does not get past her nose she will not eat it.
    Thanks for the good info
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  11. Our little Chihuahua, Cookie, is a cheese freak! She can hear the package come out of the cold box and rushes to get some bites. Don't think she'd like every flavor though. She's picky. ;-)

  12. Molly, you should see the piece of cheese which I hidden last week under the sofa - priceless!!!

  13. Mom gives me her low fat cheese which I don't think it costs her a bomb!

  14. And just yesterday my Mommy was complaining about the price of cheese for her homemade onion soup!

    Lily Belle

  15. Oh Molly you just crack us up :) I get the bogof offers..LOL
    have a great Thursday xx00x

  16. I totally LOVE cheese. EVERY and ANY kind of CHEESE.

  17. i'd prefer Wisconsin cheese curds any day (a treat from my home state)

  18. OMG I am late. BUT I AM again blown back by YOUR POWER TO ENCHANT with our wit, MiZZ MOllY!!!!! LOVE IT ALL!

  19. Curd your enthusiasm ....bawahahahahahaha!

    Your pal, Pip

  20. Oh my word! Do we love cheese stuff
    Benny & Lily

  21. We don't like cheese (mom & I) but rats do and I like rats...
    Licks from Pink

  22. ALL of us LOVE cheese! But all we get is boring old cheddar. Mommy says we gulp it down so we won't even know the difference between Pule or cheddar.

  23. oooh, cheese! *drooling* Oh, sorry about that!

  24. What a cheesy deal this has been, Molly!


  25. Hi Y'all,

    Just wanted to stop by and thank y'all for visiting. I'm so glad y'all came by!

    Hope y'all are havin' a wonderful week.

    Ohhh! My Human loves cheese! Can't let her see this!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  26. hey Molly,

    Loved your "no whey" comment. You are too funny!

    My human is drooling over that entire cheese set. She thinks the platter is very pretty and that most of the cheeses sound very good. I have had cheese a few times. I eat it. If it is food, I usually eat it. :->

    Great post!


  27. Donkey cheese? Hey Molly, will you picks me up some of that and send it to Reuben's House, United States? I'll pay you back as soon as I get my allowance for they next five years.


  28. My Pawrents are from Wisconsin, so cheese is a staple food around here. My name is Sasha and I am addicted to cheese.

    Loveys Sasha

  29. There are tons of cheese types!
    My mom says she likes the simple one that makes good quesadillas!
    Kisses and hugs

  30. What, no mouse milk cheese? Bummer, we keep hoping someone will invent rodent flavored cheese. Or maybe catnip cheese, yummy.

    You are one expert cheese sniffer Molly.

    Happy to meet you.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  31. Cheese is one of Elka's favorite things! I like it a lot too.

  32. Hi Molly,
    Any one for the cheese board, I love cheese but where the one with the smokey beacon bits. I told mum that Harrods were cheaper!
