Saturday, 5 January 2013

Dogton Abbey Blog, Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? Episode 9!

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House?


Video version. Scroll down for original post.

 Barkson is no More! The Lad is a Cad and he has been Had!

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 1

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House?

Bonsoir mes amis, it is I Her-Clue Paw-Row. My little grey cells have been working overtime one more time and I can feel my grey whiskers twitching in anticipation. 

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 2

Barka Levinson, I am far from clearing up the matter of  Weenie Food Company Gazillions but another mutt-er will be cleared up today.

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 3

You say I must keep my eye on my Weenie Food Company Gazillions?

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 4

That is not funny honey, no one is getting their paws on my money.

The lad who was bad, had his eye on this pad. Lady Dribble don’t be sad or mad after all the lad was a cad Her-Clue Paw-Row tells Lady D.

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 5

I shall not say good-bye or sigh for the guy so sly who broke my heart and made me cry.

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Miss. Lemon hand me my eye-pad and I will reveal what we have deduced in this sorry matter.

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We know he is the man with a plan to reveal who done it with the gun!

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 8

Now ladies and gentlemen gather round and I will divulge that it was in the ballroom that Barkson met his fate with gun.

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 9

But how did it happen? Who was the louse who did in the would be spouse in the big house?

Clue 3 The Mouse.

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 10

Twas some nights before Christmas and all through the house all was silent but for a squeaking mouse. Mrs Petmore screamed an ear piercing yell and Barkson came running when he heard the bell. He ran from the gun room, gun still in his hand and into the ballroom that was so grand. In ballroom he tripped over the tennis balls and with the gun he suddenly falls. Bang went the gun and Barkson was dead or as we say over the pond he was truly brown bread. So Barkson was dead because of a mouse that squeaked so loud in the silent big house.................! So Bonsoir mes amis, it is I Her-Clue Paw-Row and I solved the this matter for once and for all, I think?

Tune in to the next episode of ‘rich folk doing nothing’. The Creepy Crawley Clan & The Weenie Food Company Gazillions.

Episode 9 Which Louse Did In The Would Be Spouse In The Big House? 11

And we received this yesterday from Ann over at My Pawsitively Pets!  Thank you so much we will proudly display it on our Awards Page.


  1. MOLLY DARLIN'! You have me on the edge of my seat here in Minneapolis! Just as much on my seat as when we tried to watch the new season on NETFLIX the other night only to find out it was inaccessible! So come on girl, give us all the dirty details!!!!!

  2. hahahahahaha!!!
    Hey molly você está linda nessas fotos de madame!!!!
    Vim aqui, minha querida amiga, te desejar um 2013 maravilhoso!!!
    Que seja um ano de muitos post! .. rsrs!!!

  3. In pursuit of a mouse, the louse did fall from a poorly placed tennis ball?

  4. Congratulations on your award!

    I love "doing nothing" even though I'm not rich.

    ~ Eva

  5. So you're saying it was just an accident?


  6. Whew, finally the suspense was getting to us, can't wait for the next episode of rich doing nothing!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  7. The plot thickens. Who done it?

    Critter Alley

  8. Congratulations, dear Molly!... oh, a mouse was the culprit? Maybe they should have a cat in Dogton Abbey?...or someone like me? I would like it to live there ;o) Have a wonderful Saturday!

  9. OMD OMD this is KILLING us with the suspense. Could the MOUSE be the LOUSE of the House? OMD this is a Page TURNER... or a POST TURNER or somethingy.

    BRAVO... Brilliant Writings and FABULOUS Pictures and Illustrations... It is like being RIGHT THERE in all the ACTION... OR should we say the Upcoming INaction of the Rich.

    OMD... can not stand the wait.

    Brilliant... BRAVO... ENCORE and ALSO CONGRATULATIONS fur the Award.
    RICHLY Deserved.... since YOU are not inactive!!!

  10. i have never watched this show. :(

  11. What a shock, that it could be because of a mouse! Looking forward to the next episode.

  12. Very good, definitely Dogton abbey could use a cat!

    urban hounds

  13. Haha that's hilarious! I especially like the dog version of Hercule Poirot! But everytime i see pics of miss molly with a new hat, i remember this post you made on how you manage to take these pics, and i laugh even more thinking how much tape was use for each shot!!!
    Lots of love, from Indigo and Malach

  14. Sooo, in the game of cat and mouse, the mouse wins, ahhahahahahahaha!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  15. So maybe no gold digger after all then? Hmmm...

  16. Excellent episode. We also really liked that last outfit. Have a great weekend!

    Keep Calm & Bark On,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. A mouse :O I was not expecting that! I cannot wait for tomorrows episode :D
    Love milo :)

  18. Well done HerClue PawRow in solving the matter of the mouse who roused the house and done in the louse....Now go comfort poor bereft Miss Lemon

  19. All because of a mouse, you do need a cat. Great episode with great outfits. Congrats on the award too! have a great day.

  20. So many twists and turns! It's so compelling ... but makes my head spin! Wooooo!

  21. Hi day and counting before DA starts over here.

  22. Her-clue-paw-roe looks like such the dubious gentleman, I can see him being very intimidating for all the common dogs at a royal event!:)

  23. Molly....
    For some reason now, I sort of want to play "Clue"!! I wonder why....? Hee, hee, hee.... ;-}
    Congrats on earning your award!! You deserve it!! ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  24. Your life is like a huge maze. I never know where you will take us next.
    And it is all very exciting to me.

  25. This is very mysterious... I like it! :)

  26. Molly, you have me on the edge of my favorite pillow! I think your wardrobe designer deserves a Golden Bone award for outstanding work. I can't wait for the next episode.

    Loveys Sasha

  27. Hahahahahahahaha ! Dear Molly............♥

  28. Those tennis balls will get you every time! Such a tragic way to go...

    Susan and Wrigs

  29. This episode had me on the edge of my seat! Congrats on the award!

    your pal,

  30. BOL! Who would have thunk it was the mouse that was the louse ;D

    Waggin at ya,

  31. Oooo had to wait to read this since we were away from home. That darn mouse!

  32. These posts crack me up every single time!
