Saturday, 12 January 2013

News Flash, Madi Becomes Mayor Of Blogville.

Molly Media & Molly The Wally!

Molly Media in Conjunction with Glogirly brings you coverage of the inaugural ceremony of The New Mayor of Blogville Madi!

Everyone is gathering on the red carpet for this most illustrious event. Hold on a minute we see that Glogirly has captured an exclusive photograph of Madi arriving before the start of the ceremony.

The crowds are cheering. The noise is deafening. We have never seen anything like it.  Hold on a minute here come Frankie out going Mayor of Blogville. We must stop a minute as we have some breaking news........


Molly Media & Molly The Wally!

Now a few words from Frankie..........

I want to say a hooooooge THANK YOU to all of Blogville for supporting me during my TWO terms as MAYOR. I would ALSO like to ask Blogville to be as Helpful to Mayoress Madi.  The one thingy I will NOT miss is having to wear this TUX all the time. Well THAT and I won't miss having to give sPEEches all the time.   Well those thingys and I will NOT miss having to pawside over MAYOR's COURT.   I hope that Mayoress Madi has as MUCH FUN as I did, as Mayor of the most wonderful place in the entire UNIVERSE.   BLOGVILLE ROCKS!!!

Thank you Frankie and we are looking forward to your speech later on today.

Molly Media & Molly The Wally!

Oh my, it none other than Puddles on the red carpet. Let us see what Puddles Madis’ campaign manager has to say about todays’ auspicious event.........

I is Puddles and I was Madi’s Cam-pain Manager when her was running fur Mayor of Blogville…cuz I can be a pain I hears. I is not really a good manager. Howevers, I does know Madi will makes a most fabulous Mayor cuz her cares bouts all da doggies, kittehs, piggies, donkeys, crabs, etc. dat reside in Blogville. Her is a kitteh fur all species. And her has a very generous and compassionate heart. I welcome Miss Diva-Cougar Madi as our new Mayor (and it always helps when you is furiends with da mayor…just in case).

Thank you Puddles and steady on the beer pal!

Molly Media & Molly The Wally!

Oh and here comes Sasha Chef for Mayor Madi. Food being a subject close to all our hearts, let’s see what is on the menu today.

Hi Molly, I will be providing a lovely buffet after the ceremony. I would like to say that it is an honor to be Mayor Madi's chef and I will do my best to serve her and make her proud. Madi will be a wonderful Mayor and fair to all. I have came up with just for Madi a fillet of cod and sole over a bed of fresh shrimp with a lovely catnip sauce.

Thank you Sasha, I am drooling over my microphone already.

Molly Media & Molly The Wally!

The crowds are screaming now and here comes Declan maybe we can get a few words from him before he starts to prepare the music...........

As Commissioner of Music, I will do my utmost to help ensure that  Mayor Madi's Term is a trumping.....errr sorry....thumping success....!

Thank you Declan and yes Glogirly I hear you have another scoop for us.........

Glogirly Design!

Wow Madi has made the front page of Meow Magazine...............................Is Bogville ready for a feline mayor? We must ask Goose Chaplain of Blogville...

Molly Media & Molly The Wally!

Madi is a cat?  I thought she was a Diva.  Well either way it does not matter.  And you say she is a girl?  I never thought about that, I mean I have not gotten that close to her to see.  I have just admired her from a far.  I know what you are thinking, with my history with cats how could I support a cat for mayor, let alone be a part of her cabinet.  But ever since I moved to Blogvile I am a changed dog.  No really I am.  It first started with my sweet friend Nellie.  She helped me turn the corner.  And then along came Madi and well that did it for me, I was a changed dog, yes I was.  I think having a cat for a mayor is a brilliant idea.  And you know she is going to do a great job around here.  I mean if she can turn me around and headed in a more loving way towards the ones I thought were my foes, think of what she can do for a whole community?  The whole world for that matter.  So what do I think about a cat as a mayor?  I love it!    

 Any words for Frankie Goose.........

Did he do a good job?  Where have you been?  Just take a look around this place.  It is a wonderful place to live, and play.  Oh my goodness he did a super fantastic, wonderfully marvelous, incredibly amazing, super duper job!  He kept law and order in a fair and compassionate way, made sure we all were happy and content, always had fun and exciting events for us to participate in.  He seemed to always put the greater good of the community ahead of any power filled aspirations he may of had (although I don't think he has one power hungry bone in his body).  I happen to know that those not so nice squirrels offered him some pretty amazing bribes if he would just look the other way while they tried to wreck havoc on our fair town.  He could have taken luxurious trips, had as many treats and yummies as he could ever want, and truck loads of green papers to do whatever he wants.  They even said they would do away with the evil snowfreaks if Frankie would just help them with their plan.  But not our fine Mayor Frankie.  So did he do a good job?  You better believe he did.  He went way beyond "good job".  Leaders of the world could learn a thing or two from him.

Thank you Goose. Gosh the crowds are crazy. Look here comes Sarge our Police chief......

Molly Media & Molly The Wally!

Wow, the ceremony is going great so far!  I'm so excited to be involved and Madi already seems so Mayor-like.  I hope the rest of the day goes as well as the first part!  I'm all nervous and excited.

Thank you, great words Sarge! They are now screaming Madi, Madi, Madi.......and here comes Madis’ escort Sidebite The Dude, aka: Officer Bites. Bites can we have a few words......

Molly Media & Molly The Wally!

"OK, hummm, at first me and Susie talked it over and decided I should just be her Police escort. But then I started thinking, you know, no one has asked her and it is the right thing to do, cause she has stepped up to take on the Mayors Duties and I really decided I would be honored to take her. As for that courage thingy, Oh yep! I thought my fellow Canines would really give me a fit, but that has not happened. I am looking forward to being her escort, and it made my Susie proud also!"

"Whew, I am not good at speaking, that was hard."

Thank you sidebite nice job. Glogirly I can barely hear you above the noise of the crowd........what, what do you say???? Here comes Madi........................

Glogirly Design!

The crowd has gone wild..... the police are doing their best to hold them back as Madi signs autographs.......we now take you over to more events in Blogville.....from me Molly The Wally reporting for Molly Media........I’d like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Glogirly for all the help in reporting. We wish Madi a great day and a wonderful time as Mayor.

Glogirly Design!

Please do pop over and say hello to those you don't know and to Glogirly and take a peak at her cool designs. Make some new friends today.


  1. Molly, you are one fine reporter. You covered all the happenings at Mayor Madi's inauguration. We really enjoyed all the interviews.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  2. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO MOLLY AND OMCs. Katie's Glogirly did one gorgeous job w all the Graphics. I love my official picture
    Molly thank you for the excellent and well planned questions, to my cabinet I say thank you for such wonderful answered the questions EXACTLY LIKE YOU WERE TOLD! MOL MOLMOL MOL
    Hugs and many thank yours

  3. WOW, Molly, Molly Media and Glogirly have really knocked them selves out to report and support our new mayor Madi, we thank you all so much, now its on to dinner and then all the parties!

    Officer Bites and Susie

  4. I will tell you that I just about choked on my spit as I let out yet ANOTHER LOUD GUFFAW as I scroll down...OK....wait, I have to compose myself and get into the spirit...

    WELL HELL'S BELLS, this is HOT OF THE PRESS NEWS! MADI, you are paving the way for felines all around the world to enter into the sticky business of local politics and beyond! BRAVO GIRL GO GLOGIRLY!!!

    Molly, you hold that microphone very well and elegantly! You travel the world-wide to bring us all the most important and really, the most cheerful news from around the world. WE LOVE YA! are just TOO FUNNY!

  5. What an event dis was...all Blogville is celebrating today...And Molly you are an ace red carpet got Joan Rivers beat by a mile (and you iz much cuter dan her) I wondered how us dogs wud fare under a kitteh mayor, but Mayor Madi will treat all uz anipals eqwally i iz sure

  6. You did the best job, Miss Molly! You're the simply the BEST!

  7. Dang Molly, you really out did yourself withs all these interviews. Hopes da red carpet is pet furiendly...hehehehe.
    I also wants to praise Glogirly fur such beautiful fotos! Madi's official portrait is just magnificent.
    And a big thank you Molly fur such professional reportin' on da event, well done.


  8. Thanks for keeping us so informed on all the happenings on this very special day! You are an excellent reporter and are fair and balanced.

    It was a wonderful Ceremony for Madi, one fit for a Queen. (or should we save Diva...)

    And three cheers for Gogirly! They did an excellent job. We love that last picture of Mayor Madi.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  9. This is the best day ever in Blogville! I am so happy to be a part of it!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  10. What great coverage of the event! Thanks Molly!


  11. Hey I just saw myself being interviewed. Do I really look like that? Thanks Molly for all the latest scoops of the whole event. See ya at the party.

  12. I'm drooling tooooooo.... what a wonderful post, THANK YOU MOLLY! and now let's spend our time with those wonderful shrimps.... the sole aaand the cod...

  13. WOW! Now we know why you are an award winning journalist Molly - that was pawsome reporting!!!

    Wally & Sammy

  14. Molly, what great interviews! This is such a fun and exciting day.


  15. WOW WOW WOWieeeeeeeeeee What a SPECTACULAR RED CARPET Interview Session Glogirly did... AND MOLLY you ARE just FANGTastical. I feel more like a KING than an old Outgoing Mayor. THIS was an Absolute Honor just to be Nodded to... let alone Interviewed by you.
    You have sent me out feeling MARVELOUS and Ushered Mayor MADIson IN with Style and GRACE. THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH Molly. I know my wives won't mind... could I please give you a little KISS on the Cheek?
    OH YES... I don't want to forget to tell YOU congratulations on your new Cabinet Pawsition. It is Obvious that Mayor Madi CHOOSE WELL.

  16. Very interesting stories

    urban hounds

  17. OMD! Good Golly Miss Molly! Heh been wantin to say that fur a while :P What a FANTASTIC Reporting Job you have done! Not even one slip on that schnazzy long run of red carpet. APPLAWSE APPLAWSE APPLAWSE!!! :D

    Buzzin on over to Glogirly to dish out some kudos to her :)

    Waggin my tail so hard I bet you can hear it thumpin across the pond!

  18. Woof! Woof! LOVE the Madi Party Girl. Golden Laughs! We LOVE MADI DIVA the Mayor. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  19. Oh My Oh My we have never been part of such a fancy occasion!! All these celebrities on the red carpet, we are swooning!
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  20. You did a great job of interviewing everyone there Molly, good work!
    We welcome Madi as our new Mayor and hope she has a happy term in office.
    Right, where's the booze and foodables?
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  21. OH Molly I had to come back and RE READ all of your wonderful interviews...

    By the way... Your photographer didn't happen to get a few pics of folks holding me up in the air... over by the BANQUET table did they? I just asked beclaws during THAT... somebuddy Pinched my BUTT. I want to know who it was.

  22. Great post Molly, totally befitting such a splendiferous occasion. You know I had my doubts about having a feline female as Blogville;s Mayor(ess) but, oh, wow, now I am totally won over and convinced she will be absolutely fabulous.
    Toodle pip!
    PS Er, is any of that cod and sole dish going spare...

  23. *Looks around at the fancy red carpet outfits.*

    Perhaps I should have put on a tux. *Takes a sip of his martini*

    Well, if the mayor can go nekked... then so can I!


  24. Hey Molly!
    Wow, wow, bow, wow, wow! What a super interviewer you are. You captureted the bestest of everyone and your red carpet is so very dazzling. Everybody looks amazing and is having a great time. Thanks for shining a great spotlight on the day.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  25. Great job, Molly! You look like a pro on the red carpet! Now, one question where are the swag bags? I hear they give away really good stuff at big fancy events like this!

    Your pal, Pip

  26. I was very late arriving due to my ASSistant being gone all day and I had to pupsit da pack. Butt I got here in time to pawty! And eat...{burp} {fart} Now where is dat dance floor and where is da cake?

  27. Molly....
    The 2016 Blogville Olympic Games? Wow, now aren't we looking ahead!! I sincerely hope that in three years, Rose and I will still be a part of such an amazing Blogging community!! ;-D
    Crack. Me. Up!! ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  28. The event was fabulous and your reporting of it was spot on!! Entertainment Tonight has nothin' on you Molly!! Well done!!

    Happy Madi Swearing In Day!

    Murphy & Stanley

  29. WOW... and all I do is walk on the beach and watch wild life progs on TV... I am missin out on somefing big 'ere...
    luvs. Freya Rose Blossom and the CAT !

  30. I'm very proud of a girl as a Mayor!!! She's so beauty and charming!
    Good luck, Madi! If necessary you can bite those dogs...
    Licks from Pink

  31. Wow, that was a super funny and inventive blog. We enjoy your humor and art very much. Long live the new Mayor.

  32. Wow what a great report! Thanks for all the big smiles :-D
    Wishing you a very happy weekend!

  33. What an event! The speeches, the formal wear, the cod with catnip sauce!!
    Having a cat as our mayor, might be O.K.!!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  34. I'm sure Madi will be the best mayor ever!

  35. Hi Molly!!!
    This was SO much fun!!! You did such a great job making this celebration VERY special. YAY for Madi!!!
    Thank you do much for letting everyone know about the Glogirly graphics too. It was an honor to make them for you and Madi. We've got to say though, the MEOW Magazine is our fave!!!
    ; ) Katie

  36. Molly, that was a genius report. You did a perfect job with the interviews, just enough and not too much. What a wonderful day.

    Loveys Sasha

  37. It has been such a great Pawty, everyone has worked so hard and we couldn't ask for a better Mayor :) Hope you had a great Saturday, yep,playing catch xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  38. You really are a most remarkable, talented and creative blogger - I just love it.

  39. Some excellent coverage there, well done Molly xx

  40. What a great event, congrats Madi and thanks Molly for a splended job reporting.

  41. Excellent interviews and congrats to the new Mayor!

  42. Thanks for the report, we feel like we were there!
