Friday 26 April 2013

Bark From The Park, It's Park Day!

Molly The Wally & Molly Meet & Greet!

Wow Park Day is here already and to celebrate we bring you The Bakers Doggy Vending Machine. We joined in when Bakers were filming on our park last week.

Molly The Bakers Dog figuring out the vending machine.

A tug of the rope toy released the ball.

Then a bit of a chase for the ball. Errr that was chase guys, someone shout squirrel.

Drop it in the slot and out comes a prize. Here is a short video of the day in my park with my park friends.

By Fatsands Productions!

And where was I? Yep you guessed it chasing squiggles. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I did get some tasty Bakers though. But guess what? I decided to go off and sneak behind a tree and eat grass. Now those of you who remember this will know that I am not allowed to eat grass.

That was the time I was sick on the way home and the Frenchy children walked right into it. Peeps was so embarrassed she practically ran home.

So on the way home guess what I did? Cue reenactment...........

Yep I scored a hole in one. Bingo! Several hours later once my servant had calmed down I did get my Barkers and boy was it good. The moral of this story is don't get caught.

Do you think you could figure out how to get the treats from the vending machine? 

Happy International Park Day everyone. 


  1. That's such a fun Dog Vending Machine! Not sure I'll be comfortable with so many dogs around me though...


  2. We need a vending machine like that! the dogs home I visit would love to play that game - the only thing is the balls would get so slobbery - peeps hate slobber.

  3. A) Don't think we'd figure out that vending machine and B) why did the treats come out in bags? We'd rather eat the grass.

    Looks like the peeps were having more fun with the machine than most of the pups.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    We sent you an e-mail. It'll be fine to use our post. Look forward to it.

  4. Oh wow! I love that idea! That is just so cool! Max would probably never fetch a ball or pull the toy but he has other clever ways to get treats...he'd find a sympathetic Human to feel sorry for him and manipulate them into pulling the toy for him (humm...I wonder who would crater first?!). What a great post and video! I am really liking Park Day!!! You're illustration are awesome!!!! You ALWAYS brighten our day sooo much!!! Thank you!!!
    Max and Max's Ma

  5. OMD!!!!!! THIS IS TOO FUN MIZ MOLLY! Look at all your friends GO! What a hoot...we need more of these in our parks because you guys and gals just put smiles on our faces! I wish I could be to all y'all! Anita

  6. Very funny what a great park we loved visiting with you

    urban hounds

  7. BOL BOL! I love your Momma's reinactment of the French folks! Thanks for coming out for Park Day, even though you were sick. You are definitely a trooper!

  8. We thought for a minute that you meant a machine that 'vended' doggies!
    Love the barf cartoons. So vivid. Do you know, I met a Frenchman and his wee toddler on the way back from the park a few days ago. The toddler pointed at me and said excitedly to his Dad "chien, chien!". And le Pere replied "Oui, le chien est Milou. C'est Milou".
    Toodle pip!

  9. Would of paid money to see the French kids and your Mom's face..BOL.. Hpw cool is that vending machine..Have a wonderful park day Molly and you enjoy your Squirrels :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. Woof! Woof! You had me at the vending machine. Woofs to that! Happy PARK Day! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. Oh that vending machine is brilliant!!

    And the grassy barf has been happening here too. Hank the Cowdog calls it "parsley in Italian dressing". BOL!

  12. Hi Molly,

    That park looks great better than that Portland Cake, only yours is better its got a Bakers Vending machine, is it still there and could send me some freebies, all parks should have snacks machines.....a Bakers aday helps you work rest and play!

  13. I think it was the grass, we are carnivores not vegetarians...I feel sorry for the girls,to get decorated shoes c'est dégueulasse , huh? I want such a vending machine too :o) Have a wonderful friday :o)

  14. Oh how cool! I've never seen a doggy vending machine before!

  15. I agree, that vending machine is so cool! The whole day looks like so much fun!!!

  16. The doggy vending machine sounds cool and fun! I think eating grass is more fun though.


  17. ROTFL!!!! Sorry, this one made our human laugh...and laugh...(Having had to clean up Derry's projectile barf a couple of days ago.)

  18. I love the vending machine!
    How does the dog unwrap the treat?

  19. oh, i've stepped in barf puddles before! yucko!

    love the vending machine! too cute!

  20. That is the greatest thing I have ever seen. I want a Bakers just for my very own yard. I want I want!!
    Thanks for bing my friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  21. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooo! Every park should have one. That is sooooooooo pawsome.

  22. Mom is laughing so hard....we want a prize machine
    Benny & Lily

  23. Heck no my mom couldn't even figure out a vending machine like that...we would starve...or look pitiful until someone gave us a far as the barf...well enuf said.
    stella rose loved the reenactment pictures.

  24. OMD Molly, that is like the coolest thing I ever has sawed! What a fantastic video; I wish I could has sawed you in it, but I TOTALLY understand the deep and unyielding need to chase squirrels. I's sorry you had pukings, I guess you just ated too much grass? Oh well, it happens sometimes! Sacre bleu, or something like that....


  25. HA HA Mom had to rewind about 87 times when she saw the pugs in the video!
    We like your puke illustrations. BWWAAA HAAA
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  26. Wish we had a dog vending machine in our park - we are small enough to crawl up the chute and help ourselves! Those dogs are being very sportsman-like with those balls and treats.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  27. WOW, nice park and specially bending machine. There's a local millionaire man that is building a dog park, perhaps I should recommend he puts one of those machine, our dogs would love them!!!

  28. MOLLY that is the BEST Vending Machine in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. How COOL DROOL is THAT? We think that one dawg LOOKED exactly like ERNIE... and there was even Another Dachshund there... butt with SHORT furs..
    WOW this is OUR kinda trip to the park fur SURE...

    You Barfed Grass??? Isn't that FUN. WE love to barf Grass.. So Colorful and Artsy Fartsy.

  29. Oh I am sure I could figure it out. And if not all I have to do is give MOM that look and she becomes like a treat dispensing machine. Hope you are feeling better.

  30. It's a Tail of Two Molly's! Molly this is wonderful...You may have the most interesting park today cause who ever saw a dawgie vending machine before? And while I may have pulled the rope there's no way i'd be out chasing that ball...I'd be with you chasing sqwirrels like any sensible dawg...i do love a good bit of young tender grass myself I must admit...Have to have some greens in my diet ;) but I've never done anything as funny as have French kids step in it...we don't have many French kids around here i guess...Momz has stepped in it though...In the dark in the middle of the night and she said words i won't repeat in case there's any young French kids listening in...Back to today...Thank you so much for coming to Park Day and sharing this great story

  31. Cool machine! I don't know that we've ever seen anything like that before.

    Good job eating grass and barfing all over the place...keep up the good work! Have a great weekend!

    Elyse and Riley

  32. that looks like it was soooooo much fun!!!

  33. OMD, that vending machine is so cool. We need one for our yard - we would train the Momster to pull the toy trigger and then Dad could run for the ball and return it, and THEN we would grab the treats:)

    Phantom likes to eat grass and make those messes too - but then he seems to feel so much better. He can never figure out why the humans say no grass eating.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  34. Very cool vending machine. We aren't allowed to eat grass or other park/forest items for the same reason you aren't allowed.

    Have a nice weekend.

    the brown dawgs

  35. OMD I have to have one! Tell me where I can get it please please! Love Dolly

  36. Hey Molly!
    Wow, you have the most amazing park EVER!!!! I never had a vending machine in mine, but I SURE DO WANT ONE JUST LIKE THAT! Boy, everyone is having so much fun with it. I like to eat grass too. Always makes me go pukie, so I leave it on the steps so Dad can find it easily. Hey, we do what we can, right?!? BWAR HAR HAR ahem.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Occassional Barfer

  37. Molly, I want that vending machine!! I don't know if I would figure out how to work it, but boy do I want it! BOL Barf puddles...again?!? Really now....
    *Cairn cuddles*

  38. That machine looks super cool!

    So sorry you were sick!


  39. No way!! Is this thing for real?!? And where can I get one??? I've seen lots of really cool parks today, but I think yours just became my most favorite of all, Molly!

  40. Looks like you had yourself a wonderful day at the park!

    Critter Alley

  41. Ooh! Que ideia genial!!!
    Adorei Molly! A Mel ia amar ter um desses por aqui!

    Tenha um lindo fim de semana!!!!

  42. Sounds like a great day! That vending machine is the coolest around! Thanks for sharing your day with us.

  43. I think if I came to visit you and we went to a park together- we would have a great time, cause you have so much fun!

  44. Hello Molly, I cannot believe this is true....such a great idea to sell Bakersdogfood....and with very funny scenes to look at. Have a great day - here it rains - good for the plants in the garden.
    Wuff and LG

  45. That machine looked crazy! Give me a regular tennis ball any day!

  46. Wrigs would look at the vending machine, then at me, and say, "Just give me the food, human." Hope the grass didn't upset your tummy this time, Molly. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  47. We would NEVER get the vending machine working for us.... but if you put the ball in, we would eat the treat before you got to the bowl!!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
