Sunday, 28 July 2013

Share It Sunday, Timmy Tomcat!

Nominated by last weeks guest The Cat On The Head.

Friday is time to #GiveAHoot

Hi Furends:

We are so glad to be a part of the Anipal Network that joins together to help those in need. It seems that we really know how to pull together and that makes this kitty purr up a storm.

That said I want to tell you about Sass and Lou from @LiveLoveMeow. Sass is a very good person who does a lot to help cats and even has a company to promote healthy cat products. 

Well they have had a rough patch  and are currently homeless. Sass had been with a friend but it seems this friend was not and she came home to find her cat Lou quite upset. Hiss. 

Luckily he is fine but it was another cost to have a vet visit and they are now at a hotel.

Please note that ANY amount would be appreciated and would get a big purr from the Tomcat Home. We donated a bit of treat money and Dad kicked in a few coins. Can you help a bit? for Sass and Lou

#GiveAHoot Party Friday 07/26 7-10PM

Hope to see you there!
Timmy Tomcat

About Us!

Timmy Tom Cat.

Our Family

Hi Furends
This will be a nice place where you can get to know each of us a bit better. 

Photos and Bios coming soon for


  • Timmy Tomcat
  • Toby Tomcat
  • Buddy Tomcat
  • Ms Fitz
  • Mr Buttons
  • Rumpy Bump Stumpnots


  • Tommie Tumor
  • Pee Girl
  • Ming the Malevolent
  • Coco
  • Amber
  • Big Head Stinker
Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together.  Pop over say hello and make a new friend.

From the author Molly The Wally


  1. Good morning Miz Molly! You are a kind and gentle girl, always sharing and letting others share their stories. I shall visit these creatures of the kingdom NOW! HUGS TO PIP and PEEP! teehee

  2. We love Timmy Tom Cat :) Have a wonderful Sunday Molly xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. This is so great cause we don't know too many of the kitties out there! Have a great Sunday Molly!

  4. Timmy and the crew and so much fun and we always love visiting them! They have hearts of gold!

  5. Thanks for letting more persons and fursons know about this cause. For those who may have missed the event we were Trending #3 in the whole USA. Meow!
    This shows what the pet blogging community can do when it gets going.
    This benefit is still going on and any amount. Fifty cents or a dollar can help. Please take a minute and think how you would feel if you had no home and your pets were at risk.
    Purrs from all of us at the Tomcat Home.
    Timmy Dad and Family

  6. Thanks for a great sharing-sunday post, Molly! I love the names of this kitties!

  7. Hope all the kitties have a great Sunday! Lee and Phod

  8. Thanks for sharing Timmy's blog and Sass & Lou's story. Have a great Sunday!

  9. pee girl - wonder how she got her name. :)

  10. thanks for letting us help. :)

  11. Timmy Tomcat is such a handsome mancat!

  12. Lovely to meet you all, who is the white cat - he/she is gorgeous. Mum has a thing for white animals!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  13. Lovely meeting Timmy and his family today Molly...Thank you!

  14. Hi MOlly and thank you for introducing us to Tim and his family....
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  15. You do well in spreading the word!! Happy Sunday!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Good luck with your fundraiser.

  17. Aww, how sad! That's one of my biggest worries - praying that I don't end up homeless. I hope everything turns out OK and that they'll be back on their feet in no time.

  18. This is really sweet of you, Molly.

    I hope you guys get enough, Timmy.
