Thursday, 22 August 2013

Dog House Blog, What To Do At Bathtime!

Molly The Wally Has A Bath!

Sometimes we have to admit that we can learn a thing or two. So here is what to do next time your peoples try to give you a bath. We bow to The Master.

Do you like a Spa Day or do you think it is water boarding? Have a tremendous Thursday and stay out of the water pals.


  1. Now I know why I have always made sure my dog is light enough for me to pick up...
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Would love to treat you to a spa day, Molly :)

  3. I love my Bath-Time Molly, My Mum carries me upstairs to the bathroom, gives me treats, puts down my ducky bath mat and plops me in the tub, gives me treats, washes me with my wonderfully smelling doggy shampoop, gives me a little sudsy massage and washes it all off, gives me more treats, drys me with a towel, cleans my ears and eyes, check me all over and brushes me, gives me more treats .... you see why I like my Spa days???
    Love, Licks and Hugs from your furiend Frank xxxxxxx

  4. Baths are the price we play for having free reign at the river. We don't like them, but we just walk into the laundry room when we get home and suffer it. Otherwise we aren't allowed inside.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. WOW! That "lion" was NOT about to allow his peep to give him a bath! Just play limp or practically dead and let the dead weight fatigue her! are so silly.

  6. We run away as soon as we here the word bath. That dog has a good protest going on! Lee and Phod

  7. MOL MOL MOL Molly your look lovely wet!!

    The video is about limp as a noodle.
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  8. That's a good strategy, but it won't work for me since I'm so small, Mommy just picks me up when it's bath time.


  9. MOL fur sure but no real water baths for me please!

  10. Oh me and mags like our bathtime...gussie tries to jump out of the sink which is dangerous cos mom said he could break his fool neck!!!! I often throw a tantrum if i don't get to go first.
    stella rose

  11. I love baths. I'm looking forward to it every week.

  12. I feel sorry for Mr. Lion, but after all he had a good plan to avoid a bath, sadly it wasn't successful. Have a nice thursday dear Molly.

  13. Water Boarding FUR SURE. We tolerate it... and that is all.

  14. Molly!!!
    My dear friend!! How are you?
    I missed you so much, sorry my long absence but now i'm finally back!
    Oh, yes! I hate bathtime!! I try to escape every time but without success...
    Have a nice day!
    Woof, woof,


  15. I don't mind a bath, I like water, Hazel tolerates it but Bailey will try to run and hide
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  16. Passive resistance! Wrigs was taking notes.

    Susan and Wrigs

  17. Here's my story and I's stickin to it.......WEENIES HATE WATER!


  18. WATER BOARDING !!!!!!!! Heck - we won't even step in a puddle!!!!

  19. My guys LOVE to swim but a bath is the biggest insult EVER!

  20. Molly, I lovs your Wet 'n Wild look. Very sexy.

  21. We hope that lady had to have a bath after all that hard work trying to drag her dog to the spa!!! She is lucky that dog was so tolerant:)

    Molly, we like your new spa do:)

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  22. Baths are EVIL!!!! No matter how much Cam tries to convince me otherwise -- they're EVIL!!!
    Play bows,

  23. Lol that dog is too cute. Shiner has never tried that method on me before. But she will do the "I'm not budging" thing. That's when I pick her up lol. But now I just throw a treat in the shower and she'll go get it hehe.

  24. Oh poor Molly! We hear you - bath time comes and we run and hide. Have a gorgeous day!

  25. Oh my Miss Molly by Golly ~ Gabby Terrier gets the most baths in our house because she is fond of rolling on dead earthworms ~ she eats them too YUK
    From Cricket and Jayda ,Willow's smarter non earth worm eating or yucky rolling, dogs!

  26. Do you get the afterbath crazies as well?
    Love Noodles

  27. It seems I was the only one who could bath our dog Boots at my mums and I was the only one who could Spray him with front line too (before they did it in spot on)He didn't like but he knew I was still going to do it no matter what he did so in the end he wouldn't make to much of a fuss,xx Rachel

  28. Three out of Three Kitties ALL AGREE: Waterboarding.

  29. Love the video! Our dogs resist baths, but love it once they start.

  30. We've never been dragged into the bathroom for a bath, thank doG!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  31. Nothing better than swimming and playing in water BUT a bath is not water, it is a torture...I do not enjoy spa day!

  32. Indy was taking notes on that strategy.

    Critter Alley

  33. Oh, I can't let Rita see that. She hates baths! Poor kid had to have a bunch of them when she first came here too, cuz she had mange. :(

  34. Let me make this perfectly clear, I HATE BATHS!!!

    Loveys Sasha

  35. Muahaha, omd, that Chow Chow had it right Molly!! ;-) Make your pawrents work for the evil deed!! Domeek always sneaks up behind me when it's bath time, so I never know when it'll be done! Boo!! I just sit in the sink and angrily...then pathetically look at her! Never works!

  36. BOL!!! I (wally) don't mind being bathed too much but Sammy, oh dear he is NOT a fan!
    Have wonderful weekend Miss Molly xxx

  37. I try to hide when I think it's coming, and I occasionally try to jump out of the tub, but I usually just end up standing there... Tolerating it.

  38. Oh! I forgot to tell you about my Uncle Fergus (we sure miss him).

    He HATED bath time. He would run and hide as soon as he saw the peeps get the towels... EXCEPT for one variable... If his Dad was gonna bath him. Yep, is my grandpa got the towels, and told Fergie it was bath time he got EXCITED! He would RUN to the tub...

    Odd, eh?

  39. I may have to adopt this technique!

  40. The Staff tried to give me a bath once! Just the once! ;)

  41. Love the permanent perm... oh wait, that's your natural hair?

  42. I did not like that video. Dragging a dog by its legs is not a good idea.

  43. I too think there should be a better way than dragging the dog by its legs... Still I wouldn't blame them if all else had been tried!

    I don't like spa time either... But it's not the going in that's the worst part, it's the rubbing with a big fluffy thing! Eeek!
