Saturday, 31 August 2013

Flog It Blog It, At Last A Pen For Her!

BIC introduces a pen just for her says Molly The Wally!

BIC introduces a pen just for her!

It must have been a Eureka moment over at BIC when some enterprising designer came up with idea of a pen for her!  How have we ever managed without one I hear you ask? The pens which are promoted as designed to fit comfortably in a womans’ hand comes in an attractive barrel design, available in pink and purple. Advertised exclusively for women, one version promises smooth writing and are the perfect companion for any writer. We weep with emotion at the thought of those wonderful men at BIC thinking of our need for everything pink and girlie. We will no longer need to put up with the vulgar brutish black and blue of the He-Pen! Hurrah we can have colour coded to do lists and rainbow recipe cards. I can now pen entries into my unicorn stickers covered lockable diary. We can feel truly liberated and draw hearts and Smilies on everything. We wait with baited breath for BIC to manufacture a ‘Her’ keyboard and then we can use the computer too. Gosh where will it end? We will end up having jobs and voting before you know it. I am overcome with joy and my life in now complete! Thank you BIC for the advancement of lady writers everywhere, my shopping lists will be a source of inspiration to me from now on. 

Speaking of which The Back To School Bash has started over at Blogville and if you are not already a member pop over and join up and Sarge is decorating backpacks so stop over and put in your requests, mine is on a vermin theme surprisingly!

And thank you Mollie for our award.


  1. LOL, Molly! Hahahaha, truly, how did we ladies manage before this?

  2. Oh I like your award! Congrats! Your blog is completely addictive! Thank goodness we are gonna have pens for back-to-school. What would us ladies do without them??

  3. Congratulations on your award!!!

    My mom was THRILLED to read about the new Bic For Her pen -- almost as thrilled as when she saw the first tool set designed for women -- with a petite pink-handled hammer and other pink-handled tools. What will they think of next?!?!

    your pal,

  4. I didn't really pens needed to be gender specific... I think BIC should have made a dawg specific pen, I love to chew them but they really could work on the flavour of the ink, don't you think there is a market for beef and chicken flavoured pens??

  5. Molly pink is your color! You look beautiful
    Madi your Bfff

  6. Now that I think about it, why yes, my pen has been uncomfortable all these years.... BOL!


  7. FINALLY, a man thought of a woman FIRST before thinking of himself!! Who would have thunk it!

    Thanks for alerting us to these new girlie pens Molly. I'm glad you got all dressed up for the occassion.

    Lily Belle

  8. Oi Molly!
    Você está linda toda de rosa!!!
    Parabéns pelo prêmio!

    Super beijos e tudo de bom pra você =**

  9. I know! I thought it was ridiculous that Bic came up with the idea of a pen for "her"! Of course it is nice that Bic recognizes that women like pink and purple ink but not every woman feels the same way!
    Thanks for pawticipating in the Silly Saturday Photo Caption Contest today! Your caption was too funny!

  10. I know! I thought it was ridiculous that Bic came up with the idea of a pen for "her"! Of course it is nice that Bic recognizes that women like pink and purple ink but not every woman feels the same way!
    Thanks for pawticipating in the Silly Saturday Photo Caption Contest today! Your caption was too funny!

  11. My Lady likes to write in different coloured pens at work. She says it is easier to keep things straight in her notebook if the ink is different colours.

    I wonder if the pink ones taste different then the black ones?

    Happy writing. Love crazy Hailey and Zaphod

  12. Congratulations!!! Like your saturday-outfit!!!

  13. Too bad they didn't make them in red....

    Maybe the keyboard will come in that color! ;)

  14. i saw that headline on msn this week and just sighed... :) great post!

  15. Molly you are just so fashion forward and beautiful in pink!

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Oh Molly,

    I can tell from your picture that you were just waiting for the final touch - a Girlie pen - to make you life complete!!

    Have a fun day buddy - loved the post :)

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  17. Lovely outfit ;) I'm sure that pen would look lovely all chewed up in my mouth ;)
    Well done on the award!!!

    Milo :)

  18. Molly, Mama is so happy to hear that finally she will be able to use a pen. Never has she used one before - they were only designed for men. As a child she would stare with longings at the boys using their pens. It was hard for her to get through college with no pens, but somehow she did it. She wants all the girls of the next generations to has full pen privilidges, it is finally happening!


  19. You mean I know longer have to use the crazy mans keyboard to type?

    Your Furends
    Susie & Recliner Bites

  20. Habrá que comprar esos bolis de escritura suave para mujeres. Preciosa con los rulos.

  21. OMG this was hilarious! Give me a good 'ol MANLY black pen any day! :)

  22. I want those pens too! Need them desperately!

    Love Molly's outfit!

  23. Molly. youz neally as Pretty as Mez :)I loves ya and youz makes me laff each day :) xx00x

  24. Oh hurray. Mum can have her own pen at last instead of the horrid men's ones. She wonders if they have made left handed pens yet? Hehehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  25. Molly, you look so fabulous! I'm so happy about these pen for her! I think they were inspired by ME! I love pink and I have small paws...and now every woman can learn how to write...
    Licks from Pink

  26. Congrats on your award! You look great!

  27. Molly....
    First off, this picture cracks me up!! You look like some spoiled rotten diva, girl!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;-}
    Secondly, this Blog post cracked me up!! I have hardly ever been the "girlie" type, myself!! Come on. I am the one who spend my Summer impersonating Iron Man!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;-D
    Congrats on earning your award!! ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  28. Concats on the award! But...mowzers, a PEN...for HER!?!?

  29. Molly, I can only imagine how lovely you are going to look when those rollers come out. Pink is your color girl. Oh my pens for her, will they let us have our own car keys soon??? Do you think they will make special door knobs, beclaws obviously they are all made for men only. Toothbrushes, combs, oh where does it end. Maybe we will finally be out of the dark ages and belong!!

    Loveys Sasha

  30. Molly, Rooina is asking where you shop for your fabulous attire. She has some special garb needs for some crazy thing she's gotten involved in. Do share your fashion diva secrets with her before she drives me nuts!

    So glad you gals have your own pens now. Perhaps mine will last longer now that you don't need to borrow them ;)

    Waggin at ya,

  31. PeeS: Thanks for the Sunday plug for the POTP site :D

    Waggin at ya,

  32. Perfect for writing in your diary and jotting down all those recipes!

  33. You look positively radiant,darling!
    A girl in her Sunday best.

  34. I guess before we just had to have our significant others to write for us with their manly pens? :)


    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  35. Hi Molly,

    You've got me in a purple haze, sheer delight a pink bic, the he black bic is no more, time girls to conquer the world, colour the world girlie pink. The world would a better place as most of our troubles are caused by HE BICS........say no more!

  36. I'm off to trade in my he-pen right now. However did I draw those little hearts dotting my "i"s without one?

  37. I love colored ink! Poor boys...they're not allowed to use the pretty colors.

  38. Wow, what a modern invention! Now I know why the cave paintings were made by guys , because the ladies had NO pen :o) Have awonderful saturday, dear Molly

  39. That is a very nice pen and a very nice award sweet Molly!

  40. You gave me my first laugh of the day (and not at all a ladylike one). Too funny!

    Critter Alley

  41. MOL Have you seen the comments for this on Amazon? Spectacular!! xx

  42. I'd love to read your diary, especially if they're written with one of those cute pens. Also, congratulations on the award.

  43. BOL It's a Lady Bic!! You always make me laugh, Molly.
    Have a great weekend!

  44. Hmmmm....Let's see! I bet that BIC was just overtaken by women and all the men are now seeking unemployment!


  45. Interesting. Pens for Her. What will they come up next.

  46. Hey Molly
    Speaking of school...we have all types of public schools around here, traditional, Aug-May, modified traditional, no clue of their hours, year around and so on and so on. How do the public schools work in UK?

  47. For years I've wondered why they don't make pens for women! Jk jk... I think some of the funny products they are coming up with these days are the ones that are tailored for men. Those usually give me a good laugh... like meggings lol.

  48. Molly....
    Cool!! I remember this post!! ;op
    --Raelyn and Rose

  49. OH WOW, now we are really going to have to rush out and buy a pack of them.... do they work in all weather's and on the beach, in the park ? Do they work while on the run chasin squirrels :-) ? LUVS :-) x Freya Rose Blossom X

  50. You sure have the "girly" going on today! Love it!

  51. Oh how exciting! Special pens just for us girls. Now we lady writers can express ourselves.
    We wonder if anyone has told Bic that women have been using computers, smart phones and tablets for keeping notes and making lists? Apparently not. The pen business must be sagging low. MOL!

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  52. Congratulations on the award Mollie,

    Wow girl pens!!! Do you think it's ok for us boys to use them too? I loves pretty colours...


  53. I always wondered why I could never get a pen to work properly... now I see it's because I am a girl! *cringes*

    ....I wonder who is getting fired over in the ideas department at Bic this week?? lol

    Thanks for the smile Molly, hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  54. Molly you look exactly like me when I put hair rollers in my hair!!!!

  55. LOL that is funny. I would like a nice girly mint green one please. :)

  56. You had me laughing over here Molly, imagine the possibilities!!
